2022-01-22 Weekly E-News

Elgin Council

Elgin Council wish Rev. Arlyce much health and happiness in her retirement. We appreciated working with her these past months.

Blessings, Elgin United Church Council


CONGRATULATIONS to Cindy and Greg Carbino on the birth of their beautiful new grandson on January 10th! Barrett Wayne (8lbs. 15oz.) was a special gift to proud parents Shannon (Carbino) and Mac Montgomery of Peterborough, and the whole family is healthy and happy.

Welcome to this world, little one, and may the good Lord bless and keep you.


Portland United Church

At the Portland United Church Council meeting on January 19, it was agreed that Portland United Church will remain closed for in person services through February 13.  That will provide adequate time to review the status of school openings and the ongoing impact of the Omicron variant.  The Council will meet again on Thursday, February 10 and determine if the church will reopen for in person worship on February 20.

My two-year term as chair of the Portland United Church has now completed and I am resigning to make way for a new Council Chair.  It has been an honour to serve as your Council Chair for the past 2 years and I would like to thank you all for your ongoing support.  The turnout at the Joint Congregational Meeting on August 22 was truly inspirational for me and clearly showed how much you all think of your Portland United Church.  My biggest regret is that the Profile Committee Recommendation was not accepted after it was approved at the August 22 meeting.  My apologies for not being able to have a more significant impact on the approval process associated with the Profile Committee Recommendation.

Hansen Downer


Camp Director, Camp Awesome, Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council

Job Number: 22-09
Opening/Closing Date: January 18, 2022 to January 28, 2022

It is a summer program which runs full time during the  summer months and a part time position the rest of the year. Program is based out of Ottawa and hoping for the program to be in person.  Refer to the link for further details.  If you know someone that may fit the job description, please share the link.  Hopefully, in the future a similar program will be up and running for our young people in this area.



Devotional Thought – January 22, 2022

There is no better time than now to remind you how much I DO NOT LOVE WINTER! And this week was a good reminder. After the initial shock of having about two and a half feet of snow (which is half my height) falling gently down to the ground, I can say, with honesty, it wasn’t as bad as I thought! Because — I am retired! I stayed in all day; no places to run to, no worry about appointments, no one needing me, or wanting me to leave my home! So nice – and of course, just a little tongue in cheek! Because, come Tuesday, reality set in! Unless I want to walk everywhere, then I have to dig out my car.

And so, I donned my winter gear and headed out into the winter wonderland. It will come as no surprise to you that I was not alone! The joy of friendship, the sharing of experience, was evident. For the next two hours four ladies (and I must say, ambitious ladies) worked together with George, our snow removal guy, and cleaned almost every car in our parking lot. We shoveled out the snow from behind the cars, moved the cars, and George did the snow blowing. Exhausted but still exhilarated, we finished and looked at our work and it was great!

The thought that keeps coming to mind is, spiritually, we so often tackle the Lord’s work with the same lackluster frame of mind. We dread sharing the Gospel message! But then we are nudged to take up the challenge. In Ephesians 6: 10-18 we are given everything we need. We are dressed for the occasion. Spelled out so clearly for us, the task would seem straightforward, even effortless. We have the tools, we see the task, and we just have to jump in and accomplish it.

But just as with shoveling snow, it’s not as easy as it first seemed. Dressing for the cold is totally different than dressing to stand against evil. And I have to say, a lot more daunting than 2 ½ feet of snow! Can you see yourself, standing your ground? Picture it – the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, footwear with the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the Sword of the Spirit.

Perhaps, as you picture this, you are feeling overwhelmed. But I can assure you, you can do it! The mountains of adversity can be thrown aside. The clutter of naysayers’ words will be swept aside because you are prepared, you are ready. And I say to you – ‘Get out there and get started. And you will be exhilarated as you share with others!’

Peace and love to each of you,

Liz Church

Pastoral Care Coordinator

Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge