2022-10-08 Weekly E News


Elgin United Church 

We welcome Ella Price, EUC and Allison Gibson, PUC who are joining our church family by Confirmation, Sunday October 9th.

EUC is considering passing the offering plate beginning October 16th. Council wants to hear your opinion.

EUCsRaisin’ the Roof Concert”  with Wright & Lowe and Shawn McCullough and Friends is October 22nd at 7pm at Elgin United Church. Tickets are now on sale $20 through Eventbrite or calling 613-359-5168. Refreshments at intermission.


Advance notice of EUC’s on-line auction Nov 23 – 30. More details will follow.

Tickets for our Elgin United’s Ontario Small Halls concert 7:30 pm October 14th are now on sale at https://ontariosmallhalls.com/   . This a two set performance featuring Irish Mythen and Willie Stratton. Light refreshments are available for purchase at intermission.

Mark October 15th on your calendar and plan to attend Elgin United’s fall Crafters and Vendors market being held at 300 Hartsgravel Rd, Elgin ON, from 10 am – 4 pm. Over 20 tables and counting plus bake table. Have a smoked meat sandwich for lunch. See you there.

Elgin United hosts a concert on October 22nd featuring the Shawn McCullough Band with Wright & Lowe. Advertising will begin soon. Don’t’ miss it.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all who may be experiencing troubles. You are not alone.

Elgin United Church Council

Portland United Church

Portland United Church is looking for a replacement Music Director/Pianist.  If you have any contacts or suggestions please pass it along to Duncan, Katy, Joan, or Norma.

Thank you to all our wonderful helpers and dedicated customers for making our UCW apple pie sale a “sold out” success.  

The weekly Chit Chat coffee group moves from the Portland Hall to Portland United Church.  Everyone is welcome. 10:30 to noon.

 Kathleen Seward continues to improve in Kingston hospital.  Please keep her in your prayers.

The Quilting Sewing group will meet the second Wednesday of each month in the church basement.  Please see Jane Pickard or Joan Horsfall for more information.

The Pillowcase Sewing group will meet the third Wednesday of each month in the church basement.  Please see Joan Kelly for more information.

This Sunday we welcome Rev. Shaun Seaman to the pulpit for Portland United Church and Elgin United Church.

Portland United Church Council

Devotional Thought – October 8, 2022


It is not hard for us to conjure up memories surrounding Thanksgiving. For some it will be the Harvest Festivals at a local church, and the church auction of local produce and homemade goodies, used to support a family in need. For others it may be visiting the farmers to collect the produce. For still others it may be prizes for the ‘Best Pie’. And still, for others, it will be the roasting of a goose, or a turkey or a pig roast.

And it is probably safe to assume that for most of my readers, this time of year has special memories of family gatherings, and the plenteous offerings of food, fellowship and great friends.

I would be remiss if I did not take this opportunity and remind each of us that millions around the world will celebrate with a piece of dry bread, dirty drinking water and little else in their possession. These thoughts beg me to ask the age-old question:

“If you wake up tomorrow with only what you’ve said ‘Thank you’ for today, what would you have?”

As I read this question, in my quest to share with you during this time of Thanksgiving, I immediately felt a sense of panic, remorse, shame! And then contrition, gratitude, and love. You see, my friends, God has ways to remind each of us of His great Love for us. And for me, it wasn’t in any big, over-the-top, spectacular way. It was in the midst of a busy day, as I say quietly for a few minutes, and looked across the street – there, in the beauty of nature I was reminded to thank God – for colour, for earth, for sky. And as I continued to gaze – for friends, for food, for family. And then I found myself thanking God for His love, for His walking with me, for His strength when I’m struggling, for His peace in the midst of the storm. And before long, my spirit was lifted and I prayed that I would never forget that thankfulness brings joy. May you experience again this Thanksgiving season, joy in God’s love, peace in His abiding presence and gratitude for all we have.

Psalm 40:5

O Lord, my God. You have performed many wonders for us. Your plans for us are too numerous to list. You have no equal.

If I tried to recite all Your wonderful deeds,

I would never come to the end of them.

Blessings, peace and love to each of you,


Liz Church -Pastoral Care Director

Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge