Elgin United Church
Elgin United is excited about resuming in-person worship on Sunday, February 20th. Join us as we welcome Norma Wrightly as our worship leader.
Mark your calendar for February 25th. Elgin United’s take-out, free (pay-what-you-can) chili dinner. Pick up at the church from 4:30 – 6:00 while supplies last.
Wayne Kerr is recovering nicely from knee replacement surgery. Your best wishes and prayers will be appreciated.
Clint Halladay, EUC Chair
Portland United Church
We look forward to welcoming you back to church on Sunday, February 20th for our 9:15 a.m. service. We welcome Norma Wrightly to lead our service.
Please remember we have to wear our masks and observe the social distancing requirements.
Portland Council
I great big thank you to David French and Allison Gibson who shared with scripture reading and Alex Price and her gift of music on Sunday February 13th joining with youth from Lansdowne and Inverary/Battersea United Churches as Rev Heather McLurg Murphy and husband Chris presented a Spirit led Valentine Love Service via zoom.
Too often we are so overwhelmed with the world, but I think we should be encouraged by our youth that are willing to embrace new opportunities, new ways of doing education, doing church and yes doing life. May each of these young continue to be a blessing for all of us. Stay tuned for our next update in weeks to come. If still wanting to check out the past service, it has been recorded on Storington Pastoral Charge You Tube. Thanks to all the tuned in.
Cathy Ryan
Rainbow Youth Hub Program
Emmanuel UC received funding to begin the Rainbow Youth Hub a program to support LGBTQ2+ Youth (ages 12-18) in response to a need in the East end of Ottawa. They will be hosting the first program night on March 4th at the church from 6pm-8pm. Roxanne Akhtar (Youth Leader, Parkdale United Church) will be mentoring the group and bringing her experience as staff for the Mental Health Commission of Canada, and prominence as a DJ within the LGBTQ2+ music scene in Ottawa. This program will focus on supporting good mental health practises, offer art workshops such as fused glass and collage and of course snacks.
If you’ve read this far you might be wondering “Sounds great, but now what?”. Well, The Rainbow Youth Hub needs your help and support spreading the word.
Option 1
Share this poster and details with your congregation/community of faith.
Option 1 +
Share the poster and details with your congregation/community of faith AND contact those who may have an interest in attending or having their youth participate.
Option 2
Interested in learning more about this project and how to offer it in your part of the Region. Contact ellenbrohman@gmail.com
NB: Registering for this program is vital in order to build and maintain a safe spaces covenant (and manage the quantity of snacks needed 😉). Youth can register at rainbowhubottawa@gmail.com.
Dana Ducette
Minister, Youth and Young Adults (YAYA)
Eastern Ontario and Outaouais Regional Council 12 (EOOR )
Devotional Thought – February 19, 2022
Don’t you just love when you receive a gift that you can’t put down. That has been my experience this week. It’s a book, of course. And the title is both intriguing and mesmerizing. The book is called “Becoming Fully Human – The Greatest Glory of God”! It’s one of those books that you want to underline a quote, so you can come back to it later. But then you realize that every line has words that you want to remember and it looks a bit silly to underline every page. After all, I own the book!
I am always asking God to show me, teach me, guide me. When I share with you each week, I want you not only to be blessed but to see spiritual growth. So, with this in mind, here is a quote from Rabbi Nahman of Bratslav, “If you won’t be better tomorrow than you were today, then what do you need tomorrow for?” Rather sobering words, right? Words that kinda stop you in your tracks! What does this mean to you, for you?
So often, we compare ourselves to another person. We struggle with our relationship with God. We question what this life means and why we struggle. And we look at other people and we think they have it all together. And we want to have their lives for a few days, so that your own life seems better. Well, I hate to remind you, but that is not how it works! I once read a poster about the 7 Rules of Life. And one of them said, “DON’T COMPARE – the only person you should try to beat is the person you were yesterday.”
Was yesterday ‘one of those days’ that you never want to live again? Did you stumble, struggle, fall down? Did you get back up, only to fall again? Are you discouraged, lonely, ashamed? I want to remind you of the words in our More Voices Hymn Book, ‘Don’t be afraid, My love is stronger, My love is stronger than your fear. Don’t be afraid. My love is stronger and I have promised, promised to be always near.”
You may have tomorrow. Take heart. Your relationship with those around you and with your God is always alive and changing. While there is breath, there is hope. And my hope is built on Christ, the Solid Rock. Wayne Dyer, motivational speaker, said this, “Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.”
My challenge to you this week, is to live life to the full and always remember the footsteps you don’t see are yours, because God is carrying you through this part of your journey.
Peace and love to each of you,
Liz Church
Pastoral Care Director
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge