ONE Night for Ukraine
An Evening of Worship and Prayer
Saturday, April 9 In Person and Online Join us on Saturday, April 9 at 7 pm CDT (8 pm EDT / 5 pm PDT) for a special night of worship and prayer in support of the millions of children and families affected by the ongoing crisis in Ukraine hosted by Bethel Community Church in Winnipeg, Manitoba! With music from the ONE Worship band and special guest, Jordan Janzen of The Color, we’ll lift our voices together to pray for a swift resolution to the conflict and restoration for Ukraine and the lives that have been impacted. |
Elgin United Church
Thank you to all who stayed and participated in our Elgin United Annual Congregational meeting on the 27th. Working together we accomplish much.
The Ham dinner on the 26th was a huge success. The Elgin United Church and Rideau Lakes Swans partnership served 131 take out dinners. Thank you to all who prepared food, helped serve and especially those who came for dinner. Community Committed, Community Strong.
Clint Halladay, EUC Chair
Easter lilies are available for Easter Sunday –
White Easter lilies for $20.00 and Pixie lilies (scent free) for $19.00 – several colors.
Please contact Joan Horsfall at 613-349-9770 if you’d like to purchase one.
Easter Week Services
April 10 – Palm Sunday services – PUC 9:15 a.m.; EUC 11:00 a.m.
led by Liz Church
April 14 – Maundy Thursday Joint Service – 7 p.m. at Elgin
with Communion, led by Rev. Kathy Walton
April 15 – Good Friday Joint Service – 7 p.m. at Portland
led by Liz Church
April 17 – Easter Sunday services – PUC 9:15 a.m.; EUC 11:00 a.m.
with Communion, led by Rev. Kathy Walton
Please note that Thursday and Friday are Joint Services
that both congregations are invited to attend.
Portland United Church
The Portland Trustees will greatly miss the rock-solid guidance and caring heart of Sheila McKeage. Sheila has submitted her resignation as a Trustee after many years of first ensuring Portland United Church was well situated financially for moving into the future. Sheila was instrumental in helping with our 2020 and Beyond campaign which saw donors collectively support our Long Term Investment Fund with an additional $30,000. Sheila served with Grace and her efforts have made all of us better people. Please join me in thanking her for these past services for the Glory of God.
Will French, Trustee Chair
Portland United Church
E-News April 2, 2022
Portland United Church
Our service this Sunday will be led by Rev Kathy Walton. We look forward to your participation in the Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, April 3rd after church, followed by fellowship and a light lunch consisting of several home-made soups, buns, a variety of sweets, tea and coffee downstairs. Please bring your copy off the Annual Report.
There are many opportunities to gather with our sister church over the Easter weekend and they are noted in this news bulletin. Hope to see you!
Our birthday wishes go out this past week to Will French, March 27th, Vicky Zwiers and Allison Gibson who celebrated on March 28th. Happy Birthday Will, Vicky and Allison!
Please keep Kathleen Seward in your prayers. She had a fall on Monday and was having hip surgery on Wednesday. We pray for a quick recovery!
Portland United Church Council
Devotional Thought – April 2, 2022
LENT – 5th week – ‘Letting Go & Letting God – Being Transformed’
There is no better time than Spring to talk about transformation. Every bud on a branch will change, sap running through the trees will be transformed; flowers will sprout up from the ground. The dead looking bulbs will burst forth in a myriad of colours. And we ourselves will feel changed. Our spirits lift, our smiles come more often, we feel refreshed and renewed.
So often we are afraid to take the leap. It doesn’t come easy to us – allowing ourselves to be open to the Holy Spirit. And yet that is what we do each time we focus on God and ask that we become more and more like Him. I am reminded of the transformation that you see in this picture. I wonder as we go through our own stages of transformation if we are afraid and perhaps tremble at the changes we see taking place. Are we prepared for them? As we curl up into our security blanket and eat our way through those tough times, do we believe that we will come out as the beautiful creature God has promised? Maybe you even feel that you are on the mountaintop and you’ve reached the pinnacle? You don’t need to grow, or change. You’ve arrived! Remember the expression that we need to learn something new every day? I like that.
In a world that changes so rapidly, will we ever be fully grown? This is what Scripture says in Romans 12:2 – “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” Simply put it means changing the way you think to create a better life for yourself and a life that honors God.
Transformation is everywhere. Let go and let God lead you. Be blessed and happy as you continue in your spiritual journey. Take hold of the possibilities and surprises. Be transformed!
Peace and love to each of you,
Liz Church
Pastoral Care Director
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge