2022-03-26 Weekly E-News

Elgin Portland Pastoral Charge would like to welcome;

Barb DeJeet, LLWL March 27th, 2022 and

Rev. Kathy Walton April 3rd, 2022

Elgin United Church

Plan on ham, scalloped potatoes, baked beans and pie for supper/dinner Saturday. Take out at the Elgin Community Hall, 4:30 – 6 pm $15. Brought to you by Elgin United Church and the Rideau Lakes Swans. See you there.

Happy Birthday to Jessica Gordanier and Dylan Carbino who are celebrating this week.

Joanne McLean is home from hospital, recovering from surgery. We wish Joanne a complete and speedy recovery.



On March 17, our Caring and Sharing team provided and served a soup and sandwich lunch to the residents at the apartment complex in Elgin. Those who participated were most appreciative and we received several thank you cards, as well as a donation for our Jesse Tree fundraiser. It was a true blessing to be able to show them our support and to bring a special treat to them.

Jesse Tree- Our Jesse Tree stands as a symbol throughout Lent of our commitment to our World Vision foster child. Lent is a time for giving up and giving away, and our donations ensure that Zyra Joy and her community in the Philippines will know a brighter future.

A flower will be placed on the barren Jesse Tree to represent each month of funding that we receive. Currently our donations will only place 6 flowers on that barren tree. If you set aside just a loonie a day throughout Lent, you would have the $48 needed to cover one month of support! That is a small amount for us, but life changing for Zyra Joy.

Let us plant seeds of hope and fill the branches of our Jesse Tree with bright flowers for Easter!


ELGIN: It’s that time of year again to renew our subscriptions to the Broadview magazine.  The price has remained the same as last year, $25.00, group rate.  I will be taking orders for new and renewing subscriptions until the end of April but would appreciate hearing from you ASAP.. Thanks for your cooperation. Sandra Smith


Portland United Church

Barb DeJeet will be leading our service this week.  Welcome, Barb!

This Sunday, March 27 the new mask policy is in effect.  The choice is yours as to whether or not you wear a mask but we ask you to keep one with you in case your neighbour is wearing one and you might want to respect them by putting one on to chat.

The monthly Community Luncheons to raise funds for Country Roads Community Health Centre’s Flex Fund will begin on Tuesday, April 26 at 12:00 noon.  Everyone is welcome and there is no charge – a goodwill donation would be welcomed.  We have Tuesday, May 24th booked.  If you would like to volunteer to host a luncheon, please contact Connie Cochran at 613-220-7914 or portlandparadise55@gmail.com  Luncheons are the 4th Tuesday of each month.

A reminder to stay after church next Sunday, April 3rd for our Annual Congregational Meeting followed by a light lunch of soup, buns and sweets and coffee/tea downstairs after the meeting.

For those that have not received your copy of the Annual Report  please call Annette Clarke at the office 613-272-2002.

Portland United Church Council

Devotional Thought – March 26, 2022

LENT – 4th week – ‘Rejoice’

If you can imagine, this week leading up to Easter, we are called upon to rejoice, be happy, share joy. And of course, for many of us, we are rejoicing. Basically, no more masks, fewer restrictions, and all around us people are rejoicing. The weakening grip of COVID in our lives gives us back the sense that life will return to ‘normal’.

For our part of the world, this joy is evident. And yet, as Christians, we know this joy does not mean the absence of sorrow. We recognize that, although our world was created for love, millions are living in a place of hatred and despair. War zones continue to multiply and displaced people long for safety, food, shelter, word from a loved one left behind.

This then begs us to ask the question: “What can I do? How can I spread hope in a world that is hurting so much?” So many thoughts were swirling around in my head. And then I read these words: “Joy is not necessarily the absence of suffering, it is the Presence of God.”  Does that not just want to make you cry and cheer at the same time?!? I know what I can do; I can show Jesus. There are people hurting in the world out there. They need you. They need me. They need Christ!

Romans 15:13 is the promise we need for our life, right now! Claim it and share it:

“May the God of HOPE fill you with all JOY and PEACE as you TRUST in Him,

so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Peace and love to each of you,

Liz Church

Pastoral Care Director

Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge