Elgin United Church
Due to the extremely nasty weather into Friday afternoon, and with a view to your safety navigating roads that may not have been plowed, the free-will, take-out chili dinner at Elgin United Church was moved to Monday, February 28th, 4:30-6. Let’s close out February with a bowl and roll! See you then, stay safe and well.
Elgin United Church Council
Portland United Church
Welcome back. We were thrilled to see so many familiar faces last week!
This Sunday we warmly welcome Barb Dejeet to lead us in worship.
Tuesday, March 1 is Shrove Tuesday so you might want to plan on some pancakes that day. It was two years ago that we celebrated Shrove Tuesday in Portland, hosting our last Community Lunch just before everything shut down. Wednesday, March 2, is Ash Wednesday and we begin our Lenten journey. Next Sunday, March 6 is the first Sunday in Lent and Rev. Kathy Walton will be leading us in a Communion service. Please try to remember to bring your own juice and cracker (but we always have extras for those who forget.)
Trustees meet Sunday after church.
PUC Council meets on Tuesday, March 8 at 7 p.m. in the Hall
We are looking for ushers and scripture readers so please sign up on the sheets on the bulletin board.
Portland United Church Council
Devotional Thought – February 26, 2022
My sister-in-law is extremely creative. She can look at a piece of ribbon and see a myriad of uses for it. She has the added advantage of living in close proximity to a Mennonite community and she volunteers in a Thrift Store. Her mind is stimulated constantly to repurpose whatever she can.
As a member of the United Church in her community, she has taken on the mission to assist Refugees in their acclimatization to Canada. It would seem like each step in her journey at this moment has come together in a beautiful gift of reaching God’s people. And if you talk with Lene, you would soon realize she is quite oblivious of the amazing woman she is. She just sees the need and responds. But whether she is completely unaware of her influence, or not, she is making a difference in the lives she has touched. She has reached out to show complete strangers they are loved. She has met them at their deepest need and she has developed a relationship between her and these families as they struggle with adjustments in their new life, their new country.
Added to these observations have been the shared stories around the supper table. When their children were at home, they often brought home young people who were destitute, without parents, or just needing a listening ear. My nieces and nephews knew all these people were welcome into their surroundings, no judgement, only love and care.
While I have been visiting with my brother, Frank, and Lene, this past week, I have been challenged within myself. Am I making a difference in someone’s life? And how can I do this?
With these thoughts running around in my head I ask, in honesty, do I live a purpose-filled life? And if I feel that I’m doing OK in this area, are there some new opportunities I can cultivate? New challenges to work on?
Ephesians 2:10 really gives the reason for me to ponder my Christian life. It says: ‘For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
As we begin to center again around worship, fellowship and all that goes with being a church family, I am really anticipating with joyful eagerness to see where we are going and to brave new encounters with the people God has prepared to meet us.
What surprises are you looking for?
Peace and love to each of you,
Liz Church
Pastoral Care Director
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge