Devotional Thought, June 24, 2023


This week I attended my granddaughter’s graduation from Elementary into High School. So much enthusiasm in those young humans. So much potential! But what really struck a note in my heart was the letter she wrote to her mother. One of the requirements was to write to your parent(s) or guardian an individual letter expressing thankfulness, love, etc. So, This, inspired me to write a letter to my Heavenly Father.

Dear Holy One,

In 1953 you brought me into this world. And while I was unaware of my journey into the future, You, had already planned it for me. Thank you for this.

Do You remember that little church I attended? You provided me with so many spiritual leaders. They loved me and help me to understand what it really means to grow in grace. You gave them to me. Sorry I did not completely appreciate it all the time. Sometimes I felt smothered. I needed to break away, or run away. And You allowed me to learn through these experiences. And still You continued to walk with me. Thank You.

I must apologize right at the beginning. Somewhere along in this trip, I decided I did not really want to listen to them or to You. You, being who You are, tried desperately to encourage me. I know You only wanted what was best for me. I remember You telling me: “Elizabeth, I know what you need. I would never hurt you. I love you! But! I have given you the power to make your own choices. So as a good parent, I allow you to go! But remember this – I will always be with you. Don’t forget to come and talk with me and we can work it out!”

So many times, Father, I was ashamed to come back. It seemed the wasteland of the world and what it offered took over me for a time. I was desperate yet still embarrassed to come home to You.

During one of those frantic times, You poured everything You had into me and led me to a place of love, acceptance, hope. You showed me that I was loveable. You reminded me that everything I could ever need was available for the asking.

People often say that little things matter. And I want to thank You, Father, for showing me this truth. You have given me shelter from the storms. You have taught me courage in the face of difficulties. You continue to amaze me with the beauty of nature, and family, and friends.

As I write this letter, I know that what I’m saying only scratches the very surface of all You have done for me and given to me. Thank You for being able to read my heart. At the moment it is beating so fast as I try and express my love to You. Tears well up as I think about these past 70 years. I have no idea of the depth of patience, love, frustration, waiting, and perseverance it must have taken to bring me to this place.

I can only say, from the depths of my heart – “Father, read between the lines and You will know how much I love You. Thank you for everything!”



May you shine as God’s Light in the world!

Liz Church

Director of Pastoral Care

Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge



 Camp Awesome is a full-day faith-based day camp summer program, July 17-21 at Trinity United Church, Smiths Falls, that is active, engaging and fun for children.  We combine vacation bible school teachings, including stories, songs and crafts, with interactive games and theme day fun.  Healthy snacks provided!

 Camp Awesome has a program for every age group:
CA Camper – Ages 4 * – 12

CA Crew – Ages 12 – 13

Youth Leadership – 13+

Cost per child is $150 for the week at Trinity United Church, Smiths Falls, with a free (return) bus from Perth (pick up at St. Paul’s United, Perth at 8:15am, returning at 4:25pm).

Financial assistance is available for families.