2023-08-12 Weekly E-News

Elgin-Portland Pastoral Charge

The Joint Trustees of the Elgin-Portland Pastoral Charge are excited about tomorrow’s picnic to help celebrate and recognize the contributions made by our Volunteers of the Community Clothing Coop. For those who have signed up with either Adrian or Will, we plan to leave the Public Docks in Portland.   If the weather cooperates, please remember to bring a plate, fork, water bottle and lawn chair. If the weather forecast proves too risky to be on the water, we will meet at Portland UC to eat, sing, and rejoice in the great ministry provided by the many volunteers of the Community Clothing Coop. An announcement will be made on Sunday in Church to confirm further details regarding weather or you can text Will at 613 803 4684 on Sunday afternoon to seek clarification.

Elgin United Church


The YAHBC (Young at Heart Breakfast Club) met on the 20th at the Junction Restaurant.  No one was elected and no minutes were kept, just a good breakfast and better conversation.  If you would like to join us at our next or any meetings let Clint or Ted know and we will put you on the list.  At the moment we are thinking Thursday the 24th of August at 9 am. at the Junction.

Barb Rowat continues to improve and is in good spirits. She enjoys visits and calls, so when you have a moment reach out to her at Providence Care. Please keep Barb, Jim and their children in your prayers though out their journey of recovery.

Mark your calendars for a busy October of concerts at EUC with Small Halls October 13th and Canadian Women in Song October 21st.  More info will follow.  Other October events are in the planning stages.

The 3rd annual Elgin United Church fall Crafters/Vendors Market is set for Saturday, October 14th at 300 Hartsgravel Rd., Elgin, ON.

More details will follow.

Elgin United Church Council

Portland United Church

Portland United Church Chit Chat new times starting at 10 a.m. to Noon every Thursday.

The parents of Evan Seay have asked us to but Evan on the prayer list. He is a three-year-old with some health issues they are trying to diagnose at CHEO, and we just need all the help we can get.

Our prayers go out to Kim and Colin Hoogwerf’s family with the passing of Colin’s mom (Irma).

Please keep Shelva and Herbie Hutchings in your prayers as Herbie has been admitted to hospital.

Old Tyme Country and Gospel Music by Mary’s Merry Minstrels, Saturday, August 19th at 7:00 pm. Portland United Church.  A goodwill offering will be received.

Portland United Church Council

Devotional Thought, August 12, 2023

As I sit and gaze out my window this morning, I am reminded of how quickly time passes. It seems like only short weeks ago we waited patiently for summer to arrive. We looked for the signs of robins, crocuses and warmer weather. Now here we are on the waning side of summer, sliding into Autumn.

I have always thought of that word ‘waning’ as an indication of something not so good. Not so much as it pertains to the moon. But as an indication of one’s spiritual life.

Do you recall when you first came to recognize Jesus as your Saviour. The excitement, at least for me, could hardly be contained. Being a fairly shy youngster, when I was told to ‘shout it from the rooftops, that Jesus Christ is Lord’, did not come naturally. But, with practise,  I was able to gain confidence. Yet, here I am, many years later, thinking about a ’waning’ enthusiasm. Have I allowed the passion for reaching out to others to fall by the wayside? Has my eagerness turned into indifference?

This week has afforded me many blessed opportunities to put this theory to the test. And here is my conclusion: If I only sit and contemplate the ‘waning’ of my spiritual life, I will miss out on the beauty that is about to approach.

There are so many occasions where a word of comfort, a gesture of kindness, a silent prayer, a text, a phone call, may make the difference to someone else. But it will also provide you with the realization that even as our spiritual lives change as the seasons, they do not diminish in beauty.

2 Timothy 4:7 (Good News Bible) – If you keep your faith close, the Lord will be with you every step of the way throughout your life, but especially when you need Him most. He will be your guide.

May you shine as God’s Light in the world!

Liz Church

Director of Pastoral Care

Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge