2022-09-17 Weekly E-News

Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge

Sacrament Elder 

It’s official:

Liz Church has taken all the training and is now qualified to be the Sacrament Elder for Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge.

When we have a need to have the sacraments administered and we don’t have a minister to do this Liz would do that service and administer the sacraments.

Thanks, Liz, for stepping up and taking the necessary training to qualify for this.

Ted Bret  Worship Committee Member


Seward Family

It is with heavy hearts we witness the sad news of the sudden death of Wanda and Darwin Seward’s son, Steven. Please keep his wife Jessica Jones, his parents Wanda and Darwin, his grandmother Kathleen and the entire Seward family in your prayers and may God’s love bring them peace and comfort.

Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge Council

Elgin United Church

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all who may be experiencing troubles. You are not alone.

Happy Anniversary to Cindy and Greg Carbino’ daughter and son-in-law Shannon and Mac Montgomery.

Do you love to sing and have fun? Join Elgin United’s choir.  Practice started Thursday Sept 15th, 7 pm at the church. No experience necessary.  It is not to late to join us.

EUCs “BUILDING OUR FUTURE, UNITED” campaign has launched. Follow our FB page, Elgin United Church, for information and updates.  You can support us by sending a cheque directly to our Treasurer Joanne McLean at:   209 County Road 8, Elgin, Ontario K0G 1E0. Cheques should be payable to Elgin United Church, and specify “Building Our Future United” on the memo line. The bank address for e-transfers is  Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge, and the e-mail address is  ted302@live.com. Again, please specify “Building Our Future United “ in the note area. You can also contribute via our website by clicking on the DONATE button and selecting “Building Our Future United “.Income tax receipts will be issued for any donation of $20 or more.  All correspondence and commitments are strictly confidential.

Elgin United’s Beef BBQ is September 24th from 4:30-6:00 pm, serving from the Elgin Community Hall.  As part of our “Community Committed, Community Strong” initiative, we are partnering with the Swans of Rideau Lake to bring you this delightful take-out meal. Serving BBQ beef, baked potato, carrots & peas and 2 kinds of pie. Adults $20, ten & under $10.

Watch the Ontario Small Halls website https://ontariosmallhalls.com/   for the launch of ticket sales to the Festival of Small Halls October 14th concert at Elgin United.

Mark October 15th on your calendar and plan to attend Elgin United’s fall Crafters and Vendors market being held at 300 Hartsgravel Rd, Elgin ON. More details will follow.

Elgin United hosts a concert on October 22nd featuring the Shawn McCullough Band with Wright & Lowe. Don’t’ miss it.

Elgin United Church Council

Portland United Church

Portland United Church is looking for a replacement Music Director/Pianist.  If you have any contacts or suggestions please pass it along to Duncan, Katy, Joan, or Norma.

Will French and the tech crew are almost ready to start live-streaming the Sunday services.  We look forward to learning how to tune in on those Sundays when attendance is not possible.

The UCW will reconvene September 20th at 1:30 p.m. in the church basement.  New recruits are most welcome!  It’s time to plan for apple pies!

Betty and Arie Hoogenboom will host the September 27th  luncheon for the Flex Fund.  Be sure to mark it on your calendar for 12:00 noon!

End of Sumer BBQ

Burgers, salad, dessert.  A vegetarian choice and GF choices available.  Take-out also available.  Pay as you are able.

Our dedication to raising funds for the Flex Fund at Country Roads Health Center is very much appreciated and goes a long way to helping members of our community.  We do not have a volunteer for the October luncheon.  Please contact Connie Cochran at 613-220-7914 or by email at portlandparadise55@gmail.com

A printed copy of the E News will be available in the Friendship Room.

The Portland Pealers will resume practices after each Sunday service. 

Official Board meeting on September 13th at 7 P.M. at Portland United Church was cancelled due to illness.  New date to follow.

Girl Guides meetings will start on Monday September 19th at 6:30 P.M.  Meetings will be held weekly.

Coffee and Chit Chat will be held weekly at Portland United Church starting October 6th at 10:30 to Noon.

The Quilting Sewing group will meet the second Wednesday of each month in the church basement.  Please see Jane Pickard or Joan Horsfall for more information.

The Pillowcase Sewing group will meet the third Wednesday of each month in the church basement.  Please see Joan Kelly for more information.

This Sunday we welcome Rev. Shaun Seaman to the pulpit for Portland United Church and Elgin United Church.

Portland United Church Council

Study group invitation

Larry’s brother and Husband #4 (Rev. Doug Powell) invite you on an evening adventure for four Wednesdays

We will examine the FOUR pillars of meaning and happiness. They include 1. Belonging. 2 Purpose 3. Transcendence. 4. Story telling, keeping in mind the teachings of Jesus

We have had one Study Group on September 14th and to follow with the following dates 21, 28 and October 5 you are invited to join us at Portland United church at 6:30 pm until 8:00 pm.

Warning: There might be homework, food, singing, laughter, tears and even rules for the road.

All are welcome but we do highly recommend that you join us for all four weeks as this is not a drop-in group, this time. (You can drop out after the first session if it is not what you expected.)

For more information feel free to contact Doug at 403 938 4550 (cell phone).


Devotional Thought – September 17, 2022

The person I was named after died this week. Of course, I’m referring to Queen Elizabeth. I was born in the year of her Coronation. And perhaps hundreds of other women my age share this same reality.

A little tidbit you may not know about me – until I went to school, when I was 5 years old, I actually thought that was my name – Queen Elizabeth. Everyone in my neighbourhood called me that because, as a baby, when my brothers were pushing me around in a carriage, that’s what they told everyone. I was quite shocked to realize I was just Elizabeth. And with no middle name, I felt cheated. Of course, my mother consoled me as she helped me to realize that I was still special. And would always be.

We sometimes say a name is not important, but I believe that your name is significant. You see, when someone calls me Christian, I take joy in that. I’m living up to a name, given to me when I began my Christian journey, long before I was born. God prepared my way and I follow that. We can pretend that names are not important. Rev. Seaman this week reminded us that, in truth, we need to pay attention to our spiritual lives so that we are not called by some other name, like gossiper, or hypocrite, or….!

You see, living up to a name, brings us into the realization that we are special. And sometimes, when we look in a mirror, we are too critical. Not just of others, but of the person God has made. Do you feel He could have done better? Did He forget to give you what you need? Scripture clearly tells us:

Psalm 119: 73-74 – You made me; You created me. Now give me the sense to follow Your commands. May all who fear You find in me a cause for joy, for I have put my hope in Your Word.

1 Peter 2:9 – You are chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, people who belong to God. You were chosen to tell about the excellent qualities of God, who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

I may not always feel like a queen, but I will always want to be a Christian. So when you see me, let me know if I’m living up to my name.

Blessings, peace and love to each of you,


Liz Church -Pastoral Care Director

Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge