2022-02-05 Weekly E-News

Official Board News   

After a couple of years of being short on elected officials we finally have some good news.

Someone from Elgin has stepped up and will run for the Chair of the O.B. and someone from Portland has stepped up to stand for secretary of the official board. We just don’t have anyone that wants to be treasurer.

These positions will be voted on at the O.B.  AGM. Others can be nominated for those positions at the AGM meeting from the floor and then voted on.

As I was A/Chair when Cam became Chair I will chair the AGM portion of the meeting and run the election of new officers unless someone objects. I will turn the meeting over to the new chair to run the regular meeting.

At the moment the Official Board AGM is scheduled for Wednesday the 23rd of March and unless something changes in the Covid situation will be via zoom.

Treasurer EPPC

Elgin United Church

On February 2nd, Community Partnerships Convener, Cindy Carbino and Council Chair, Clinton Halladay presented cheques of $525 each to Rideau District High School and South Crosby Elementary School. The donations are a sharing of proceeds from the Elgin United Church on-line auction and are designated to support students who will benefit from financial assistance. Thank you to all who made our on-line auction a success and contributed to these worthy cause. Community Committed, Community Strong!

Clint Halladay

Chair, EUC

EUC Community Check-in

Our prayers are with Dave and Marion Cooper as Dave undergoes back surgery next week. Your EUC friends are thinking of you and sending our love and best wishes for a speedy recovery.


Portland United Church

As previously announced, Hansen downer has resigned as Chair of the PUC council at the last meeting. Council would ask you to extend your appreciation for the enthusiastic leadership over the last 2 years. The situations created by Covid -19, departure of a minister, activities surrounding the Profile report all led to a very active and demanding time. During this time some of the more positive accomplishments include the approval of a Policy Manual, procedure for handling the Benevolent Fund during the absence of a minister, establishment of a group focused on growing the congregation.  Thank-you Hansen.

Katy Gibson has agreed to take on the role of Chair until the Annual General Meeting. The date, although not set, is expected to be in late March early April.  If you, or if you know of someone who is interested in this role, please bring it to the attention of Katy.

Other positions looking for a volunteer is someone to replace Sheila, and as Secretary with the UCW.

We welcome JoAnne Fletcher to our Charge. JoAnne will be our Pastoral Charge Supervisor for the Elgin-Portland Pastoral Charge in the coming months replacing Rev. Arlyce Schiebout.

Anita Cox, the new Treasurer for Portland United Church, has also agreed to review the 2021 Financial Statements on behalf of the Congregation.  This will not only serve a required annual function but afford some training on how the system works (or doesn’t). Thank-you Anita.

By now you should have received your 2021 Tax receipt in the mail.  If this is not the case, or if you have questions, please contact Norma Cummings.

Council is meeting on February 10 to review our status re In Person Church services. Wouldn’t it be nice if the situation has improved enough to resume regular services?

May everyone stay safe and healthy in the coming week.

Your Portland United Church Council

Devotional Thought – February 5, 2022

Winter time blahs have a habit of settling in right around now. And I have to admit, it sneaks up on us, even though we know it’s coming around the same time every year. Like knowing there is someone’s birthday approaching and then having to go out and buy a belated birthday card (I know this must be true because Hallmark have made some incredibly beautiful ones, which I admit I have bought a few times)!

Along with these winter blahs, I believe I have found a remedy for them – PERSPECTIVE! And do you know why I believe this to be true? Think about it. If you can busy yourself with a project, the blahs are less. If you need to shovel snow, you don’t have time to worry about winter blahs; you have to use your energy to do the task at hand. If you decide to do some baking, you chase away the blahs with the sweet aroma of your baking or cooking. And you send cheer to those around you by sharing your sweet treats or a meal with them.

So, I guess we can say the cure for winter blahs is Personal. Depending on the outlook you take, winter blahs provide us with so many opportunities. As I gaze out my window these days, I can see the Big Rideau Lake. And on that lake, there are so many activities happening. We have the Portland Oval for skating, the fish huts, snowmobiles. People enjoy walking out there as well. All this is to say, when the occasion arises, we need to take the opportunity to be a part of it.

Now, for someone like me, that is not my vibe. But I really love to interact with people. So, my perspective on this whole winter ‘blah’ thing, is to visit friends, play some games, build a puzzle, and of course, enjoy a ‘cuppa’. I would add to this my joy of reading. Immerse yourself in a book, challenge yourself with writing out all the promises of God, list your blessings, and before you know it, winter will end, spring will come and your journey will continue.

I have no real plans, but I do know the Maker of Plans. And I get excited as I start each day knowing that whatever my day holds, God holds my hand. When the valleys seem too deep and the mountains too high, I begin to sing. And the song God gives me chases away the blah feeling. It may take some time, but I know that before long my soul will be uplifted and the day will be brighter. Claim this promise and you too will have found the secret to joyful living – God will make the difference in your life and you will make a difference to others.

Peace and love to each of you,

Liz Church

Pastoral Care Director

Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge