Devotional Thought, July 1, 2023

The power of punctuation! Let me explain. My son sent me the above picture, with the explanation: ‘I made it to the gas station!’ I simply wrote back: ‘Good.’ Within seconds, he wrote back: ‘Are you mad at me?’

You see, he has become accustomed to my ‘quick wit’ and sarcasm. I called him. And we conversed about what the period at the end of my statement really meant. To me it said: ‘I’m so glad. At least you didn’t have to walk to a garage, buy a gas can, fill it with gas, and walk back to your car.’ To Chris is meant: ‘She must be annoyed that I let the gas tank run on empty and I will have to buy another gas can (since this scenario had happened just a few months previous!) I better text her.’

We live in a time when words are easily misunderstood. And texting cannot add the emphasis needed to fully let another know the message you want to convey. While the world sees this technology as wonderful (and it is!), we also see the difficulties in truly communicating. Emojis are a little underwhelming when expressing true feelings. Snapchat disappears before you have the chance to respond. The list could be expanded and the inadequacies relayed in the words of this reflection. But I believe you may be getting the picture.

More than 2000 years ago, Christ walked among the people. They could see Him, read His expressions, hear Him. One of the most amazing results from this is that people really wanted to remember these teachings. And so, we have God’s teachings recorded for us.

We don’t have to guess at what He wants us to know or remember. There is a perfect communication given us. And we are further blessed in that we can quickly look up interpretations for His Word. They leave little room for doubt about many subjects. The period at the end of each sentence needs no explanation.

Here are a few of these:

Jesus loves me.

I can cast my burdens on the Lord.

The Lord is my Shepherd.

I’m richer than a millionaire just because He cares.

Trust in God.

He knows me by name.

Be not dismayed.

Take time and add to this list. Look up the references in God’s Word that reinforce these promises. Always remember, there is no second guessing what the Lord means. You can depend on The Voice of God speaking clearly. Just listen!

May you shine as God’s Light in the world!


Liz Church

Director of Pastoral Care

Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge




Camp Awesome is a full-day faith-based day camp summer program, July 17-21 at Trinity United Church, Smiths Falls, that is active, engaging and fun for children.  We combine vacation bible school teachings, including stories, songs and crafts, with interactive games and theme day fun.  Healthy snacks provided!

Camp Awesome has a program for every age group:
CA Camper – Ages 4 * – 12

CA Crew – Ages 12 – 13

Youth Leadership – 13+

Cost per child is $150 for the week at Trinity United Church, Smiths Falls, with a free (return) bus from Perth (pick up at St. Paul’s United, Perth at 8:15am, returning at 4:25pm).

Financial assistance is available for families.