Help Wanted
We need someone to do the reporting for One License on the music we use in both churches. We did have someone but they haven’t come back to church yet and we are using music and it needs to be reported. It entails going over the bulletins and recording what we use and every 3 or 6 months sending it to One License. They do cover most of what we use and they seem to be picking up more music all the time that will come under our license.
We do have a list of what they cover. If interested would you contact Ted . Ted302@live.com.
Elgin United Church
We hold all who are ill or experiencing difficulties in their lives in our prayers and ask the Father of Grace to ease their pain.
Bonnie Bilton will be providing worship music at Elgin during Morgan’s vacation. Bonnie, a member of our congregation, is a gifted and experienced pianist whom we welcome with open arms. Thank you, Bonnie.
Watch for exciting announcements of upcoming events in September and October.
Elgin United Church Council
Portland United Church
Liz Church will be leading our service this week.
Prayers and best wishes for a speedy recovery to Joan Horsfall and Jane Pickard for recent and upcoming surgeries.
We are offering coffee/tea after church with paper cups with the option to move outside. We’ll continue as long as everyone is comfortable. Remember that some of our congregation prefers to wear a mask and we need to be respectful of their choice.
The luncheon this past Tuesday coordinated by Country Roads Community Health Center was a huge success. Thank you to them for their delicious offerings and to all who attended!
Morgan is taking a well-deserved break during the month of August. We look forward to welcoming John Wanless former minister of music at Trinity United in Smiths Falls for at least 3 of the 4 Sundays.
Portland United Church Council
Confirmation classes will be held Sunday evenings beginning August 7th at 7 pm for any youth interested in exploring their faith and relationship with God, and what it means to be a part of the Church. For more information, please contact Pauline French at 613-331-6876 or p_wfrench@yahoo.ca.
Devotional Thought – July 30, 2022
It’s been a bit of a crazy weather week. And of course, I have a little story to tell you. Weather forecasts on our phone are supposed to be a good thing. It gives us time to prepare for the inevitable ‘storm’ that is approaching.
You all know that I have my grandchildren visiting with me. And you’ve heard about Dahlia many times in my devotionals. This week is no exception. Her overactive mind and quirky ways were in full force when that loud weather alert came through our phones. She bounded out of her bedroom, almost screaming: ‘There’s a tornado coming! Where are we going to hide?’ I tried to assure her we would be safe in my apartment. But as the thunder and lightning moved in, her anxiety increased. Then, out of the blue, she decided it would be best to go on to the balcony and watch it approach. The two of us, and her father, sat outside, taking pictures and videos of the ‘Lightshow from Heaven’.
And as we continued to sit, and watch the rain move in, I was able to use this as a teachable moment. As we looked around, I explained to Dahlia that we were safe because the big trees near us were planted far from the building, and the apartment building was not too close to the lake. And the field in front of us was on a downward slope – all good things to contemplate as the wind picked up and the rain pelted down. But my balcony was a safe haven from the storm, tucked into the structure of the building.
The teachable moment was really for myself. How often have I been afraid of the future? Or have I wanted to hide? Or have I run foolishly into the ‘storm’? And, God speaks to me: ‘Do not be afraid. I am with you.’ Of almost 400 verses of scripture that make reference to not being afraid, the one that I cling to refers to being held by God. Isaiah 41:13 in almost every translation available to us states: “I am the Lord your God; I strengthen you and tell you, ‘Don’t be afraid; I will help you.”
Whether I am running into the storm, watching it from a safe distance, or trying to figure out my place in the midst of it, God speaks to me and guides me. And as I sat on the balcony, and throughout the rest of that evening, I thought about the safe havens I have been blessed with – my home, my family, my friends, my God.
Blessings, peace and love to each of you,
Liz Church -Pastoral Care Director
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge
Mary’s Merry Minstrels
A Fiddlers’ Concert
August 13, 2022 – 7:00 P.M.
An evening of toe-tapping, sing-along
Portland United Church
(Doors Open at 6:30)
10 Colborne Street
Portland, ON, K0G 1V0
No admission charge. Free will offerings accepted.
Please share this message with your communities of faith, friends, family and community partners.
We’re back for in person day camp in the Ottawa area!!
Camp Dates and Locations:
Week 3: July 25 – 29, 2022 – Emmanuel UC
Week 4: August 2 – 5, 2022* – Online Camp
Week 5: August 8 – 12, – Rideau Park UC
Registration fee: $150/wk including before and after care (8:30am-4:30pm)!!