2022-06-18 Weekly E News

Image result for father's day 2022

Elgin United Church

Elgin UC has an upright Yamaha piano in excellent condition available. Must be moved soon. Contact Clinton Halladay, 613-359-5607, text 613-217-0054 or clint.sharon@halladay.ca to give it a home

Wishing all past, present and future dads a most enjoyable Father’s Day.

Christina Halladay celebrates a birthday on June 24th. Happy Birthday Christina.

Portland United Church

Rev Shaun Seaman will lead our Father’s Day service this week.

Forfar Strawberry Social

Sunday, June 26th at the Forfar Community Hall

2 sittings:  4 pm and 5:30 pm

Advance ticket sales are preferred by calling

Tammy or Doris Day at


Includes ham, scalloped potatoes, corn, coleslaw and a roll with

strawberries and ice cream for dessert.

Adults: $20  Children 5-12: $5  Under 5: Free

Take outs are available –

please call to arrange a pick up time.


Last chance to order your fruit pies – strawberry/rhubarb, blueberry, cherry or raisin.  $18.00 each – frozen and ready-to-bake.  Contact Sheila at 613-272-3531 or Connie at 613-220-7914 or by email at portlandparadise55@gmail.com

Reminder:  There is a Portland United Church Council meeting on Tuesday, June 21st at 7:00 p.m. downstairs.


New Home for the Portland Food Bank and the Community Clothing Co-operative.

(Norma Cummings)

If you haven’t already heard the good news, here is some information.  Both of these Outreach Projects of our churches will be housed at the Country Roads Community Health Centre, probably starting about mid-September.  It is hoped that having many community services under one roof will be an advantage for all clients.  For the official notice with all the details go to:


There are two fund-raising concerts planned for this summer:

  • County Road 44 on July 16
  • Mary’s Merry Minstrels on August 13

The Portland Pealers Handbell Choir


Portland United Church

Invite you to join us for the

Community Lunch


Tuesday, JUNE 28, 2022

from 12:00 Noon until “sold out.”

 A Beef Hamburger OR a Slice of Salmon Loaf on a Bun

Pasta & Veggie Salad

…and what’s a hamburger without Potato Chips?

Choice of Pineapple Cake or Chocolate Cake

Tea, Coffee, and Ice Water will be available, however please feel free to bring your own drink if you’d rather another option.

There is no charge for the lunch, however donations in support of the Country Roads Community Health Centre’s Flex Fund will be gratefully accepted.


Please share this message with your communities of faith, friends, family and community partners.

We’re back for in person day camp in the Ottawa area!!

Camp Dates and Locations:

Week 1: July 11 – 15, 2022 – Bells Corners UC

Week 2: July 18 – 22, 2022 – Barrhaven UC

Week 3: July 25 – 29, 2022 – Emmanuel UC

Week 4: August 2 – 5, 2022* – Online Camp

Week 5: August 8 – 12, – Rideau Park UC

Registration fee: $150/wk including before and after care (8:30am-4:30pm)!!

To register go to www.camp-awesome.ca

We’re hiring staff too!  Check out the website for further information.

If you are interested in learning more about Camp Awesome and possibly hosting one in your community please contact Kristy Drost at campawesomeottawa@gmail.com.

Dana Ducette


Minister, Youth and Young Adults (YAYA)

Eastern Ontario and Outaouais Regional Council 12 (EOOR )

United Church of Canada

Mobile: 613-608-8411


Devotional Thought – June 18, 2022

Being a creature of habit has its drawbacks. Routine can be deadly for some of us. Of course, I’m not talking about myself. Just ask my friends. There is nothing routine about me, except that I love to mix it up. You’ve often heard that a woman has a right to change her mind. And I take that to heart. Because I really enjoy taking a different route that in the end can get me to the right place.

Well, this week I made a mistake (believe it or not)! It wasn’t in the route I was taking to Brockville. I can change that up easily. And it certainly wasn’t in my wardrobe. I’m like Supergirl. I can pick an outfit very efficiently. It wasn’t in preparing a meal in the kitchen. I can do that without blinking an eye.

Okay, okay – here it goes! It was brushing my teeth. I was preparing for work, in a bit of a hurry, and thought I could shorten my routine. Not giving it a second thought, I decided I didn’t have time to brush my teeth. So, I took a swig of my Listermint mouthwash and started the swish, swish. Now, for some strange reason, I picked up my toothbrush and began to scrub my teeth. It was so gross. In case you don’t know it (and I wouldn’t try to prove me wrong), brushing with Listermint, to rid your mouth of morning breath could be hazardous to your health. Just use the toothpaste! It’s a good choice!

Choices are something we encounter every day. And just like me, some of those wrong choices, leaves an unpleasant result. I don’t need to list those choices but I will remind you there are also good choices we make. You are free to visit a friend, make your bed, hug your partner. And we know that choice is like an action verb. I will try to explain this. Love is an action, not a feeling. I choose to love. But again, not so simple. It takes work to maintain. And the Perfect Example of this of course, comes from God. We choose to love others as God loved us. There are reminders all through Scripture about loving one another but none say it better or demonstrates more perfectly the action of love than 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8. And the words I leave with you say it best and most clearly about the action of love – Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails!

And the next time you want to take a short cut (to cleaning your teeth!) …… think on these things.

Peace and love to each of you,


Liz Church -Pastoral Care Director

Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge