Elgin Portland Pastoral Charge
Our thoughts and prayers are with Chris Good and Lillian Rogers for a speedy recovery and return home. John Lesage, Dorie (Earl) husband and Karen and Jim Earl’s son-in-law remains in serious condition at the Ottawa Heart Institute. Please keep John, Dorie, Karen, Jim, and their family in your prayers.
Elgin United Church
Happy belated Birthday to Jane Simpson who celebrated her day this past week.
Please hold the Gordanier family in your prayers. Husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, business man and all around friend Arthur (Art) Gordanier died Wednesday, November 30, 2022. A Celebration of Art’s Life will be held at the Elgin Lions Club Hall, 19 Pineview Drive, Elgin on Sunday December 18, 2022 from 2 – 4 p.m.
EUC/RLELC children’s Christmas party Sunday December 11th from 2-4.
The season of Advent marks a time of preparation for Christmas and involves many special traditions. One of our traditions at Elgin United Church is preparing the Goody Bags for the Christmas Hampers that the Elgin Foodbank distributes to those in need. The hampers contain the staples for Christmas meals, while these bags hold special treats that are not essential but bring much joy to the recipients.
We will be packing the Goody Bags and delivering them to Bethel Tabernacle on December 13th. The number of people relying on assistance through the Foodbank and these hampers this year has increased greatly, and we rely on our congregation to help us cover the cost of the treats. You can place a donation on the offering plate at church, or mail a cheque to our treasurer, Joanne McLean, at:
209 County Rd. #8, Elgin , ON K0G 1E0
(*Please mark your donation ‘Goody Bags’)
Thank you for your generosity and support, and for helping us put smiles on the faces of those in need this Christmas!
Thank you to everyone involved with EUCs on-line auction, donors, volunteers, and purchasers. Another successful event due to the generosity of an amazing community. Community Committed, Community Strong.
Elgin United Church Council
Portland United Church
A Christmas Bake Sale! – Portland United Church – Today, Saturday, December 10th from 10:00 to 2:00. Let us know what goodies you can offer and how you can help. Proceeds to the General Fund. Contact Connie Cochran.
There is a Portland United Church Council meeting on Tuesday, December 13th at 7:00 p.m.
On Saturday, December 17th at 1:30, join us at Hanna Park for a wagon ride around the village featuring carols led by Morgan, Michelle and Graham! We will head to the church for hot chocolate, juice, coffee and the decorating of gingerbread cookies by the children. SANTA will be there with treats and photo ops.
Tell your family and neighbours. Everyone welcome!
If you’re looking for a unique gift to give this Christmas, why not consider a subscription of Broadview magazine. Annual subscriptions are $25.00 and can be ordered through Connie Cochran.
Poinsettias: Portland“ Again this year we are offering Poinsettias to be purchased in memory of a loved one. These lovely plants will be placed at the front of the Church for our Christmas service and can be taken home by you afterward. The priced is $17.00 this includes tax. There will be a list on the bulletin board to sign up or call Joan Horsfall at 613-349-9770 by December 14th.
Build A Mountain of Food – Portland Food Bank 2022
Another successful year. A big thank you to everyone for their donation of food, money, and time. On December 3, 2022, Build a Mountain of Food for the Portland Food Bank raised 1,600 lb of Food and $15,976.25. If we add the donations received during the White Gift Service our revised total is 1,675 lb of food and $17,866.25 and donations are still coming as we speak.
A special thank you to Connie and her team who spent the day sorting the food, Brad who delivered the food to the Country Roads Community Health Centre, and to Norma who stood by me as always. I would not be able to do my work without their strong support and the Congregation.
Louise Martin
Portland Food Bank
Christmas Eve Service PUC 4 p.m. and EUC 7 p.m. Rev. Kathy Walton officiating.
Christmas Day Joint Service @ PUC 10 a.m. led by the French Family.
New Year’s Day Joint Service @ EUC 10 a.m. led by the Elgin United Church Choir and friends.
Portland United Church Council
Devotional Thought – December 10, 2022 – 3rd Week of Advent – JOY
When I was a young minister in training, the session I belonged to was called ‘Joyful Evangelists’. Now I have to tell you that over the years there was an inner struggle for me. It seemed that I had no real issue with proclaiming the Good News of Christ. But the effort to be joyful sometimes eluded me. I was a young mother of 3, in a big city, with lots of responsibilities. I felt called to be sharing the Good News of God’s love, yet felt trapped by obligations of motherhood, marriage and all that is entailed with part-time mother, part-time minister. I had lost sight of so much.
It was during this time I came across some wise words of wisdom in one of my daily devotional readings. The words were simple: Joy is a choice! This was long before the slogan: CHOSE JOY! was being bantered about.
I had for so long been focusing on where I thought God should be using me that I lost sight of the beautiful gifts I had been given, opportunities to choose joy – in my children, my husband, my friends, my church family, my Bible study group, my choir, my musical instruments. On and on the list seemed to extend. I began to weep. And PRAY. I did not get off my knees until I was sure of my next step. JOY. I knew before I left my bedroom that day the assurance that God was in control of every detail in my life.
So much of those early years were hard-knock lessons for me, brought on by my own stubbornness. I have to tell you, my friends that when I see the word JOY now, I rejoice! God is the only Person I know that tarried so long with me, speaking to me, guiding me, chastising me. But through all my life, loving me. I choose to praise God in all things.
During this Christmas season, you too have a choice to express this JOY. Joy to the world, the Lord has come. And as one of my favorite authors has reminded me:
Blessing and peace to each of you.
Liz Church -Pastoral Care Director
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge