Arlyce Schiebout (Rev)
“As of December 31, 2021, I retired from pastoral ministry appointments including that of charge supervision for EPPC. I am thankful for the courtesy that the charge and councils have offered to me in this time together.
The Regional Council Pastoral Relations team has selected a new supervisor for the charge, and that information will be shared with your leadership groups and you very soon.
I will continue to remember Elgin Portland Pastoral Charge as it strives to bring health and hope in mutual witness by living the gospel message. I have observed how you live God’s mission, its impact on your communities, and the visible witness of God’s love in action.
Paraphrasing Bud Phillips, “no church is the complete image of Christ’s ministry, each church is unique in its service, and the good that a church does strengthens me, and the good that I do strengthens the churches”.
May grace abound in Elgin Portland Pastoral Charge as it strives to bring health and hope as United communities of faith with joy-filled worship and service.
Blessings all around,
Arlyce Schiebout (Rev)
The Pastoral Relations Commission has named JoAnne Fletcher as the Pastoral Charge Supervisor for the Elgin-Portland Pastoral Charge.
Rev. Whitman Strong
BA; BEd; MDiv; ThM; Cert. Conflict Resolution/Mediation Regional Minister for Pastoral Relations Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council The United Church of Canada
37 Franklin St, Carleton Place ON K7C 1R6
1-800-268-3781 x6148
The Oxford Dictionary defines “Retirement” as: “the period of one’s life after leaving one’s job and ceasing to work.”
We wish Rev. Arlyce all the best as she begins this new chapter of her life.
Portland United Church Council
Devotional Thought – January 15, 2022
Ohhh… it is so difficult to get out of my own way these days. The dreary days of winter have set in and all I want to do is curl up under a fuzzy, warm blanket and veg. And believe me, I’ve done enough of that since I returned from my holiday in Nova Scotia!
With all New Year’s Resolutions behind me, I’m starting again! Here’s how my conversations, to myself, have been going: “No, don’t sit down and turn on the TV! You have reports to send in. No, don’t go out to the Mall, you have laundry to get done! No, you can’t do that yet, you have phone calls to make, supper to prepare, vacuuming to do and, and, and……!”
Can you relate to any of this rant! And try as I might, this conversation happens far too often at the moment. But as I sit to share with you during this time, I am reminded of so many blessings that are in my life – health, home, family, friends, shelter, safety, love, laughter. As the list increases, my spirit begins to lift and then it soars, and my heart pours out praises to God. My blessings are innumerable, and I start to pray and give thanks and cry and laugh and smile and I am once more renewed and refreshed and reminded of what I have to do:
Prayer gently lifts me to highest Heaven,
From earth’s confusion to Jesus’ presence
My sin and weakness, my doubt and sorrow,
Are lost forever in sweetest rest!
My thoughts are now in Scripture, and they go to the story, in Acts 3, where a man who couldn’t walk was begging at the Temple gate. He begged Peter and John for money. The words Peter speaks to this man still gives me Spirit bumps and a lump in my throat: ‘In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!’ And the man, according to verse 8, went walking and leaping and praising God!!!
My friends – believe me when I say that we can do miraculous things in the name of Jesus. So, as you turn on the music and dance around your home, getting the mundane tasks accomplished, focus afresh on the power of the Lord and great things will happen! Right where you are at this moment, give thanks and start leaping and let your light shine so others will see the glory of God.
Peace and love to each of you,
Liz Church
Pastoral Care Coordinator
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge