Devotional Thought, July 8, 2023

     Are you ever happy and sad at the same time. Or have you noticed this to happen more often than not? Not sure about you, but I have certainly had that experience. And this past week has been living proof that the presence of Holy Spirit walks, talks, comforts us. For me, the reality of life and death have been prevalent. But above all this, the Comforter has given me the adequate strength I needed.

Most of you know that I travelled to Halifax and picked up my 2 grandchildren from there. A plan is developing for them to spend the summer with their father and of course, with me! Happy times!

Now the crunch time! While travelling to Halifax, my sister called me. Cancer is taking over her body and she may remain in this world for only a short time. Having just spent a few days with her, and having talked about our Eternal Home, and our loving, Heavenly Father, she is at peace. Sad times, happy times! Co-existing together.

My story for this week does not end there. My son-in-law, Peter, married to my daughter Cheryl, in Mississauga, passed away, unexpectedly. This news I received within an hour of arriving in Halifax. Overwhelming, heartbreaking news. And yet, I was in the right place. His elderly parents live in the Halifax area. And I was able to reach out to them, be with them, share memories with them. Again, sad times, happy times! Co-existing together.

I cannot explain to you how the power of God works. I only know it does! He places us where He needs us, at just the right moment. Without even our awareness, He prepares our journey.

The joy of family, the sadness in our lives, intertwines. Alone, we would be lost, overwhelmed with grief. But God, in a way beyond our understanding, shows us His love. I cannot walk this life on my own.

Some of you, my readers, relate well to this season of life – happiness and grief! I cannot express all this in a few sentences but this I can say with assurance. God loves me! His promises are reliable. He walks with you and He is your Constant Companion. You are never alone.

Look around you this week. Be aware of the Presence of God. Thank Him for His grace and love. And even in the small things, be aware of your blessings – friends, family, daily miracles, given to you so that you will continue to grow in strength and in the knowledge that, beyond this life, is the Life we desire – a place made ready just for you.

May you shine as God’s Light in the world!

Liz Church

Director of Pastoral Care

Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge



Camp Awesome is a full-day faith-based day camp summer program, July 17-21 at Trinity United Church, Smiths Falls, that is active, engaging and fun for children.  We combine vacation bible school teachings, including stories, songs and crafts, with interactive games and theme day fun.  Healthy snacks provided!

Camp Awesome has a program for every age group:
CA Camper – Ages 4 * – 12

CA Crew – Ages 12 – 13

Youth Leadership – 13+

Cost per child is $150 for the week at Trinity United Church, Smiths Falls, with a free (return) bus from Perth (pick up at St. Paul’s United, Perth at 8:15am, returning at 4:25pm).

Financial assistance is available for families.