Elgin United Church
A wee note to let you know that my hip surgery on Friday, the 19th, went well. I am home, navigating well and already getting a bit bored! Thank you to all the folks who wished me well and I will be back in the back pew as soon as I possibly can. Hope you are enjoying our springtime. Thank-you for your prayers, Heather Gribben
Georgina Campbell is in KGH undergoing tests for an as yet undiagnosed ailment. Please keep her in your prayers for a complete and speedy recovery.
Happy Anniversary to Maureen and Mark Bee who celebrated on Thursday, May 25th. Congratulations.
Jessica and Michael Gordanier will celebrate their Anniversay on Thursday, June 1st. Happy Anniversary.
Thank you to all who supported our EUC fish fry, Friday, May 19th. Your support is a great help with our community outreach. Community Committed, Community Strong!
Elgin Council
Portland United Church
We had a very successful Farmers’ breakfast on Saturday, May 20th. The Portland CEC and Portland United Church jointly hosted this event as a fund raiser for new playground equipment for the village and for the Green Energy program for the church. Thank you to all the volunteers that helped. We raised a total of $905.35, after expenses, split 50-50, so $452.67 to each group. It was the first time that many of the volunteers had worked an event in our kitchen and it was a great experience. Special thanks to Bob and MJ Leblanc for taking the lead.
On June 13 at 12:30 the UCW (members + workers) are going to enjoy a time of fellowship by gathering for lunch at Stirling Lodge. All are welcome. Please contact Connie @ 613-220-7914 or portlandparadise55@gmail.com if you would like to join us. The more the merrier!
Rhubarb has been picked and 240 cups are in the freezer! I think that means pie making time is just around the corner. Stand by! Keep your fingers crossed that the strawberries withstand these frosty nights.
There will be a plant sale Saturday, May 27 from 9:30 to noon at the home of Ida and Paul Chvostek, 2777 Highway 15 – at the East entrance to Portland on Highway 15. Money raised will go towards the playground equipment. Great deals. Check it out!
County Road 44 – Bluegrass Band – Portland United Church Saturday July 8th @ 7 pm. Goodwill offering requested.
MarkOne – Portland United Church July 22nd @ 7:00 pm. Goodwill offering requested.
Portland Council
Devotional Thought, May 27, 2023
Courageous Communities – over and over in the past few months I have learned so much about what it means to be courageous.
For instance, last week, we planned a fish fry in Elgin and a Farmers’ Breakfast in Portland. Both were well supported. The communities surrounding both churches got involved and a good time ensued.
You might ask, ‘What was courageous about that?’ We are beginning to see through the last few years of a pandemic, people are still wanting to celebrate, to be a part of each other. Seeking out community is a brave thing. Our fears are may be just below the surface, but the desire to not be alone takes courage.
There are times we are called upon to have courage – to speak out for what is right. It is not always easy. You may face ridicule, you may lose friends, you may feel like you are standing alone.
There are times when you are not comfortable to reach out to another, to show compassion, to try and understand. We are called to be courageous Christians; to share God’s love to all.
Yet, in the middle of talking about courage, we must look at some truths of what this means. Here, in this land, we see little of the aggression that others experience. But is that really so?
Just this week Charlotte Hoy mentioned some of her fears. When I arrived home, I began to recall her words. She talked about the destruction of our planet, how animals, people, the planet are being destroyed. She prayed for people around the world who suffer from the injustices of war. She mentioned the political climate, divisions throughout, people hungry for power. And she referred to those who have come to our part of the world searching for safety, running for their lives, looking for compassion and understanding. And she mentioned also about a heath care system that is floundering, the rising cost of food, stagnant wages.
So much of what she shared resonates in each of us. Being Christian in these times is not easy. We are called upon to live as Christ would, to give as Christ gave and to love, even when it hurts, even when you want to run away.
Courage to love may take time. But I believe this is the time to stand up and be counted. Look for ways to share Christ, be brave. You are not alone. Scripture tells us clearly in 1 Corinthians 16: 13, 14 –
Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous.
Be strong. And do everything with love.
May each of you find courage this week as you walk in the light of God.
Liz Church
Director of Pastoral Care
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge