2022-05-21 Weekly E-News

Elgin United Church

The reception and funeral for long time member of our community and church, Earl McFadden, will be Saturday May 28th at Elgin United Church, 77 Main St. Viewing at 10 am followed by the service at 11.

We have enjoyed the worship leadership and challenging messages of former Elginite Rev. Shaun Seaman the past three Sundays and look forward to his return during the summer. Thank you Shaun.

EUCs Fish Fry, Friday 13th was a success. We served over 100 meals and although some had to wait longer than we would have liked all reports have been two thumbs up. Thank you to all who helped and supported the dinner. Elgin United ”Community Committed, Community Strong”.

The Small Halls Festival concert Friday May 20th was sold out.  The 100 attendees enjoyed a great evening of music featuring the Great Lake Swimmers. A huge thank you to those who supported the performers, the festival and Elgin United. Stay tuned for more to come!

Elgin United Church Council

Portland United Church

Charlotte Hoy will lead our service this Sunday.  Welcome back Charlotte!

On Tuesday, May 24th Bob and MJ Leblanc will host the Community Luncheon at 12:00 noon.  Come and bring your friends.  Proceeds will go to Country Roads Community Health Centre’s Flex Fund.  If you would like to host a luncheon, please contact Annette in the office.

Helen Smith’s Celebration of Life will take place on Saturday, May 28th at 11:00 a.m. followed by a light lunch downstairs.

At the UCW meeting this week preparations began for the upcoming pie sale.  Rhubarb is in the freezer and once strawberries are ready, all the fruit pies will be prepared for sale June 22-24.  Order forms are on the bulletin board so don’t forget to place your orders!

There is still a hesitation to restart the coffee time after services, so Council has decided to revisit this topic again at their June meeting.

On June 1st there will be an Official Board meeting at Portland United Church at 7:00 p.m.

Pauline French will be giving Confirmation classes over the summer.  If you know someone that would like to join, please have them contact Pauline.

We are delighted to announce that Liz Church has been selected as Regional Commissioner for a 3-year term.

The CEC is organizing a community yard sale and a BBQ by the Volunteer Firefighters scheduled to take place at the Portland Community Hall and Hanna Park  on Saturday, June 4th  Proceeds are going to help people in the Ukraine.  If you would like to reserve a space or donate to this worthwhile cause, please get in touch with Jan Bonhomme at 613-272-5396.

Also, as part of the celebrations on June 4th in Hanna Park at 11:00 a.m. there will be a dedication of a plaque mounted on a beautiful stone in memory of Doug Good.  Come and join us!

There are two fund-raising concerts planned for this summer:

  • County Road 44 on July 16
  • Mary’s Merry Minstrels on August 13

Portland United Church Council


Devotional Thought – May 21, 2022

How many times have you heard your mother say: ‘Don’t pull that thread, your sleeve will fall off!’ Or: ‘If you keep picking at that you are going to make it bleed!’ Or: ‘Now look what you’ve done, the whole hem is falling down and we’re halfway to church.’

At one time, in our recent past, we can relate to statements similar to the ones I mentioned above. Outward appearances meant a lot – and still do to many. We worry about people’s opinion of us, we always try to put our best foot forward. We don’t want anyone to see our faults, our mistakes, our family problems, our financial situation or job loss, or broken relationships, that unraveled thread. We hide it, we bury it, never share it, and live in our own self-made isolation ward. We hunger for companionship, but don’t want people to know we are lonely; we love to cook, or bake but never invite a friend in, just in case it is not good enough. We grieve, and pretend we are over it; we lose a job and are afraid to ask for help.

Over my lifetime, I have seen many of the above scenarios play out. And – I have even added to the game of hiding myself so that people only see the best of me.

This week, as I attended a General Council meeting, the Moderator for the United Church, Richard Bott, made mention of a question: How is it with your soul? We have heard the question many times and in many ways. And Richard went on to ask: How is it between you and God, between you and your neighbour, between you and Creation, between you and our broken world.

And as he spoke, God spoke to me. That little thread I mentioned earlier – spiritually speaking – Don’t cut it – IT HOLDS OUR SOULS TOGETHER. Praying for each other, strengthens us; sharing with each other, binds us together in caring. Just being there, even in silence, stops us from falling down, or picks us up!

This is your opportunity to stop and pray, stop and listen, stop and care. And when you have finished, the answer to the question will be: “It is well, it is well, with my soul!”

“Therefore encourage one another, and build each other up” – 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Peace and love to each of you,


Liz Church -Pastoral Care Director

Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge