Elgin United Church
Happy belated birthday to Pat Greenhorn and Happy belated anniversary to Joanne McLean and John Carley. Congratulations to all.
I was just informed that Mike Freeman suffered a stroke a while ago. He and his wife Sandra are Elginites and former members of Elgin United. They have now moved to Van Horne Manner. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
Elgin United’s Beef BBQ was September 24th .The BBQ and our partnership with the Swans of Rideau Lakes was a great success. 124 take out dinners were served plus several donated to less fortunate families.
The first session for the Pastoral Care Training took place by Zoom Monday evening. We are eight from Elgin United along with 26 others from across the province and beyond, plus two facilitators. A great start to what is shaping up to be a worthwhile course.
EUCs “BUILDING OUR FUTURE, UNITED” campaign is underway. Follow our FB page, Elgin United Church, for information and updates. You can support us by sending a cheque directly to our Treasurer Joanne McLean at: 209 County Road 8, Elgin, Ontario K0G 1E0. Cheques should be payable to Elgin United Church, and specify “Building Our Future United” on the memo line. The bank address for e-transfers is Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge, and the e-mail address is ted302@live.com. Again, please specify “Building Our Future United “ in the note area. You can also contribute via our website by clicking on the DONATE button and selecting “Building Our Future United “.Income tax receipts will be issued for any donation of $20 or more. All correspondence and commitments are strictly confidential.
Tickets for our Elgin United’s Ontario Small Halls concert 7:30 pm October 14th are now on sale at https://ontariosmallhalls.com/ . This a two set performance featuring Irish Mythen and Willie Stratton. Light refreshments are available for purchase at intermission.
Mark October 15th on your calendar and plan to attend Elgin United’s fall Crafters and Vendors market being held at 300 Hartsgravel Rd, Elgin ON, from 10 am – 4 pm. Over 20 tables and counting plus bake table. Have a smoked meat sandwich for lunch. See you there.
Elgin United hosts a concert on October 22nd featuring the Shawn McCullough Band with Wright & Lowe. Advertising will begin soon. Don’t’ miss it.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all who may be experiencing troubles. You are not alone.
Elgin United Church Council
Portland United Church
Full communion on Sunday October 2nd for World Communion. Servers will be masked and use tongs to hand out the bread. If you are uncomfortable taking communion this way, you are welcome to bring your own.
Girl Guides has begun the use of the church basement on Monday evenings and Coffee Chit Chat will be held weekly beginning Thursday, October 6 from 10:30 to noon. Other community groups have been inquiring about meeting space as well, so a rental rate has been established with Annette as prime contact through the church office and Connie as backup with consultation with Annette.
Please keep Kathleen Seward in your prayers for a full recovery from her surgery.
Also, Liz Church is having surgery on October 5th please keep her in your prayers for a full recovery.
Portland United Church is looking for a replacement Music Director/Pianist. If you have any contacts or suggestions please pass it along to Duncan, Katy, Joan, or Norma.
Thank you to all our wonderful helpers and dedicated customers for making our UCW apple pie sale a “sold out” success.
Betty and Arie Hoogenboom hosted the September 27th luncheon for the Flex Fund. It was a huge success.
Our dedication to raising funds for the Flex Fund at Country Roads Health Center is very much appreciated and goes a long way to helping members of our community. We do not have a volunteer for the October luncheon. Please contact Connie Cochran at 613-220-7914 or by email at portlandparadise55@gmail.com
A printed copy of the E News will be available in the Friendship Room.
The Portland Pealers will resume practices after each Sunday service.
Coffee and Chit Chat will be held weekly at Portland United Church starting October 6th at 10:30 to Noon.
The Quilting Sewing group will meet the second Wednesday of each month in the church basement. Please see Jane Pickard or Joan Horsfall for more information.
The Pillowcase Sewing group will meet the third Wednesday of each month in the church basement. Please see Joan Kelly for more information.
This Sunday we welcome Rev. Kathy Walton to the pulpit for Portland United Church and Elgin United Church.
Portland United Church Council
Devotional Thought – October 2, 2021
I was distracted this week when I was attending an official board meeting in the Portland Church. On the wall, directly in front of me was a poster which stated – Make a Joyful Noise.
This statement has often caused me to think about those Scripture words – what exactly does that mean? What kind of a joyful noise? What does a joyful NOISE sound like? Are we talking about singing or playing an instrument? A brass instrument? Or a stringed instrument? Or maybe it’s the wonderful drum beats! Bass drum, snare drum, tympani? Or maybe it’s blowing into a Kazoo! Can a KAZOO make a joyful noise???
I am drawn into this thought process. So, I begin to let my mind think outrageously on how I can make a joyful noise. I turn on Alexa and ask her to play joyful Christian music. I sing along (and not quietly)! Before long, I am singing and dancing, laughing and praising God. No one is around to be impressed by my ‘ability’ to multitask. But I can picture the Holy One, joining me as I give my offering of joyful Noise.
I come to a conclusion – all creation makes sounds to our Creator – the wind, the brooks, the birds, children, adults. And my heart rejoices as I read Psalm 100 – a very short psalm that is filled with nuggets of truth for us. It’s a happy Psalm and a Psalm that gives us guidance in the simplest of form – Make a joyful noise, praise your Creator and give thanks. I love it.
This week I must offer you another challenge – forget that you are not the star ALTO singer in your church, or the world renowned Christian musical group. Get up the courage to sing and make music, aloud or in your heart. Praise the One who has made you. And this will bless you and God.
Peace and love to each of you,
Liz Church
Pastoral Care Coordinator
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge