2022-04-16 Weekly E-News

Easter Week Services

April 17 – Easter Sunday services – PUC 9:15 a.m.; EUC 11:00 a.m.

with Communion, led by Rev. Kathy Walton

We remind people to bring their juice and cracker to Communion in  both Elgin and Portland Sunday service.

Many thanks to Janet McKeage for volunteering to play the piano for us on Sunday at Portland and to Bonnie Bilton in Elgin.


Elgin Portland Pastoral Charge

May you, your family and loved ones be blessed as you celebrate the true meaning of Easter, from the sadness and somberness of Maundy Thursday, to the reflection of Good Friday to the joy of Easter Sunday and the promise of eternal life. Blessings all.

Although masks remain optional during Church for this Sunday we would like to remind  everyone of 2 points :

  • Masks and distance are our first lines of defense against contracting and spreading Covid-19
  • A number of members of PUC and EUC are isolating due to Covid–19 and the local case count appears to be on the rise

If you are planning on attending Sunday Service please take extra care so we can all enjoy the  family actives surrounding Easter.


This month’s UCW meeting will be held on Tuesday April 19 at 1:30 downstairs at Portland United Church.   We’d love to have you join us.

Tuesday April 26th at noon Connie and Sheila will prepare the Community Lunch to raise money for Country Roads Flex Fund at Portland United Church.  Please join us and bring your neighbours.  Lunch is pay as you are able.  We have May covered but let us know if you are willing to do a lunch.


Devotional Thought – April 16, 2022

Easter is Upon Us

Do you remember some of those family traditions that have been passed down through generations and that we celebrate at Easter? I wish I could speak to each of you and hear them. Was it hiding Easter eggs? Colouring eggs? Did you ever try having every colour on one egg? Or maybe there was a competition (friendly, of course) to see who could eat the most hard- boiled eggs?

For others, it was a tradition to get new Easter outfit and head off to church. Hey there ladies, did you rush to church to see if your dress was the prettiest among your friends or your hat had the biggest ribbons and in just the colour you wanted?

Whatever those traditions, the most amazing part was celebrating with the family. And for those who had big families, it wasn’t hard to be excited. And for those with small families, perhaps you went to visit other relatives. This is all a preamble into today’s reflection.

The terrible reality of Good Friday has passed and we are anticipating the resurrection morning celebrations. My mind goes back to that first Sunday. There was no celebration expected. The women show up to the tomb and it is empty. Peter rushes there and also discovers this. And then there is the Gardiner. And when He speaks, Mary is moved to realize that everything her Lord told her was true. And the heavy gloom and grief of the last three days clears. And while the whole of the miracle is still to be revealed and accepted, the atmosphere changes. There is a sense of hope and I can picture the glow on each face as they run to tell the others – Jesus is alive! He is Risen!

There has never been a greater celebration. Except, when a sinner repents. Scripture states: Joy shall be in Heaven over one sinner that repents. And the reason is clear. Christ gave His life that we can have eternal life! The celebration of that first Easter morning goes on forever and ever.

So, as you celebrate this Easter, thank God for your celebration! Pray for those who mourn for loved ones who are without Christ! Ask God to send His peace around the world to every one that even in the midst of war, suffering, pain and loss people may remember and find strength in knowing they are loved.

Peace and love to each of you,

Liz Church

Pastoral Care Director

Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge