EPPC Official Board is seeking a volunteer secretary.
Jan Haskin stepped down in December following numerous years as alternate for Margaret Martin and subsequently secretary for the year 2022. OB members and EPPC members thank Jan for her effective and timely recording and publishing of our OB minutes for those alternate years and the three OB meeting in 2022. Requirements for this position are to attend the three to four meetings per year, usually on a weekday evening from 7:00 to 8:00, at alternating churches, called by the Chair as requested. Draft Minutes are submitted to OB members for errors and amendments. Final Minutes are published to the webpage and distributed to OB members. EPPC is in a period of discernment regarding how we vision our future and what role an OB has to offer. For further information please contact me by email earljk@sympatico.ca.
Jim Earl
EPPC OB Chair 613-359-5164
Elgin Portland Pastoral Charge
Fish Fry Fellowship – All Elgin and Portland United Church members are invited to enjoy a fish fry meal on today April 1, starting at 4:00 pm. Meal cost is set for $12/meal including drink and desert.
This joint fellowship event to take place at the curling rink clubhouse at 13 Maplecroft Lane in Chaffey’s Lock location courtesy of Roberta McKinney. The curling rink will be available to those who may wish to try their luck at throwing a few curling rocks. Curling will be supervised by Dave Alderdice and Ted Brett.
If you would like to attend, please notify; Will French at william.french@ucdsb.on.ca or Adrian Overdulve at aoverdulve@gmail.com
As we celebrate Holy Week, may we devote ourselves to the passion of Jesus Christ and commit to living according to His teachings.
Easter Week Services:
Palm Sunday, April 2 – services in Portland at 9:15 and Elgin at 11:00
Maundy Thursday, April 6 – Joint Service in Elgin at 7 p.m. with Communion
Good Friday, April 7 – Joint Service in Portland at 7 p.m.
Easter Sunday, April 9 – Communion services in Portland at 9:15 and Elgin at 11:00 a.m.
Elgin United Church
We welcome Rev. Kathleen Walton who leads us in worship this Sunday.
Elgin Council meets by Zoom, Tuesday, April 4th at 7 pm.
Congratulations to Mark Bee on his retirement from the Military after 38 years of service to our country.
Mark will be retired for about 16 hours before he begins his new career as a civilian employee with DND. Best Wishes in your next chapter, Mark!
John Carley is scheduled for gallbladder surgery April 4th. We hold John and Joanne in our hearts and prayers.
Jesse Tree: There is an Asian proverb that says; “Always keep a bare branch in you heart, so a singing bird may come”. Jesus put it another way when he said: “Love your neighbour as yourself”. For several years now, we have been working with World Vision to love our neighbour, Zyra Joy, who lives in an area of the Philippines where many live in poverty, children are often malnourished, drop out of school early, and there is little hope for the future. Our support has helped make Zyra Joy a lovely, confident Grade 9 student, who enjoys reading and writing and playing badminton and chess, and who is determined to finish school. And of course, she is a representative of what World Vision is doing in her community. In her last letter, Zyra Joy expressed her thanks for all that she has received, but what she is most thankful for is the happiness and hope that her family now has. We have the chance to keep that hope alive with our donations to the Jesse Tree to support the ongoing work of world Vision for Zyra Joy and children like her. As we move through Lent to Easter and the season of spring, our Jesse Tree represents our journey from sorrow to rejoicing, and from the bare branches of winter to the new life of spring. Each donation of $47 will provide a month’s support for Zyra Joy and her family and community, and we will mark that donation by placing a songbird and flower on our Jesse Tree. Let us create something beautiful for God this Lent as we fill our Jesse Tree with new life and create hope in the lives of others. Simply mark your envelope “Jesse Tree” Thank you for your compassion and support.
Elgin Council
Portland United Church
Portland Council meets on Wednesday, April 5th at 7pm.
Be sure to drop in downstairs at Portland United Church for the weekly Chit Chat on Thursday mornings between 10:30 and 12:00 and visit with your neighbours.
Vicky Zwiers just celebrated her birthday on March 28th.
We are set for July 8 with County Road44, July 22 with MarkOne and August 19 with Mary’s Merry Minstrels concerts.
Join Multi-Instrumentalist Mark Mulrenin as he presents a performance of musical entertainment for the whole family. Listen to hits from the 50’s to the present and enjoy Mark’s stories and sense of humor while playing guitar, ukulele, saxophones, flute and keyboard
Portland Council
Portland United Church is enjoying streaming Sunday Services live on their YouTube Channel. Whether you are unable to attend in person, want to watch a Sunday service again mid-week or know someone who might want to check us out, simply click on the following address https://www.youtube.com/@portlandunitedchurch4900 to be taken directly to the Portland United Church YouTube Channel.
Please consider hitting the ‘Subscribe’ button (once you’ve navigated to the YouTube channel) as shown below. Note, only people with a Gmail account can easily subscribe by clicking this button. Clicking on the ‘Profile Picture’ (an example is shown below on the far left) for Portland United Church will provide you with other options such as viewing past recordings. Reach out to the EPPC office with any questions: office@eppc-ucc.com; 613-272-2002.
Thanks, Media Team at Portland United Church
Devotional Thought, April 1, 2023
Not often do we get to think about Palm Sunday, Easter, Jesus, and April Fool’s all at the same time. And even less often do we put them together in any real sense.
Tomorrow, we celebrate Palm Sunday. Such praise for the Saviour! Let the party be joyous for Christ is coming to claim His place in the world! He has promised to save His people; take them out from under the tyranny of a government who has enslaved them, who has made their lives miserable. Finally, something to applaud, something worth dancing and shouting about! The week passes quickly. The events about to unfold can only seem to be a hoax, an extreme prank against the believers of Christ who are rejoicing in His Kingship.
But today, I will remind you of a few things. And this is no joke! Picture this – Jesus, standing in a courtyard – spit upon, beaten, terrible insinuations being thrown. And He stands there, without uttering a word. The same Man, who 33 years earlier was born and caused such fear that the King of the time had all baby boys, of the age two and under, slaughtered! Standing now in a courtyard, blood running down his face and arms. Not looking like the hero, He has been claimed to be! Not a hero the people would follow. A man, rejected by even His closest friends. A man who Himself seemed to need saving.
And this is where it all changes! There is Pilate, shouting to the crowd to come and save their King. There is Pilate, spewing out accusations to Jesus, degrading Him, taunting Him.
And here is Jesus, no need to speak because the kingdom of this world was no threat! There is our Saviour – standing there for us, knowing full well, His message to the World would triumph. He would give to each of us all that we need – love, joy, peace, patience, understanding, hope! Of these things, there is no joke.
We are living with the knowledge that was not in front of the people of Christ’s time. Actually, it was there, but was not understood. How could they comprehend the price for their salvation? They had forgotten their Scripture. In their grief, and fear, they could only see the human side of this narrative. All that Jesus taught them seemed to fade in light of the present.
But Jesus knew. He had always known! So, all joking aside, we can shout out to the world – Hallelujah! What a Saviour!
May this Easter season be one where you claim afresh the gift of love given to you – GRACE – God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.
Blessing on each of you,
Liz Church
Pastoral Care Director
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge