2022-04-30 Weekly E-News

Elgin Portland Pastoral Charge

Although masks remain optional during Church for this Sunday we would like to remind  everyone of 2 points :

  • Masks and distance are our first lines of defense against contracting and spreading Covid-19
  • A number of members of PUC and EUC are isolating due to Covid–19 and the local case count appears to be on the rise

If you are planning on attending Sunday Service please take extra care.



Elgin United Church

The RLELC expansion is progressing nicely. The Kitchen is awesome! We are sorting and purging items from the office, choir room and kitchen. We plan on finishing the office Tuesday starting at 1. If you can spare some time, thank you. Other dates will be set for the next round.

The roof replacement is in the concluding stages of being finalized with Forestland Carpentry and we plan to complete the entire roof by fall.  We should hear any day about our grant application to Church Extension and will begin organizing a fundraising campaign.

A Festival of Small Halls concert featuring the Great Lake Swimmers is scheduled for Friday evening May 20th. Advertising will be posted shortly. Go to  www.ontariosmallhalls.com  for tickets. It will be a great concert, see you there. Masks recommended.

We sincerely thank all who have led worship during these unusual times and look forward to an exciting and inspirational summer of worship services. We are indeed blessed with the worship leadership in our area. Thank you.

Blessings, take care and stay well…

Elgin United Church Council

Portland United Church

The Community Luncheon held on Tuesday was a huge success!  We delivered $370.00 to Marci Bruyere at CRCHC right after the luncheon and she was amazed!  Thank you to all who supported this effort.

This Sunday Rev Shaun Seaman will lead our service.  He’s a local boy and many of you may know him.

Council discussed returning to coffee and cookies after church but in light of the number of Covid cases in our midst it was decided to defer until the beginning of June.

We are looking for at least one volunteer to review the content and structure of the EPPC website.  If you are able to help review this important tool, please let Duncan know.

Over the years Peggy Bond collected bits and pieces of the history of Portland United Church.  We have her information, which includes photos of parishioners, and would like to organize it into albums and scrapbooks that could be available for everyone to see.  If you could spare some time here and there to look at these treasures, please contact Connie and we’ll try to get some heads together.  It’s fascinating information.

Portland United Church Council

Helen Smith Celebration 

A celebration of Helen Smiths life will be held at Portland United Church at 11 AM on Saturday May 28, 2022. A luncheon and time of fellowship will follow.

Devotional Thought – April 30, 2022

How quickly time passes. Each week I feel like I have lots of time to mull over what I will share with you but in reality, as each day passes, my mind races and I pray that my words will bring spiritual blessing to each reader.

This morning, as I write, the sun is shining. I am picturing a day filled with joy and laughter. My granddaughter has just opened a ‘cool’ gift her mother brought back from her visit to Stonehenge. A calligraphy set – containing a bottle of ink, a nibbed pen, a wax seal and the wax which you have to melt to seal a letter. This actually makes me smile. Here we are, in the midst of the technological age, and my 13-year old granddaughter is enthralled with discovering this old technique of letter writing. Amazing, right?

This incident causes my mind to wander now to a place in the hills of Judea. Jesus has gone there, to be alone. His mind must have been racing. ‘What will I share with the disciples, that will get them excited, that will stick with them so that they feel equipped to carry on My ministry?’ At this moment they are unaware of the brevity of Christ’s earthly ministry. They are riding high on a wave of excitement, exhilarated by their Leader, anxious to learn, to do, to follow. In their minds, they have years to be with Jesus and to learn from Him. But in reality, time is short and Jesus prays to God that all that needs to be said and done will be accomplished in the allotted time, knowing in His heart that time is of the essence.

I begin to feel my heart beating faster. Am I leaving a lasting legacy to those around me? Years from now, when I have gone to live with Christ, what will those I leave behind want to remember? Here are a few funny things I’m sure will come up in conversation –1) Liz had a closet full of every size clothing, from size 10 to size 18 – just in case, she lost or gained weight 2) Liz had a huge laugh 3) Liz loved baking but hated doing dishes 4) Liz loved to sing. Or maybe these are just things I think I will be remembered for! But what I really want to be remembered for are things like these – 1) Liz loved her family 2) Liz did all things without complaint 3) Liz lived her life for Christ 4) Liz never hesitated to share her faith 5) Liz believed what she preached 6) Liz was trustworthy and selfless.

This list for each of us will be different but, years from now, when we look through history, what will be your legacy? Ephesians 5: 1,2a states more clearly than I: ‘Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are His dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ.’ And so, for each of you, I pray these words. May Jesus Christ be praised!

Peace and love to each of you,

Liz Church -Pastoral Care Director

Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge