Both English and French versions provided
Also included are remarks from
EOORC President, Pastor Susan Hutton
and a link for you to send wishes to Rosemary.
Dear friends,
From the wisdom of Philippians 2: 1-5, “Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus”
While my pastoral ministry began in Montreal in 1982, seventeen years ago, in 2005, I was given the privilege and responsibility of being covenanted as Executive Secretary for Synode Montreal & Ottawa Conference. In 2018, that opportunity then became ministry with three Regional Councils; East Central Ontario, Eastern Ontario Outaouais and Nakonha:ka. It has been a joy to preside over a great variety of ministry celebrations, recognizing the gifts and talents GOD brings to our collective life through people willing to respond to calls to serve.
We have worked hard to be faithful in developing policies that would be for the greater benefit of all, to make tough choices about buildings and ministry plans, and have wrestled with interpretations of scripture in light of a rapidly changing world. We have prayed and sung, laughed and cried as together we have experienced the various highs and lows of life in a Christian community. Some of the changes had been new staff joining the team, as others left, or new positions were created.
You have been my very cherished extended family and I am deeply grateful for the level of trust extended to me, especially since we ‘transitioned’, finding new ways of being in ministry.
After 40 years of active ministry and personal life changes during those same years, I want to thank the churches who have welcomed me in leadership, the staff with whom I have worked so closely, and the many volunteers without whom the church would be challenged to thrive. The pandemic pushed us to change how we worked and communicated. There have been many good learnings, and I hope that you will continue to use your new-found skills to encourage the future of the church.
The time has come for me to say THANK YOU from the deepest reaches of my heart, and to pass the leadership on to others willing to give the same kind of commitment.
My final day as Executive Minister will be October 31, 2022.
Chers amis, chères amies,
Tiré de la sagesse de Philippiens 2,1-5 : « Si votre union avec le Christ vous donne du courage, si son amour vous apporte du réconfort et si vous êtes en communion avec lui par l’Esprit, si vous avez de la tendresse et de la bonté les uns pour les autres, alors, comblez-moi de joie en vous mettant d’accord, en ayant un même amour, en étant unis par le cœur et par la pensée. Ne faites rien par esprit de rivalité ou par gloriole, mais, avec humilité, considérez les autres comme supérieurs à vous-mêmes. Que personne ne cherche son propre intérêt, mais que chacun de vous pense aux autres. Comportez-vous entre vous comme on le fait quand on est uni à Jésus Christ »
J’ai commencé mon ministère pastoral à Montréal en 1982 et en 2005, il y a maintenant dix-sept ans, j’ai eu le privilège et la responsabilité d’être nommée secrétaire exécutive du Synode Montréal et Ottawa. Ensuite, en 2018, ce rôle m’a amenée au ministère exécutif de trois conseils régionaux : le Conseil régional du Centre-Est de l’Ontario, le Conseil régional de l’Est de l’Ontario et de l’Outaouais et le Conseil régional Nakonha:ka. J’ai eu ainsi la joie d’animer une grande variété de célébrations liturgiques et de voir les dons et les talents que Dieu apporte à notre vie ensemble par l’intermédiaire des personnes qui veulent répondre à son appel aux différents ministères.
Nous avons beaucoup travaillé à développer des politiques pour le bien-être de toutes les communautés, à prendre des décisions difficiles concernant les bâtiments et la planification des ministères, et nous avons débattu d’interprétations bibliques dans un monde qui ne cesse de changer rapidement. Nous avons prié et chanté, ri et pleuré ensemble à travers les hauts et les bas de notre vie comme communauté chrétienne. Certains changements ont été liés à l’arrivée de nouveau personnel dans notre équipe, alors que d’autres membres partaient ou que de nouveaux postes voyaient le jour.
Vous avez été ma très chère famille élargie et je vous suis profondément reconnaissante pour votre confiance, surtout depuis la « transition », et pour votre capacité à trouver différentes manières de vivre le ministère.
Après quarante ans de ministère et de changements dans ma vie personnelle, je voudrais exprimer ma gratitude envers les paroisses qui m’ont confié un rôle de leadership, envers le personnel avec qui j’ai travaillé en étroite collaboration, et envers les nombreux bénévoles sans qui l’Église aurait du mal à s’épanouir. La pandémie nous a poussés à changer nos façons de travailler et de communiquer. Nous en avons beaucoup appris et j’espère que vous continuerez à vous servir des nouvelles compétences acquises pour encourager l’avenir de l’Église.
Le temps est venu pour moi de vous dire MERCI du plus profond de mon cœur et de passer le flambeau du leadership à ceux et celles qui aimeraient s’engager dans cette voie.
Mon dernier jour comme ministre exécutive sera le 31 octobre 2022.
Dear friends in Christ,
After 40 years of ministry, it should not be unexpected that the time comes to pass on leadership. And yet, the news of Rosemary’s departure may be met with surprise, perhaps apprehension, maybe with a measure of disappointment. Following the initial response there can only be deep appreciation for the service she has provided, the guidance she has offered and the wisdom she has imparted, and indeed recognition that she is most deserving of freedom to pursue the passions of her heart.
Rosemary extended the kindness to provide advance notice to the myself, members of the leadership teams and to staff. The letter you have read today has been timed in its release to provide notice to all members of the Regional Councils together. That notice initiated the process of seeking the person to whom Rosemary will pass the leadership.
I, and my counterparts in our cojoined Regional Councils have met at the call of the Michael Blair, Executive Secretary, General Council. Together we are reviewing and editing the position description of Executive Minister to reflect the unique needs of our Regional Councils. It is expected that the position will be posted by the end of the month, and, under the direction and leadership of the General Council Executive, Human Resources and the General Secretary, the Search begun in early September. Michael Blair has invited the Presidents and Speaker of our Regional Councils to serve on that Search Team.
Rosemary’s last official day is October 31st, but please avail yourself of the intervening time and opportunities to express your gratitude and appreciation to her.
And now, let me conclude also from the wisdom of Philippians 4:6-7, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
In Christ,
Susan H. Hutton, Président du EOORC
Chères amies et chers amis dans le Christ,
Après 40 ans de ministère, il n’y a rien de surprenant à voir ceux qui nous ont guidés si longtemps vouloir passer le flambeau. Et pourtant, la nouvelle du départ de Rosemary a été accueillie avec consternation, peut-être même avec appréhension, ou peut-être aussi avec une certaine tristesse. Mais la surprise passée, il ne peut y avoir qu’une profonde appréciation pour le service que Rosemary a rendu, les conseils qu’elle a offerts et la sagesse qu’elle a transmise. Nous lui témoignons toute notregratitude. Elle mérite bien cette liberté qui lui est maintenant donnée de poursuivre d’autres passions.
Rosemary a eu la gentillesse de m’aviser moi et les membres de l’Exécutif à l’avance de son départ à la fin octobre. La lettre que vous avez lue aujourd’hui nous a été communiqué afin que soit avisé en même temps tous les membres des conseils régionaux. Cet avis a aussi lancé du même coup le processus de recherche de la personne à qui Rosemary passera le leadership.
Mes homologues des deux autres Conseils régionaux que chapeaute Rosemary et moi-même nous sommes rencontrés à la demande de Michael Blair, Secrétaire général du Conseil général. Ensemble, nous allons revoir et réviser la description de poste du ministre exécutif afin que celle-ci reflète bien les besoins uniques de nos conseils régionaux. Nous nous attendons à ce que le poste soit affiché d’ici la mi-septembre. Nous serons épaulés dans ce travail par l’exécutif du Conseil général, les Ressources humaines et le Secrétaire général.
Le dernier jour officiel de Rosemary est le 31 octobre, mais je vous invite à profiter du temps présent et des occasions qui s’offriront à vous pour lui exprimer votre gratitude et votre appréciation.
Et maintenant, permettez-moi de conclure aussi de la sagesse de Philippiens 4:6-7, « Ne vous inquiétez de rien; mais en toute chose faites connaître vos besoins à Dieu par des prières et des supplications, avec des actions de grâces. Et la paix de Dieu, qui surpasse toute intelligence, gardera vos cœurs et vos pensées en Jésus Christ. »
Dans la paix du Christ,
Susan H. Hutton, President, EOORC
Click HERE to express your gratitude and appreciation to Rosemary
Elgin United Church
A belated Happy Birthday to Leighton Coatsworth who celebrated Monday. Congratulations and best wishes..
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all who may be experiencing troubles. You are not alone.
Sunday marks the return of old favourites. We welcome Rev. Shaun Seaman as worship leader and Morgan Wright, vocals and piano, following his, hopefully, restful vacation.
Do you love to sing and have fun? Join Elgin United’s choir. Practice starts Thursday Sept 15th, 7 pm at the church. No experience necessary.
Elgin’s “Building our Future United” campaign, in support of building repairs, kicks off this week. You can support us by sending a cheque directly to our Treasurer Joanne McLean at: 209 County Road 8, Elgin, Ontario K0G 1E0. Cheques should be payable to Elgin United Church, and specify “Building Our Future United” on the memo line. The bank address for e-transfers is Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge, and the e-mail address is Again, please specify “Building Our Future United “ in the note area. You can also contribute via our website by clicking on the DONATE button and selecting “Building Our Future United “.Income tax receipts will be issued for any donation of $20 or more. All correspondence and commitments are strictly confidential.
Elgin United’s Beef BBQ is September 24th from 4:30-6:00 pm, serving from the Elgin Community Hall. As part of our “Community Committed, Community Strong” initiative, we are partnering with the Swans of Rideau Lake to bring you this delightful take-out meal. Serving BBQ beef, baked potato, carrots & peas and 2 kinds of pie. Adults $20, ten & under $10.
Watch the Ontario Small Halls website for the launch of ticket sales to the Festival of Small Halls October 14th concert at Elgin United.
Mark October 15th on your calendar and plan to attend Elgin United’s fall Crafters and Vendors market being held at 300 Hartsgravel Rd, Elgin ON. More details will follow.
Elgin United hosts a concert on October 22nd featuring the Shawn McCullough Band with Wright & Lowe. Don’t’ miss it.
Thank you to Adrian Overdulve and Sandra Smith for looking after the sound and PowerPoint while Clint is in Nova Scotia. We are so fortunate to have dedicated and willing volunteers who ensure services run smoothly. Thank you.
Elgin United Church Council
Portland United Church
We are grateful that Morgan will be with us for the first two weeks of September, however we are looking for a replacement. If you have any contacts or suggestions for a Music Director/Pianist, please pass it along to Duncan, Katy, Joan or Norma.
The Portland Pealers will resume practices after the service Sunday, September 4th.
Will French and the tech crew are almost ready to start live-streaming the Sunday services. We look forward to learning how to tune in on those Sundays when attendance is not possible.
The UCW will reconvene September 20th at 1:30 p.m. in the church basement. New recruits are most welcome! It’s time to plan for apple pies!
Our dedication to raising funds for the Flex Fund at Country Roads Health Center is very much appreciated and goes a long way to helping members of our community. We do not have a volunteer for the September or October lunches. If you are interested in contributing your talents to one of these luncheons, please contact Connie Cochran at 613-220-7914 or by email at
This Sunday we welcome Rev. Shaun Seaman to the pulpit.
Portland United Church Council
Study group invitation
Larry’s brother and Husband #4 (Rev. Doug Powell) invite you on an evening adventure for four Wednesdays
We will examine the FOUR pillars of meaning and happiness. They include 1. Belonging. 2 Purpose 3. Transcendence. 4. Story telling, keeping in mind the teachings of Jesus
Beginning September 14th and then 21, 28 and October 5 you are invited to join us at Portland United church at 6:30 pm until 8:00 pm.
Warning: There might be homework, food, singing, laughter, tears and even rules for the road.
All are welcome but we do highly recommend that you join us for all four weeks as this is not a drop-in group, this time. (You can drop out after the first session if it is not what you expected.)
For more information feel free to contact Doug at 403 938 4550 (cell phone).
Alpha Announcement
An 11-week study on building relationships, and growing your church
We are excited to announce that on September 15th at 7:00 p.m. our church will be hosting an ALPHA training session. This will be an introductory session to all who would like to attend, both Elgin and Portland. As we explore through video and discussion groups we will be encouraged in our spiritual walk, grow our faith and confidence in talking about Jesus and nurture relationships with each other and those in our community.
CONNECTION, CONTENT, CONVERSATION: Whether over a meal or a cup of tea, all sessions start with a time to connect, relax and build friendships. We will explore the big issues of life and faith and unpack the basics of Christian belief. The discussion time is an opportunity for people to respond to the talk, hear from others, and contribute their own perspective in an honest, friendly, and open environment.
ALPHA Sessions include such topics as:
Is there more to life than this?
Who is Jesus?
Why did Jesus die?
How can I have faith?
Why and how do I pray?
Why and how should I read the Bible?
How does God guide us?
Who is the Holy Spirit?
Why and how should I tell others?
Does God heal today?
I am excited that we will share in this time of fellowship, growth and friendship.
SEPTEMEBER, 15, 2022 – 7:00 P.M.
Liz Church – Pastoral Care Director
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge
Help Wanted
We are still looking for someone to do the reporting for One License on the music we use in both churches.
We did have someone, but they haven’t come back to church yet and we are using music and it needs to be reported.
It entails going over the bulletins and recording what we use every Sunday over a period 3 or 6 months and sending it in to One License.
They do cover most of what we use, and they seem to be picking up more music all the time that will come under our license.
If you are already busy don’t apply. It would be nice to have someone that isn’t too busy to do this.
Kept up on a weekly basis you are only looking at a few minutes a week.
We do have a list of what is covered.
If interested would you contact Ted . or 613 928 2719.
Devotional Thought – September 3, 2022
Have you ever felt like your life has gone nowhere – all that you have tried to do didn’t work out. Discouragement sets in and you can barely think about where to turn next?
I am presently perusing a book I’ve had for a long time. Occasionally, when I scan across my bookshelf, a title will draw me in, and I will take the book out to reread it. This particular author is someone who has written many books that are worth rereading. Henri Nouwen authored the book entitled ‘The Inner Voice of Love’. It was written at a time in his life when his lostness was causing extreme despair and anguish. He captured his thoughts in written words, and they have been a source of strength to me.
Encouragement comes to us in many forms, and I believe we are to take strength, courage and hope that is offered to us, through friends, family, God’s Word and many other unexpected places. Perhaps, I alone, am aware of how easy apprehension can set in. My spiritual life has many moments of self-reflection – am I doing all that I can to minister to those around me? Am I walking in the Light of God so that others can see Jesus through me? Do I have pure motives?
That’s part of my spiritual struggle. But there is also just the daily living that can cause me to question – Why hasn’t God answered that prayer? Am I praying in faith? Is my faith weak because my trust is lacking. Am I paying attention to the signs given me? Am I trying to do it on my own?
And before long, it seems the road is too long, the path too fraught with obstacles, discouragement is the reality and you stop – stop trying, stop praying, stop caring. It happens. It is so easy to lose sight of who we are, who has called us, who has promised to be with us. Just remember this – you cannot make yourself different. It is Jesus who gives you a new heart, a new spirit, a new mind.
It may be that you have taken a long enough break from your travelling. Return to your journey. And take heart in this – when you return to the road, you return to where you left it, not where you started.
Blessings, peace and love to each of you,
Liz Church -Pastoral Care Director
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge
John 16:33 GNB
I have told you this so that you will have peace by being united to me.
The world will make you suffer. But be brave! I have defeated the world!”