Elgin United Church
Congratulations Dori Lesage (Earl) on the birth of her daughter Aubrey. May Dori, Aubrey and her siblings Marcie, Bryce and Brynn be cradled in God’s Grace.
Happy Birthday to Ron Pyne, April 20th, and Lauren Halladay, April 21st. May your special day be even more than you can imagine. Happy Birthday.
Our prayers are with parents Sheila and Wayne Sly, brother Mark, husband Greg Patterson, daughter Julie and son Ryan with the untimely death of beloved Valerie. May they find comfort and peace in God’s embrace.
Looking forward to seeing everyone at the dine-in Farmers’ Breakfast hosted by Elgin United Church and the Swans of Rideau Lakes at the Elgin Municipal Complex, Saturday April 29th, 8-11 am. Scrambled eggs, 2 bacon, 2 sausage, 1 ham, toast, coffee/tea, and apple/orange juice, $15. Children 10 & under $7. Don’t miss out.
Elgin Council
Portland United Church
Be sure to drop in downstairs at Portland United Church for the weekly Chit Chat on Thursday mornings between 10:30 and 12:00 and visit with your neighbours.
Don’t miss the musical “Annie” at Rideau District High School. Performance dates are:
April 28, 7:00 p.m.
April 29, 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
May 5, 7:00 p.m.
May 6, 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
For tickets call: 613-561-4375 Adults $10.00, Students $5.00
We are set for July 8 with County Road44, July 22 with MarkOne and August 19 with Mary’s Merry Minstrels concerts.
Join Multi-Instrumentalist Mark Mulrenin as he presents a performance of musical entertainment for the whole family. Listen to hits from the 50’s to the present and enjoy Mark’s stories and sense of humor while playing guitar, ukulele, saxophones, flute and keyboard. Date to be Announced.
Portland Council
Portland United Church was able to take advantage of the beautiful April weather we recently experienced and hosted two Drive-In style movies. Because of the weather factor, we don’t have a regular schedule but if the weather looks nice and you’re interested in ‘rolling in’, check out our Portland United Church Facebook page for up to the minute details and announcements. If you were one of the 14 vehicles who joined us at some point last Friday or Saturday night, THANKS! Movies begin approximately 15 minutes after sunset. Email portlandunitedchurch10@gmail.com with further questions.
Thanks, Portland United Church Media Team
Will French
Rideau DHS
Portland United Church is enjoying streaming Sunday Services live on their YouTube Channel. Whether you are unable to attend in person, want to watch a Sunday service again mid-week or know someone who might want to check us out, simply click on the following address https://www.youtube.com/@portlandunitedchurch4900 to be taken directly to the Portland United Church YouTube Channel.
Please consider hitting the ‘Subscribe’ button (once you’ve navigated to the YouTube channel) as shown below. Note, only people with a Gmail account can easily subscribe by clicking this button. Clicking on the ‘Profile Picture’ (an example is shown below on the far left) for Portland United Church will provide you with other options such as viewing past recordings. Reach out to the EPPC office with any questions: office@eppc-ucc.com; 613-272-2002.
Thanks, Media Team at Portland United Church
Devotional Thought, April 23, 2023
This time of year brings the ‘itchy feet’ syndrome to so many. The first sign of warm weather and we all take on a new lease of life. The New Year’s Resolution to get in shape kicks in to high gear – we are off to the races – to start that walking regime. You drag out the walking poles, the hiking sneakers, the bug spray and off you go.
It is not long into that first walk up the walking the trail when the dreaded black spot appears. It goes unnoticed. And your enjoyment of the fresh air, exhilarates your pace, and all is lovely. You complete your walk, get home, jump into the shower and boom! There it is again, the black spot. But this time you recognize it for what it is – the TICK! Ugh! Rats, phooey, rotgut (the expression my family used when they were upset. You find the tick remover kit from last Fall. You carefully remove the pest, making sure you get it all. You shiver with disgust, give an extra scrub to your body and check yourself all over for any other tell-tale black spots.
I immediately see the analogy in my spiritual life. Everything is going great. And then a little issue creeps in. I ignore it, it will go away. Or I will take care of it later. You know what I’m referring to -the skipped prayer time, the little lie, the angry retort, the minute of gossip. How easily, and often undetected, such issues surface but we let them go, unchecked.
Warning given – take time to check yourself! Keep yourself free of TICKS – the intruding creature known as sin– as stated in Hebrews 12: 1, 2 (Good News Bible) – As for us, we have this large crowd of witnesses around us. So then, let us rid ourselves of everything that gets in the way, and of the sin which holds on to us so tightly, and let us run with determination the race that lies before us. 2 Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from beginning to end. He did not give up because of the cross! On the contrary, because of the joy that was waiting for him, he thought nothing of the disgrace of dying on the cross, and he is now seated at the right side of God’s throne.
Happy walking!
To each of you, may you be blessed.
Liz Church
Pastoral Care Director
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge