2022-06-25 Weekly E News

Elgin United Church

Elgin UC  are pleased to report our Yamaha piano has found a new home with a very talented musician.

The Elgin Trustees are diligently moving forward with our roof replacement campaign. More information and details will be available shortly.

Planning has begun to formalize Elgin United’s Pastoral Care Ministry initiative, a vital ministry for members and the general community. We are grateful for a Vision & Transformation Grant to help develop and launch this new ministry. Full details will be shared as soon as possible.

Our grant application to Vision & Transformation in support of the North Leeds Youth Group was approved. Watch for a press release very soon.

July 9: Join family and friends and make new friends as you explore the many attractions throughout the village of Elgin at the Elgin Days Christmas in July celebration. Visit a wide selection of booths and kids’ attractions, sing along with live music, enjoy various BBQs for lunch & snacks and a chicken BBQ later in the day. A fun day for all. See you there.

July 10: Experience the fellowship of Christmas in July at 11 am with Elgin United Church. Mark Bee is our Worship Leader.  Morgan Wright, Jaime Burt, and Michelle Knapp will lead our songfest and offer their renditions of carols and Christmas music. Join in the celebration, all are welcome.

Elgin United Church Council

Portland United Church

Rev. Shaun Seaman will lead our service this week.

Forfar Strawberry Social

Sunday, June 26th at the Forfar Community Hall

2 sittings:  4 pm and 5:30 pm

Advance ticket sales are preferred by calling

Tammy or Doris Day at


Includes ham, scalloped potatoes, corn, coleslaw and a roll with

strawberries and ice cream for dessert.

Adults: $20  Children 5-12: $5  Under 5: Free

Take outs are available –  please call to arrange a pick up time.

Portland Pealers are hosting the Community Luncheon at noon on Tuesday, June 28th.  Be sure to come and enjoy a delicious lunch. A Beef Hamburger OR a Slice of Salmon Loaf on a Bun, Pasta & Veggie Salad…and what’s a hamburger without Potato Chips? Choice of Pineapple Cake or Chocolate Cake. Tea, Coffee, and Ice Water will be available, however please feel free to bring your own drink if you’d rather another option. A free-will offering will be donated to Country Roads Medical Center’s Flex Fund.

At the Council meeting on Tuesday evening it was decided that we would resume coffee/tea after our service beginning July 3rd using paper cups to accommodate moving outside for fellowship.

New Home for the Portland Food Bank and the Community Clothing Co-operative.

(Norma Cummings)

If you haven’t already heard the good news, here is some information.  Both of these Outreach Projects of our churches will be housed at the Country Roads Community Health Centre, probably starting about mid-September.  It is hoped that having many community services under one roof will be an advantage for all clients.  For the official notice with all the details go to:


Portland United Church Council

There are two fund-raising concerts planned for this summer:

  • County Road 44 on July 16
  • Mary’s Merry Minstrels on August 13




Mary’s Merry Minstrels

A Fiddlers’ Concert

August 13, 2022 – 7:00 P.M.

 An evening of toe-tapping, sing-along

Portland United Church  

(Doors Open at 6:30)

Portland United Church

10 Colborne Street

Portland, ON, K0G 1V0

No admission charge.

Please share this message with your communities of faith, friends, family and community partners.

We’re back for in person day camp in the Ottawa area!!

Camp Dates and Locations:

Week 1: July 11 – 15, 2022 – Bells Corners UC

Week 2: July 18 – 22, 2022 – Barrhaven UC

Week 3: July 25 – 29, 2022 – Emmanuel UC

Week 4: August 2 – 5, 2022* – Online Camp

Week 5: August 8 – 12, – Rideau Park UC

Registration fee: $150/wk including before and after care (8:30am-4:30pm)!!

To register go to www.camp-awesome.ca

We’re hiring staff too!  Check out the website for further information.

If you are interested in learning more about Camp Awesome and possibly hosting one in your community please contact Kristy Drost at campawesomeottawa@gmail.com.

Dana Ducette


Minister, Youth and Young Adults (YAYA)

Eastern Ontario and Outaouais Regional Council 12 (EOOR )

United Church of Canada

Mobile: 613-608-8411

Devotional Thought – June 25, 2022

This past week I spent many hours meeting with colleagues across Canada during the General Council 44 meetings. So many thoughts swirled around my head as I thought of this week’s devotional. But one event that filled me with joy was the reading of the Scripture. The GC44 theme has been ‘Who Do You Say That I Am?’ Throughout our time of sharing Matthew 16: 13-17 was read. And the most moving moments came as this scripture was shared in many different languages – English, French, Korean, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Tagalog, and various Indigenous languages. And as people were reading in their native language, I was reminded of Pentecost and that moment in history when all understood and heard in their own language.

The amazing reality is that each of these people belong to a family of believers under the name of The United Church of Canada. And another fun fact I discovered is that there are over 70 Aboriginal languages spoken here in Canada.

All of this is to say that we serve a mighty God who reaches out to each of us, where we are at and in whatever state we find ourselves. And while we do not grasp the depth of His love, we can rejoice in the knowledge that we are loved and understood by the Holy One.

And with this in mind, we as Christians can always rely on what we know about God – besides the fact that His love is forever and never changes, we can be encouraged that God is all-powerful (omnipotent), all-knowing (omniscient) and everywhere present (omni-present).

And when you are asked the question “Who do you say that I am?” what will you answer? For each of you there may be a different answer, but for all we will assuredly proclaim – “You are the Son of the Living God, my Rock and my Salvation in whom I trust!”

Peace and love to each of you,

Liz Church -Pastoral Care Director

Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge