2022-03-12 Weekly E-News

Spring ahead – time change comes this weekend

Days will start getting longer after this weekend, as Sunday morning is time to reset your clocks for Daylight Saving Time.

While phones and most electronic devices connected to a network will change automatically, the old fashioned (and reliable) analogue models, those on coffee makers and on stoves and microwaves will have to be switched.

Don’t forget your car too.

Elgin United Church

We have learned Millie Simpson is in the Perth Hospital, please keep her in your prayers.

Elgin United’s Caring and Sharing Outreach in action.  On March 17th we are delivering a soup and sandwich lunch for the residents of the Elgin Apartments who were displaced by a fire last fall.

We are partnering with the Rideau Lakes Swans to present a take-out dinner on March 26th, from 4:30 – 6:00 pm at the Elgin Community Centre. A delectable menu of ham, scalloped potatoes, baked beans, dinner roll and choice of apple or pumpkin pie will be available for $15.

The Jesse Tree was “planted” in the sanctuary Sunday March 6th,  your contributions during lent will help in grow in support of our World Vision foster child Zyra Joy. Thank you.

A reminder we will have a short information session with Qs & As concerning the Rideau Lakes Early Learning Centre expansion proposal after church March 20th.  Please stay, hear the plans and pose your questions.

Our Annual Congregational Meeting (ACM) is scheduled for after church March 27th. This is your opportunity to review the reports of our 2021 activities, vote for members of your council, and participate in the planning of our (your) future. This is a vital meeting as we discuss repurposing and repairing our building, our mission and community outreach, and what our vision is moving ahead. Your voice matters, so please attend and participate.

Elgin United Church Council

Clint Halliday


ELGIN: It’s that time of year again to renew our subscriptions to the Broadview magazine.  The price has remained the same as last year, $25.00, group rate.  I will be taking orders for new and renewing subscriptions until the end of April but would appreciate hearing from you ASAP.. Thanks for your cooperation. Sandra Smith


Portland United Church

Please join me in wishing the following people a Happy Birthday!  March 12 – Sylvia French celebrates her 80th; March 13 – Sheila Campbell; March 14 – Larry Cochran.  God bless you all and we wish you a happy and healthy year ahead!  To have your important dates included in the E-News, please drop a note to Connie Cochran at portlandparadise55@gmail.com

This Sunday we welcome Norma Wrightly into the pulpit for our 9:15 service.  Hope to see you there!

The UCW will meet for the first time this year on Tuesday, March 15 at 1:30 downstairs.  Everyone welcome!

On Sunday, April 3rd we will have our Annual Congregational Meeting after the service.  It will be a brief, but important, meeting.  A light lunch (homemade soup and rolls) will follow downstairs.

Our Official Board meeting will take place in Elgin on Thursday, March 24th at 7:00 p.m.

If you would like to lead a service, or have the name of someone who would, please let Norma Cummings know.  She would be delighted to help you.

A huge thank you to Liz Church and Annette Clarke for making the lapel pins for both churches in support of the Ukrainian people.  Our prayers are with them.

Portland Council


Devotional Thought – March 12, 2022

LENT – Transfiguration – Matthew 17: 1-8; Mark 9:2-8; Luke 9: 28-36

How many times must we hear about change? Has there been any topic more discussed during these past 2 years? And how many ways can we apply this word to ourselves without wanting to scream?

And yet, I think of the fact of Spring coming, and everyone is ready for change! I feel excitement within as I sit and write to you. That itchy, can’t sit still feeling! Expectation, newness of life, just around the corner, the signs already appearing in the sights and sounds around us. And my heart leaps for joy. That ‘butterflies in your stomach’ kind of feeling.

My thoughts keep returning to that day we know about from so long ago. The day those three disciples, Peter, James, and John, were asked to climb the mountain and there they witnessed God and humans coming together.

Now I don’t know about you but the thought of climbing this ‘hill’, at this point in my life, is daunting. So then, I wanted to think of another way to celebrate this day. I’ve got it – a treadmill! Standing on the treadmill and slowing walking my paces. But now I have to stop, and add the incline! The slow pace is almost a crawl. How in the world am I going to do this climb? Anyway, continue with me! Exhausted, we finally reach the top. Gazing around at the beauty, we become aware that it’s not normal up here. Something is happening that is extraordinary. Right before our eyes, we see Jesus, we see the prophets and we hear God. Now, I don’t know about you, but even as I continue writing, I can feel my heart pumping faster, my mind racing. What’s going on? Why am I here, Jesus? Tell me!

A cloud cover surrounds us, and yet it is so bright we must close our eyes! And then God speaking. Our Creator saying to us, ‘This is Jesus, my Son. Listen to Him!’ We are cowering on the ground, eyes tightly shut. And then Jesus touches our shoulder, and we are alone with Him on our mountain. And we are in awe. Everything seems to have returned to normal, but our lives have been changed!

On that day, the beloved followers of Jesus were changed. On this day, thousands of years later, we too are changed.  Knowing what we know now, how do we move forward? And I say to each of you, and to myself – It is Jesus, listen to Him!

Sing these words by Fernando Ortega, Maranatha Music. Be blessed and be transformed:

Open my eyes, Lord, I want to see Jesus;

To reach out and touch Him, and say that I love Him!

Open my ears, Lord, and help me to listen!

Open my eyes, Lord, I want to see Jesus.

Peace and love to each of you,

Liz Church

Pastoral Care Director

Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge