Elgin-Portland United Church
Music Rep
Joan Kelly after many years as the music rep on council has decided to step down. We are actively looking for some one to step forward to fill this role . Joan continues to help us as we strive to find a replacement .
Official Board
Larry Cochran has decided to step down from his role on the Ministry and Personnel Committee. PUC is actively looking for a second rep to back up Arie Hooganboom . The committee is made up of four representatives 2 from each Church under the leadership of Maureen Bee. If you are interested in exploring this opportunity, please contact myself or Maureen to find out more .
On Canada Day weekend some people you might know- Margaret Martin, Roberta McKinney, Wendy Lowe and Shaun Seaman plus 15 others will be exhibiting their art as part of the Rideau Lakes Studio Tour. It’s a great opportunity to see the artists in their studios. It’s a great way to explore this beautiful area. For more information check out rideaulakesstudiotour.ca
Elgin United Church
A belated Happy Anniversary to Chloe & Adam Murray and Candace & Lee Whitley, who celebrated on June 22nd.
Happy Birthday and best wishes to Christina Halladay, June 24th.
June Smith celebrates her 90th birthday on Tuesday, June 27th. Happy Birthday June, best wishes and enjoy your special day.
Best wishes to all who are celebrating special occasions this week.
Frank Allen was discharged from hospital on Sunday, June18th, and is recuperating at his son’s in Ottawa.
Barb Rowat transferred to Providence Care in Kingston, on Wednesday, June 21st. She continues to improve.
Karen Myers continues steady improvement as she recovers from hip surgery.
We keep these special people in our prayers as well as others who are experiencing illness and troubles.
Remember to stop by the Red Brick School, 3 Halladay St, in Elgin at 2 pm, Saturday June 24th and join in a display ceremony and 20th anniversary celebration of the Elgin and Area Heritage Society.
NOT TO BE MISSED – Zoë Zudinski plays Elgin United! This amazing pianist is playing a half hour piano concert at 12:30, Sunday June 25th at Elgin United. Zoë is a Grade 10 piano student who practices weekly at Elgin United. All are welcome and light refreshments will be served.
Celebration of Life for Elsa and Ab Emmons (parents of Wanda Seward) will be held on July 22, 2023. Details to follow.
Elgin Council
Portland United Church
Go Green Project
As current stewards of this land, PUC is of the belief that it is important to show leadership and take action to preserve our local environment for generations to come.
The Go Green Project includes
Converting to LED lighting and Weather proofing our building to capitalize on the energy we already consume. The impact is to lower our electric consumption by 15%.
Substituting a Low Temperature, energy efficient, Heat Pump in the Gathering room for the current Propane heater. This will lower our carbon production by an estimated 22%.
Introducing Solar Panels to our roof reducing our draw from the electric grid by up to 90%. This will also lower our overall cost and put us in a position to completely eliminate our carbon usage in future years.
The project is well underway and will pray fully be completed by early fall of this year.
Panel Placement
The investment of $55,000 is supported by
The Portland United Church Congregation and community fundraising
The Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Church Extension Fund
The National United Church of Canada Faithful Footprint Program
Portland United Church is still needs $5,000 to complete our fundraising activities. Your support is appreciated.
Portland United Church looks forward to sharing our experience as we embark on this bold adventure to help protect our collective future.
If people are interested in other Green initiatives taking place in congregations around the country
- Go to faithfulfootprints.org
- Click the Inspiration tab and newsletters
- You can either open the various issues of the newsletter or subscribe at the bottom.
The Heat Pump was installed in the Gathering Room this past week.
The Weather stripping has been done on all outside doors.
The Caulking will be done as soon as possible.
Get your orders in. Last Chance! Cherry, Blueberry and Strawberry/Rhubarb pies. Sheila @ 613-272-3531 or Connie @ 613-220-7914.
The Forfar Strawberry Social will be held on Sunday, July 2, 2023 at the Forfar Community Center. 2 sittings, 4:00 and 5:00 pm. Call Tammy or Doris Day at 613-272-2474 for advance tickets (recommended). Adults $20.00, Children 5-12 $10.00. Includes ham, scalloped potatoes, corn, coleslaw, roll and beverage with strawberries and ice cream for dessert. Take-out available.
County Road 44 – Bluegrass Band – Portland United Church Saturday July 8th @ 7 pm. A goodwill offering will be received.
MarkOne – Portland United Church July 22nd @ 7:00 pm. A goodwill offering will be received. Join Multi-Instrumentalist Mark Mulrenin as he presents a performance of musical entertainment for the whole family. Listen to hits from the 50’s to the present and enjoy Mark’s stories and sense of humour while playing guitar, ukulele, saxophone, flute and keyboard.
Portland Council
Devotional Thought, June 24, 2023
This week I attended my granddaughter’s graduation from Elementary into High School. So much enthusiasm in those young humans. So much potential! But what really struck a note in my heart was the letter she wrote to her mother. One of the requirements was to write to your parent(s) or guardian an individual letter expressing thankfulness, love, etc. So, This, inspired me to write a letter to my Heavenly Father.
Dear Holy One,
In 1953 you brought me into this world. And while I was unaware of my journey into the future, You, had already planned it for me. Thank you for this.
Do You remember that little church I attended? You provided me with so many spiritual leaders. They loved me and help me to understand what it really means to grow in grace. You gave them to me. Sorry I did not completely appreciate it all the time. Sometimes I felt smothered. I needed to break away, or run away. And You allowed me to learn through these experiences. And still You continued to walk with me. Thank You.
I must apologize right at the beginning. Somewhere along in this trip, I decided I did not really want to listen to them or to You. You, being who You are, tried desperately to encourage me. I know You only wanted what was best for me. I remember You telling me: “Elizabeth, I know what you need. I would never hurt you. I love you! But! I have given you the power to make your own choices. So as a good parent, I allow you to go! But remember this – I will always be with you. Don’t forget to come and talk with me and we can work it out!”
So many times, Father, I was ashamed to come back. It seemed the wasteland of the world and what it offered took over me for a time. I was desperate yet still embarrassed to come home to You.
During one of those frantic times, You poured everything You had into me and led me to a place of love, acceptance, hope. You showed me that I was loveable. You reminded me that everything I could ever need was available for the asking.
People often say that little things matter. And I want to thank You, Father, for showing me this truth. You have given me shelter from the storms. You have taught me courage in the face of difficulties. You continue to amaze me with the beauty of nature, and family, and friends.
As I write this letter, I know that what I’m saying only scratches the very surface of all You have done for me and given to me. Thank You for being able to read my heart. At the moment it is beating so fast as I try and express my love to You. Tears well up as I think about these past 70 years. I have no idea of the depth of patience, love, frustration, waiting, and perseverance it must have taken to bring me to this place.
I can only say, from the depths of my heart – “Father, read between the lines and You will know how much I love You. Thank you for everything!”
May you shine as God’s Light in the world!
Liz Church
Director of Pastoral Care
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge
Camp Awesome is a full-day faith-based day camp summer program, July 17-21 at Trinity United Church, Smiths Falls, that is active, engaging and fun for children. We combine vacation bible school teachings, including stories, songs and crafts, with interactive games and theme day fun. Healthy snacks provided!
Camp Awesome has a program for every age group:
CA Camper – Ages 4 * – 12CA Crew – Ages 12 – 13
Youth Leadership – 13+
Cost per child is $150 for the week at Trinity United Church, Smiths Falls, with a free (return) bus from Perth (pick up at St. Paul’s United, Perth at 8:15am, returning at 4:25pm).
Financial assistance is available for families.