EPPC Official Board is seeking a volunteer secretary.
Jan Haskin stepped down in December following numerous years as alternate for Margaret Martin and subsequently secretary for the year 2022. OB members and EPPC members thank Jan for her effective and timely recording and publishing of our OB minutes for those alternate years and the three OB meeting in 2022. Requirements for this position are to attend the three to four meetings per year, usually on a weekday evening from 7:00 to 8:00, at alternating churches, called by the Chair as requested. Draft Minutes are submitted to OB members for errors and amendments. Final Minutes are published to the webpage and distributed to OB members. EPPC is in a period of discernment regarding how we vision our future and what role an OB has to offer. For further information please contact me by email earljk@sympatico.ca.
Jim Earl
EPPC OB Chair 613-359-5164
Elgin Portland Pastoral Charge
We have recently received news that Cynthia Gantner, daughter of Jean and John Cucheron, passed away while on holidays in Cuba. With delays in getting Cynthia returned home, no funeral details have been settled at this time.
Please keep John and Jean as well as the other members of the family in your prayers.
As an outpouring of our love and care for them please take the time to send condolences to the following:
John & Jean Cucheron
102-3310 Jatoba Pvt.
Stittsville,Ontario K2V 0E7
All Elgin and Portland United Church members are invited to enjoy a fish fry meal on Saturday April 1, starting at 4:00 pm. Meal cost details to follow. This joint fellowship event to take place at the curling rink clubhouse at 13 Maplecroft Lane in Chaffey’s Lock location courtesy of Roberta McKinney. The curling rink will be available to those who may wish to try their luck at throwing a few curling rocks.
If you would like to attend , please notify; Will French at william.french@ucdsb.on.ca or Adrian Overdulve at aoverdulve@gmail.com
Elgin United Church
We welcome Liz Church who leads us in worship this Sunday.
Elgin United ‘s Annual Congregational Meeting is after church March 26th @12:30 P.M. Plan to attend.
Call for nominations and volunteers for Elgin United Council. Consider getting involved in the administration of our church. Contact Clinton Halladay, 613-359-5607, text 613-217-0054, email clint.sharon@halladay.ca by March 19th.
Elgin Council
Portland United Church
Portland United Annual Congregation Meeting is after church on March 26th @10:20 A.M. Plan to attend.
Be sure to drop in downstairs at Portland United Church for the weekly Chit Chat on Thursday mornings between 10:30 and 12:00 and visit with your neighbours.
We are set for July 8 with County Road44 and August 19 with Mary’s Merry Minstrels concerts.
This is to advise you that the United Church is no longer producing their publication “These Days” effective immediately.
UCW Meeting Tuesday, March 14th @ 1:30 @ Portland United Church. All are welcome.
Sheila Campbell is celebrating her birthday on March 13th and Larry Cochran is celebrating his birthday on March 14th. Join us in wishing them both a Happy Birthday.
Portland Council
Portland United Church is enjoying streaming Sunday Services live on their YouTube Channel. Whether you are unable to attend in person, want to watch a Sunday service again mid-week or know someone who might want to check us out, simply click on the following address https://www.youtube.com/@portlandunitedchurch4900 to be taken directly to the Portland United Church YouTube Channel.
Most Sundays are reaching double digit viewings and during the Christmas season we were as high as 35 for some services. Even if you’re watching alone at home, know that you’re really not alone as others are also watching-and all of us are wrapped in the togetherness of Jesus’ arms.
Please consider hitting the ‘Subscribe’ button (once you’ve navigated to the YouTube channel) as shown below. Note, only people with a Gmail account can easily subscribe by clicking this button. Clicking on the ‘Profile Picture’ (an example is shown below on the far left) for Portland United Church will provide you with other options such as viewing past recordings. Reach out to the EPPC office with any questions: office@eppc-ucc.com; 613-272-2002.
Thanks, Media Team at Portland United Church
Devotional Thought, March 11, 2023
The end of winter. While this has been a rather mild one, I’m tired of the uncertainty of whether it will snow, rain, freezing rain. I’m tired of the cold (even though I seldom wear a coat!). But then we have a day like this past Sunday. The sun is bright. It warms our very soul. And we remember – winter will turn into spring and spring into summer. Immediately, just with these thoughts taking root, we are refreshed and ready to face the future with new hope, new life, new perspective. I write to you and I rejoice in all the blessings we have. A new beginning!
This past Sunday morning I heard a sound in church I have not heard in quite a while. Children’s voices, babbling away. I could see the faces of the congregation. Many were smiling. They too enjoyed the ‘baby’ talk. After church was over, this event stuck with me. In conversation with a few friends, one of them reminded me – ‘This is the sound of hope!’
And my mind continues – these little children, angelic faces smiling at us, life filled with curiosity, persistence – free of self-criticism, they just keep practicing. And one day, their voices will be heard, and understood. Perhaps, right here in our congregation! The gift of love outflowing from us to this young family.
And I am then reminded of another baby – one who also needed to be fed and changed and taught. One who babbled and grew and left this world with a miraculous gift. The gift of Life. Few understood that day, as Christ lay in Mary’s arms, that He would change the world.
We are in the Lenten season. And we share in common thoughts around the Easter story. This gift of life, given to us, at the ultimate price! And it is our calling to share this gift. When love is given to us and we in turn give it to another, this is called reciprocity. We reciprocate, we share this wonderful gift.
As we work through this Lenten season, may we each be challenged to share this gift of Hope, this gift of Love, this gift of Life.
I pray God’s blessing on each of you,
Liz Church
Pastoral Care Director
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge
Rural Ministry Town Hall Meetings
We are always looking for ways to increase our ministry into the community. The United Church is providing Town Hall Meetings and these are available to all. There is no cost involved, except for investment of time. They are held via ZOOM on the last Monday of each month. There will be energizing discussions of the joys and challenges of Rural Ministry. Current needs and how to meet them will most assuredly be one of the main topics. The dates are as follows:
EDGE’s Rural Ministry Town Halls start in January 2023 and run from 3:30-4:30pm Eastern. Register once to get the Zoom link to attend each of them:
- March 27
- April 24
- May 29
- June 26
- July 31
- August 28
- September 25
- October 30
- November 27
Rural Ministry Town Halls are free for anyone who would like to attend.
Email edge@united-church.ca for more information.
This would be a great time to rediscover your place in the building of God’s Church in your community.
Join us and be amazed.
Lori Houle
EDGE: A Network for Ministry Development / Réseau pour le développement des ministères
The United Church of Canada / L’Église Unie du Canada
On the Ottawa River, 10 kilometers west of Deep River
HEAD COOK – Mature, self-motivated individual. Must be able to prepare food in an efficient, timely manner following a set menu
for 75 – 100 persons, 3 meals per day. Preference will be given to persons with two or more year’s experience. Salary range: $725 – $950 per week (room and board included).
FLOATER – Lifeguard / Kitchen Assistant. Successful candidate will be required to act as floater between all jobs at Camp as needs arise. Applicants must have his/her NLS and Watercraft qualifications (successful applicant must be prepared to obtain a Pleasure Craft Operators Card). Successful applicant must be prepared to work in a team environment. Minimum age 17 required. Salary range: $550 – $650 per week (room and board included).
MALE COUNSELLORS – Successful applicants will work in one week intervals for five to seven weeks throughout the summer. Applicants must be enthusiastic and responsible team players who will provide fun and leadership for campers. Counsellors will live in cabins with campers and lead campers in the daily activities of summer camp. Age 16 required. Applicants must be available to attend a group interview on either April 1, 2023 or April 29, 2023. Salary: $525 – $575 per week (room and board included).
To apply for any position, visit our website at www.camplau-ren.com
under “Job Postings” to complete an on-line application.
Further information on all positions is available from
Steve McCulloch, Executive Director, at ExecutiveDirector@camplau-ren.rocks
We thank all applicants. Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted.