Elgin Portland Pastoral Charge
Special Announcement – This was sent to Elgin Portland Pastoral Charge on Thursday, October 20th. Both PUC And EUC sent out a email hopefully reaching out to both churches. It will be too late to walk but it is never to late to pray. This is what took place on Friday. Thank you to those who knew and participated.
Your Invited to come join the “Walk for Wenjack” organized by the staff at South Crosby Public School Friday Oct 21 starting at 11:15 am meeting in the parking lot of the school
Why are they doing this walk? This walk honours Chanie Wenjack and the thousands like him that never made it home from residential schools. The first walk for Wenjack took place in 2016 and retraced the steps of Chanie Wenjack, a twelve year old Anishinaabe boy who died after escaping residential school and attempted to reach his family 600 km away. How sad. Just a little boy wanting to go HOME!
The staff and students have invited the public to come and join them in their walk in memory of all the students that never made it home from Residential Schools. They will be walking the block of Elgin and if unable to walk please take a minute out of our day to honour this young, brave student and give thanks that our little ones were never taken away and put in Residential schools.
WHEN: Friday October 21, 2022
WHERE: South Crosby Public School
WHY: To honour all those young people
All are welcome!
The North Leeds Youth Council through Elgin United Church from a Vision & Transformation Grant has made a donation to Indigenous Studies in public schools.
Elgin United Church
Georgina Campbell is home for replacement knee surgery and doing well. We send our prayers for a speedy and full recovery.
John Carley is home from hospital, feeling better and awaiting further test results. Our prayers are with John.
Huge thanks to all the crafters, vendors, shoppers and volunteers who together made Elgin United’s second annual market a huge success. Thank You.
Last chance for Elgin United’s “Raisin’ the Roof” concert TODAY, October 22nd at 7:00 pm. Doors open at 6:30 featuring: Wright & Lowe with Shawn McCullough & Friends. If you haven’t already booked, purchase at the door, $20. Refreshments available at intermission.
Advance notice of EUC’s on-line auction Nov 23 – 30. More details will follow.
Elgin United Church Council
Portland United Church
Portland United Church is looking for a replacement Music Director/Pianist. If you have any contacts or suggestions please pass it along to Duncan, Katy, Joan, or Norma.
UCW Meeting was held on Tuesday, October 18th at Portland United Church. It was an excellent meeting. Here are some off the up coming events. November 21st and 22nd is booked at PUC for preparation for the making of the Tourtieres. Plans are well on the way for Decemberr 10th christmas bake sale we will be looking for contributions.
Portland United Church – Community Lunch on Tuesday, October 25, 2022 from 12:00 Noon until “sold out.”
Chili, salad, home-made buns, dessert, Tea, Coffee, and Ice Water will be available, however please feel free to bring your own drink if you’d rather another option. Take-out also available.
There is no charge for the lunch, however donations in support of the Country Roads Community Health Centre’s Flex Fund will be gratefully accepted.
The weekly Chit Chat coffee group moves from the Portland Hall to Portland United Church. Everyone is welcome each Thursday 10:30 to noon.
Kathleen Seward continues to improve in Kingston hospital. Please keep her in your prayers.
Vicky Zwiers will be having surgery this coming week. Please keep Vicky in your thoughts and prayers.
The Quilting Sewing group will meet the second Wednesday of each month in the church basement. Please see Jane Pickard or Joan Horsfall for more information.
The Pillowcase Sewing group will meet the third Wednesday of each month in the church basement. Please see Joan Kelly for more information.
This Sunday we welcome Rev. Shaun Seaman to the pulpit for Portland United Church and Elgin United Church.
Portland United Church Council
United Church of Canada
Devotional Thought – October 22, 2022
“Get Walking!”
Sometimes when I am researching or studying, I come across a topic that I have not pursued – like it never crossed my mind before. That was my surprise this week as I prepared to write this devotional.
If I were still in the stage of life when I was having children, I would pay more attention to the naming process. What better name to have than Micah – it means “Who is like God?”
And then I found myself trying to answer this question: Who is like God? What does it mean? What does God require of me? There is a plethora of questions that beg to be answered and I’m sure you could add to these questions.
If you were to take time and read through the short 7 chapters of the Book of Micah you would be surprised how often the prophet goes back and forth between doom and hope. And yet I found myself trying to work through this book and discover through his prophetic writing some instruction for my Christian life. And then I stumbled on this verse: Micah 6:8 NLT – ‘O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what He requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.’ A further translation, with just a small change in words, states it even more clearly – ‘See that justice is done, let mercy be your first concern, and humbly walk with your God.’
Justice is a scary perspective for us. And we often see the world through a political realm where justice is not served well. And so, we throw up our hands in despair. But let me tell you a secret that will have you jumping up and carrying out justice for all. Is there a reading program in your area where you can volunteer to assist children who are struggling? Is there a single parent who could use a ride to the grocery store? Do you have a job at your business where you could offer employment for a young person coming out of prison? These are only a few suggestions where you and I can level out the field of justice and encourage others.
Mercy is more easily understood – have love for others. Do not allow your hearts to be hardened by media. Do not judge. God has bestowed mercy (love) on us and in return we offer it to others.
Walk humbly – these 2 words together sum up our spiritual lives. We have been given grace and God has placed in each of us the desire to walk with our Creator. As we pace ourselves through life, we become more fully aware of the closeness we have with God. We are given power and passion to carry on. We are grounded in our faith. And the more we walk, the better equipped we are. Our minds open to new possibilities.
I believe, that no matter what stage we are at in life, what our circumstances, we can and should desire to show justice, spread love and walk humbly. We just have to open our minds to the possibility around us.
My challenge to each of us to get out of our comfort zone, stop hiding behind your excuses, and open your hearts and minds to the opportunities that abound. And before long, your joy will have you walking and leaping and praising God.
Blessings, peace and love to each of you,
Liz Church -Pastoral Care Director
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge