2022-12-17 Weekly E-News

Elgin United Church

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of John Lesage, husband of Dorie and her children, and son-in-law of Jim and Karen Earl. Please keep Dorie, Jim and Karen in your heart and in your prayers at this most difficult time.  We send our deepest sympathy and love to the whole family.

It is with a heavy heart that we share the news that Sharon Halladay, wife of Clint Halladay, passed away Tuesday, December 13th.  Many of you will have fond memories of Sharon and her cheery smile and kind nature. The memorial service will be at Elgin United Church at 1:30 PM on Saturday, December 17, followed by a reception and Celebration of Sharon’s life  at Elgin Community Hall.  Details are available on Scotland Funeral Home website.

Please keep Clint and family in your heart and your prayers.

Please hold the Gordanier family in your prayers. Husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, businessman and all-around friend Arthur (Art) Gordanier died Wednesday, November 30, 2022.  A Celebration of Art’s Life will be held at the Elgin Lions Club Hall, 19 Pineview Drive, Elgin on Sunday December 18, 2022, from 2 – 4 p.m.

EUC/RLELC children’s Christmas party Sunday December 11th was a huge success.  Thanks to all the volunteers.  Santa was a huge hit.

The  Goody Bags for the Christmas hampers were prepared and delivered to Bethel Tabernacle on December 13th, where they were received with great appreciation. Last year there were 23 families in the community who received hampers, and this year the number  is 34. This represents well over 100 people relying on assistance for Christmas this year. With the increase in numbers and the price of groceries at the current time, our costs rose significantly this year, and donations to support this important outreach would be most welcome! You can place a donation on the offering plate at church, or mail a cheque to our treasurer, Joanne McLean, at:

209 County Rd. #8, Elgin , ON K0G 1E0

(*Please mark your donation ‘Goody Bags’)

Thank you for your generosity and support, and for helping us put smiles on the faces of those in need this Christmas!

EUC council

Portland United Church

Our thoughts and prayers are with Chris Good for a speedy recovery and return home.  And we are happy to let you know that Lillian Rogers is now recuperating at home.

Many thanks to all those who baked and helped at our bake sale last Saturday.  We raised almost $1,000.00 for the General Fund for the church.

Sincere sympathy goes out to Clint Halliday for the loss of his wife Sharon.  Our sympathy is also extended to Jim and Karen Earl, their daughter Dorie and their family on the passing of their son-in-law John Lesage.

Today December 17th at 1:30, join us at Hanna Park for a wagon ride around the village featuring carols led by our PUC Choir.  We will head to the church for hot chocolate, juice, coffee and the decorating of gingerbread cookies by the children.  SANTA will be there with treats and photo ops.

Tell your family and neighbours.  Everyone welcome!

If you’re looking for a unique gift to give this Christmas, why not consider a subscription of Broadview magazine.  Annual subscriptions are $25.00 and can be ordered through Connie Cochran.

Christmas Eve Service PUC 4 p.m. and EUC 7 p.m. Rev. Kathy Walton officiating.

Christmas Day Joint Service @ PUC 10 a.m. led by the French Family.

New Year’s Day Joint Service @ EUC 10 a.m. led by the Elgin United Church Choir and friends.


Portland United Church is streaming Sunday Services live on their YouTube Channel. Whether you are unable to attend in person, want to watch a Sunday service again mid-week or know someone who might want to check us out, simply click on the following address https://www.youtube.com/@portlandunitedchurch4900 to be taken directly to the Portland United Church YouTube Channel.

Please consider hitting the ‘Subscribe’ button (once you’ve navigated to the YouTube channel) as shown below. Note, only people with a Gmail account can easily subscribe by clicking this button. Clicking on the ‘Profile Picture’ (an example is shown below on the far left) for Portland United Church will provide you with other options such as viewing past recordings. Reach out to the EPPC office with any questions: office@eppc-ucc.com; 613-272-2002.

Thanks, Media Team at Portland United Church

PUC Council

Devotional Thought – December 10, 2022 – 3rd Week of Advent

I’m always looking for the perfect verse that brings clarity to my thoughts. And I think I hit the nail on the head this week. The third Sunday of Advent is often referred to as LOVE. So, what better verse than Ephesians 5:2, taken from The Message. And I quote: “Observe how Christ loved us. His love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn’t love in order to get something from us but to give everything of Himself to us. LOVE LIKE THAT.”

What is the deepest feeling of love? When you experience deep love for someone, you want to share every part of your life with them. You rush home from work and recall the events of your day. And you sit and listen to their day’s experiences. There is no better feeling than realizing your love is returned. This week my daughter had occasion to remember this. When she arrived at school, there was a Christmas card slipped under her door from a student:

I don’t know the whole story behind this beautiful gift to my daughter but I do know that it will be remembered forever.

We often say: ‘You give to those to whom you love.’ But in reality, it should be ‘you love those to whom you give’. When you are truly showing love, it can be to those who seem unlovable, those in need, those who truly lack the understanding of being loved.

That really is the story of Christmas. God’s love was given for all – not only to those who were easy to love, but to the destitute, the sinner, the outcast.

This Christmas will be a challenge for many. Countless people around you will demand your attention. Some will be your family, some will be your church community and some will be the person in the grocery store who has to choose between feeding their children or providing a Christmas gift. I have no idea whom the Lord will open your heart to. Just be there, ready and willing to share His love to the world. You will be blessed and you will truly know the significance of God’s love as you respond.

Blessing and peace to each of you.





Liz Church -Pastoral Care Director

Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge