2022-07-16 Weekly E-News

     Elgin United Church

Sunday’s Christmas in July church service was well attended and a fitting celebration to the birth of our Lord, regardless of the day or season. As Worship Leader Mark Bee’s message underscored, “Christmas is Everyday”. Thank you Mark for your most fitting message.

Worshippers were double blessed with two Ministry of Music collaborations by Jamie Burt, Flute and Morgan Wright, Piano/Guitar and vocals.  With Michelle Knapp and the congregation joining in on several well known carols, the joy of Christmas filled our hearts. Thank you all.

Cindy Carbino’s birthday was Monday and Jamie Burt’s birthday was Tuesday. Krista and Todd Gill celebrated their wedding anniversary on Friday.  Congratulations and blessings from your Church Family.


Our village was a buzz this year for Elgin Days which took place after a 2 year hiatus.  Not only was the village busy with a number of people but so was our Church.  We held our usual Bake Table that saw many delicious baked goods arrive. We also  held a Raffle Draw where people could buy tickets and place it the item they wanted to win.  It was a huge success we were successful to have 14 items for this raffle some were donated and others we put together.

Along with the raffle and bake table we joined forces with the RLELC to host a BBQ. The people who were exploring the Village were hungry we sold out of Smoked Meat Sandwich’s with in 40 minutes and the Hamburgers with an hour and fifteen.

Arie also joined us at the Church for his yard sale for Ukraine. It was a pleasure to have him and he was very busy man that day as well.

Thank you to all of those who baked, made donations to the Raffle as well as the BBQ and to those who worked tables help set up tables and cleaned up. Many of you were there all day helping.

There is never enough Thank you’s that can be said for  the countless hours time and dedication from our Church Family.  You are all amazing.


Portland United Church

We would like to wish Bonnie and Blaine Tackaberry Congratulations and Best Wishes as they celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary on July 22nd.  Also, there is a celebration for them at the Joshua Bates Center in Athens at 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 23rd.  Everyone is welcome!





10 Colborne Street

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

12:00 – 1:00 p.m. or until sold out

Country Roads Community Health Centre and

Portland United Church invite you to join us!


Lentil Sloppy Joes with Coleslaw

Season Fruit with Ice Cream

Tea, coffee and water will be available.

Donations in support of Country Roads Community Health Centre’s Flex Fund will be gratefully accepted.




Mary’s Merry Minstrels

A Fiddlers’ Concert

August 13, 2022 – 7:00 P.M.

 An evening of toe-tapping, sing-along

Portland United Church  

(Doors Open at 6:30)

10 Colborne Street

Portland, ON, K0G 1V0

No admission charge.  Free will offerings accepted.

Please share this message with your communities of faith, friends, family and community partners.

We’re back for in person day camp in the Ottawa area!!

Camp Dates and Locations:

Week 1: July 11 – 15, 2022 – Bells Corners UC

Week 2: July 18 – 22, 2022 – Barrhaven UC

Week 3: July 25 – 29, 2022 – Emmanuel UC

Week 4: August 2 – 5, 2022* – Online Camp

Week 5: August 8 – 12, – Rideau Park UC

Registration fee: $150/wk including before and after care (8:30am-4:30pm)!!

To register go to www.camp-awesome.ca

We’re hiring staff too!  Check out the website for further information.

If you are interested in learning more about Camp Awesome and possibly hosting one in your community please contact Kristy Drost at campawesomeottawa@gmail.com.

Dana Ducette


Minister, Youth and Young Adults (YAYA)

Eastern Ontario and Outaouais Regional Council 12 (EOOR )

United Church of Canada

Mobile: 613-608-8411


Devotional Thought – July 16, 2022

Have you ever wondered what normal is all about? How many times do you catch yourself saying, ‘I wish I could just have one normal day, or one normal hour in my life!’ But isn’t true that after you are given your request, you commiserate with a friend, ‘My life is so boring. I just wish I had a little excitement in it!’ Oft times, we reflect on others’ lives as if they have it so much better and you desire to have some of that luxury. Or you see another struggle and you wonder why you are more fortunate than they.

So, what is that underlying feeling of contentment and how do we maintain it? I have heard and I have learned that we are most content when we rely on God, turn over all things to Him. Not just give them to God but leave them there.

There was an expression we used for a lot of years – let go and let God! And we’ve all read and reread Philippians 4:11, that tells us to be content no matter what. But it actually goes deeper than that. Looking closely, we realize that Paul too struggled with contentment because he says he had to learn this.

All I’m really trying to say to you and to myself is that learning to enjoy every day as it comes to us is a gift we have been given. This day is like no other. Soak in all it’s beauty and even its difficulties. You will never again have these moments. Trust in God. The words of a song I know come to me and it says: ‘Holy Spirit, Promised Presence fall on me. Holy Spirit, make me all I want to be. Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit. Given Your power to me, O Holy Spirit.’

May you each feel the Lord’s Presence and allow that Strength to guide you and revitalize your daily spiritual walk. Look around you. Be filled with praise and thanksgiving. Christ alone will satisfy.

Blessings, peace and love to each of you,


Liz Church -Pastoral Care Director

Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge