2022-10-15 Weekly E News

Portland Elgin Pastoral Charge

In recognition of World Food Sunday tomorrow, donations of non-perishable food to the Portland Food Bank will help “decorate” the front of the sanctuary.

Elgin United Church

The Small Halls Concert Friday night was sold out. Thank you to all volunteers who helped make it a success.  There is another tentatively booked for November 26th. Stay tuned.

Elgin United hosts: “Raisin’ the Roof” concert October 22nd at 7:00 pm. Doors open at 6:30 featuring: Wright & Lowe with Shawn McCullough & Friends. Tickets available now on Eventbrite.ca or call Graham Lowe 613-359-5168 refreshments available at intermission.

Advance notice of EUC’s on-line auction Nov 23 – 30. More details will follow.

Elgin United Church Council

Portland United Church

Portland United Church is looking for a replacement Music Director/Pianist.  If you have any contacts or suggestions please pass it along to Duncan, Katy, Joan, or Norma.

UCW Meeting at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 18th at Portland United Church.  All are welcome.

The weekly Chit Chat coffee group moves from the Portland Hall to Portland United Church.  Everyone is welcome eacg Thursday 10:30 to noon.

 Kathleen Seward continues to improve in Kingston hospital.  Please keep her in your prayers.

The Quilting Sewing group will meet the second Wednesday of each month in the church basement.  Please see Jane Pickard or Joan Horsfall for more information.

The Pillowcase Sewing group will meet the third Wednesday of each month in the church basement.  Please see Joan Kelly for more information.

This Sunday we welcome Rev. Kathy Walton to the pulpit for Portland United Church and Elgin United Church.

Portland United Church Council

Devotional Thought – October 15, 2022

“You’ve Got This, Just Breathe!”

Have you ever found yourself thinking, or saying out loud: “Will this day ever end?” Or maybe you even question if your faith can stand another blow from what life has thrown your way. I’m certain that most of us understand where my devotional is heading. This week, an interesting thought was presented to me. My mind immediately wanted to continue with this inspirational message.

The story was told of a retired minister who, throughout his ministry, had helped hundreds of people through difficult times. His own life had also been plagued with trauma. When questioned as to how he made it through, he quickly pointed to his Bible. Expecting him to read from the words of Jesus, it was a surprise when instead he pointed out these words ‘It came to pass ‘!

Depending on which translation you use these words are repeated at least 474 times throughout Scripture. Now, I must point out that in most cases, they really only refer to something that came to be, something that happened.

I don’t know about you, but I have often taken some words to heart, that may have even been taken out of context and they brought comfort to me or strength to me. Words like the ones above remind us of a truth – It is not here to stay. So as the minister encouraged his congregation with such words, I too, would offer similar thoughts.

We have just come through a reminder of being thankful. Caught up in the moment we have been able to look around us and praise God for so many things. But for some, each day presents challenges that knock us down, and it seems that it is too much of a struggle to continue. Our faith is challenged. Our questions arise. We struggle. We fall down. We hear a song. We pick ourselves up. We continue. And on some days, we stay in bed, cover our heads, cry, and give up.

I pray that as you read these words, and maybe even find yourself in a scenario similar to these, you will pick yourself up and remind yourself that no matter where you are, at this moment – crawling, unsteady, bewildered, afraid; exuberant, filled with praise and singing- no matter if your discouragement is overwhelming, or you are on top of the world – remember this – God is with you, tugging, pulling, pushing you. Walking running, laughing with you – there beside you, behind you, in front of you.

And as my son reminded me this week: “I got this! I so got this!”

Be blessed as you walk through this life. You are never alone.







Blessings, peace and love to each of you,

Liz Church -Pastoral Care Director

Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge