Elgin United Church Council
Devotional Thought – January 8, 2022
I love how the Lord reaches out and blesses us, right when we least expect it. Let me share with you my experience from this week.
Moving is difficult for most of us. And when you are a private person with a young family, who have lived in the shadow of difficult neighbours, moving to an unknown area can be overwhelming and more than a little intimidating. But just when it is most needed, I believe God intercedes and our lives are changed and touched by His love.
Helping this family in the moving process I was praying all the way that when they reached their new home, there would be a sign given them that their move was the right thing. And lo and behold, we had hardly parked the moving van in the yard, when the next-door neighbours were there, welcoming and introducing themselves.
After an hour or so the neighbour left in his car – and returned with coffee, hot chocolate and Timbits for all. This family was overwhelmed with the generosity and friendly banter from their neighbour. Before many hours had passed, they had met the neighbours on both sides, the people across the street, and numerous people driving by, waving to them. The fact that it was -17 degrees didn’t stop many neighbours from stopping and talking and sending out welcome vibes, as well as to jovially remind this young family that a trip to the nearest Walmart might be in order – they would need warmer clothing to live in this town!
Now this family is one you know, but you were unaware of their whole situation. Our church secretary, Annette, has carried this heavy burden for almost 15 years for her son and his family. Many of you have prayed for her. We have complained (at least I have), about the COVID situation. But I share with you that, for this family, and the changes in the housing market, they were able to sell their home and secure a new one, in a whole new town. Their lives are being transformed even as you read this devotional thought.
God answers prayers in unforeseen ways, at bewildering times, and certainly when we least expect it. Psychologists say that moving is one of the most stressful situations you will face and I know this to be true. But as a believer in our God’s power, I can assuredly say that in this confusing, perplexing part of this young family’s life our God has come through for them.
And I wanted to share with you, my church family and friends, that your prayers for Annette and her family have been answered and we give thanks to God for His unfailing love.
Liz Church
Pastoral Care Coordinator
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge