Elgin Portland Pastoral Charge
Our thoughts and prayers are with Chris Good and Lillian Rogers for a speedy recovery and return home. John Lesage, Dorie (Earl) husband and Karen and Jim Earl’s son-in-law remains in serious condition at the Ottawa Heart Institute. Please keep John, Dorie, Karen, Jim, and their family in your prayers.
Elgin United Church
Congregational Meeting Elgin United Church
The Trustees of Elgin United Church are calling a meeting today right after the regular service. Adrian Overdulve, Chair Elgin Trustees.”
Remember to register your child(ren) by Dec 4th for the EUC/RLELC children’s Christmas party Dec 11 from 2-4.
We will be packing the Goody Bags and delivering them to Bethel Tabernacle on December 13th. You can place a donation on the offering plate at church, or mail a cheque to our treasurer, Joanne McLean, at:209 County Rd. #8, Elgin, ON K0G 1E0
Thank you to everyone involved with EUCs on-line auction, donors, volunteers, and purchasers. Another successful event due to the generosity of an amazing community. Community Committed, Community Strong.
Elgin United Church Council
Portland United Church
PUC Choir practice 7.00 pm. December 8th.
A Christmas Bake Sale! – Portland United Church – Saturday, December 10th from 10:00 to 2:00. Let us know what goodies you can offer and how you can help. Proceeds to the General Fund. Contact Connie Cochran.
Christmas in the Village! Watch for posters announcing this event Saturday, December 17th. Sponsored by the UCW. Looking for volunteers! Contact Connie or Pauline. Wagon rides from Hanna Park around the Village starting at 1:30 Christmas Carol sing-a-long with Morgan, Graham and Michelle. Then up to Portland United Church for hot chocolate and gingerbread cookie decorating after 2:30. Santa will visit to give out candy and for photos!
If you’re looking for a unique gift to give this Christmas, why not consider a subscription of Broadview magazine. Annual subscriptions are $25.00 and can be ordered through Connie Cochran.
Poinsettias: Portland“ Again this year we are offering Poinsettias to be purchased in memory of a loved one. These lovely plants will be placed at the front of the Church for our Christmas service and can be taken home by you afterward. The priced is $17.00 this includes tax. There will be a list on the bulletin board to sign up or call Joan Horsfall at 613-349-9770 by December 14th.
This Sunday December 4th, 2020 is White Gift Sunday. Donations of non-perishable food, toiletries and extras for our Food Bank families are very welcome.
Christmas Eve Service PUC 4 p.m. and EUC 7 p.m. Rev. Kathy Walton officiating.
Christmas Day Joint Service @ PUC 10 a.m. led by the French Family.
New Year’s Day Joint Service @ EUC 10 a.m.
Portland United Church Council
Devotional Thought – December 3, 2022 – 2nd Week of Advent – PEACE
What does peace look like to you? By definition it means: a state of tranquility or quiet. Scary, right? Think back to what that first Christmas was like! People were displaced, travelling great distances to get their name on a register, because of the fear of a leader who had heard rumours of another who would overthrow him. They are being forced to declare the gender of their children, and their age. People lived in fear every day that someone would come and murder their children. Where was the peace, the quiet or the tranquility?
The word ‘Peace’ has been battered around in so many ways and in so many songs: All we are saying is give peace a chance; let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me; imagine all the people living life in peace; I wish you peace; Peace train. The list is long and each one of you could think of another song to add to the list. And for those of us who remember him, Jimi Hendrix said: “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”
Of course, these words have been a part of our vocabulary for all our lives. We have heard them expressed over and over and we feel powerless at times.
We wrestle daily to experience this peace talked about in Scripture: My peace I give to you! Not as the world gives! It is peace through Christ.
Can it really be true? That is the question I ask myself. Are we really searching for peace?
I believe the real framework for defining peace begins with me. I must know peace in order to share peace. And as my peace develops and envelops me, I in turn can reach out and show others how they can trust God, love Jesus, be filled with the Holy Spirit and spread peace throughout the world. As our reliance on God grows, our confidence to share Christ with the world creates opportunities for peace.
Long before John Lennon wrote the words ‘all we are saying is give peace a chance, those same words were recorded in one of the songs you will sing this Sunday. It has a verse that captures the true meaning of peace:
Song # 173 from More Voices
Put Christ into each other’s hands,
He is love’s deepest measure;
in love make peace, give peace a chance,
and share it like a treasure.
And long before that song was sung, we had Scripture recorded for us: “The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.” – Psalm 29:11.
As you celebrate this week and think of the peace we have been given to share, may you be blessed and renewed.
Peace to each of you.
Liz Church -Pastoral Care Director
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge