Elgin United Church
The 8×10 rug has found a new home as have the fireplace and the piano.
We still have an older Panasonic flat screen TV and a large quantity of dishes available. Contact Clinton Halladay, 613-359-5607 or clint.sharon@halladay.ca
July 9: Join family and friends and make new friends as you explore the many attractions throughout the village of Elgin at the Elgin Days Christmas in July celebration. Visit a wide selection of booths and kids’ attractions and live music. EUC is featuring a bake sale, smoked meat on a bun, hamburgers, drinks and draws for amazing gift baskets. A fun day for all. See you there.
July 10: Experience the fellowship of Christmas in July at 11 am with Elgin United Church. Mark Bee is our Worship Leader. Morgan Wright and Jaime Burt will lead our songfest and offer their renditions of carols and Christmas music. Join in the celebration, all are welcome.
Elgin United Church Council
Portland United Church
Katy Gibson will be leading our service this week.
We began coffee/tea after church with paper cups and moving outside last Sunday. We’ll continue as long as everyone is comfortable. Remember that some of our congregation prefers to wear a mask and we need to be respectful of their choice.
Portland United Church Council
No admission charge. Free will offerings accepted.
Mary’s Merry Minstrels
A Fiddlers’ Concert
August 13, 2022 – 7:00 P.M.
An evening of toe-tapping, sing-along
Portland United Church
(Doors Open at 6:30)
Portland United Church
10 Colborne Street
Portland, ON, K0G 1V0
No admission charge. Free will offerings accepted.
Please share this message with your communities of faith, friends, family and community partners.
We’re back for in person day camp in the Ottawa area!!
Camp Dates and Locations:
Week 1: July 11 – 15, 2022 – Bells Corners UC
Week 2: July 18 – 22, 2022 – Barrhaven UC
Week 3: July 25 – 29, 2022 – Emmanuel UC
Week 4: August 2 – 5, 2022* – Online Camp
Week 5: August 8 – 12, – Rideau Park UC
Registration fee: $150/wk including before and after care (8:30am-4:30pm)!!
To register go to www.camp-awesome.ca
We’re hiring staff too! Check out the website for further information.
If you are interested in learning more about Camp Awesome and possibly hosting one in your community please contact Kristy Drost at campawesomeottawa@gmail.com.
Dana Ducette
Minister, Youth and Young Adults (YAYA)
Eastern Ontario and Outaouais Regional Council 12 (EOOR )
Mobile: 613-608-8411
Devotional Thought
What a crazy week. Little did I know as I travelled to Halifax exactly how God would use His Creation to speak to me and to encourage my soul. I really am moved to see God in action, preparing the way, even before I ask.
This trip was proceeding without incident. I listened to some of my favorite channels on the radio, singing along and no one laughing at my rendition of ‘Love Me Tender’- warmed my heart, it did! The sun was slowly setting and it had been a beautiful, cool day for travelling. As the evening air started to chill, I began to see patches of heavy haze taking shape throughout the forested land as I passed. As the kilometers passed, the haze was growing thicker and you could hardly see the surrounding landscape.
I have to tell you, my dear friends, that with all that was happening in my life, I was thrilled to be driving and having some ‘me’ time. And then this thought came to me – sometimes, the way may seem hazy but…..! And I now believe that God was preparing me for those moments I was going to face in the next few days.
Do you ever want to fill in your own thoughts to these moments we share together? Take time right now and do that: Sometimes the way may be hazy but ________. For me at this time my answer is simply, I will trust.
The week has had its ups and downs. And today I am on the road heading back to Portland with my son and 2 grandchildren. As we were driving to pick up the grandkids my son and I talked about his journey and where it will be going. And the most remarkable words came from him. He said: ‘You know Mom, people often say they have to wait for God’s answer to their prayers. But I believe something quite different. I believe God is waiting for me. He has already made the plans for me. I just have to catch up. As I sat next to Chris, I was overjoyed and deeply grateful to God.
To each of you, you have helped me in this journey I am on. Your prayers and caring are evident every day to me. You have blessed my life and I give thanks to you and to God for my place in your lives.
A few days ago, during a particular difficult day, my dear friend wrote to me and reminded me to breathe in grace, exhale gratitude. And another friend spent time in the chapel praying for me and my family. I am so blessed.
And this week, as you drive through the haze, catch those rays of hope and sunshine that occasionally break through and know that God has already prepared the way before you. Catch up to Him and drink in His goodness and grace.
Blessings, peace and love to each of you,
Liz Church -Pastoral Care Director
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge