2023-09-02 Weekly E-News

Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge

As another school year begins, we wish all students, teachers and staff a welcoming, safe and respectful environment for learning and social growth.

We ask all drivers to be cautious and observant at all times when behind the wheel, and even more so when in the proximity of school buses, school zones and children. Mind your speed, be alert, keep everyone safe.

Happy Anniversary to Rev. Takouhi and Gary Petro, Sunday September 3rd.   May they enjoy a super special day.

We pray for Rev. Shaun Seaman’s full recovery from his recent knee replacement surgery. May he experience a speedy return to normal activity and we look forward to his worship leadership again very soon.

   Elgin United Church

Mary Lynne Alderdice continues to recover from surgery on her broken ankle.

June Smith has received her pacemaker and is doing well.

Please hold both Mary Lynne and June in your prayers for speedy and complete recoveries.

Elgin United Church Council meets at 7 pm, September 5th, at the church.

Ten YaHers gathered for food, fun and  conversation last Thursday morning at the Junction Restaurant.  Watch for September’s date and make a point of joining in. See ya there.

Elgin United Church Council

Portland United Church

You would be welcome to attend the UCW meeting on Tuesday, September 12 at 1:30.  We will soon be making apple pies again!

Chit Chat is open on Thursday mornings from 10:00 until noon downstairs.  Come and enjoy a coffee or tea and visit with your neighbours.

Again this fall, Rev. Doug is offering  another series of self reflection on our relationship with Christ.  Anyone wanting to join the Bible Study is welcome but participants are asked to commit to the entire series, as possible. Along with scripture, we will be using the literature of Author John Ortberg’s Study Guide: God Is Closer Than You Think/If God is always with us, why is he so difficult to find? to help facilitate discussions. Email Will French or call Annette Clarke in the Church Office with questions, to indicate an interest in participating or to sponsor purchasing resources for attendees to use. We will meet in the upstairs Friendship Room of Portland United Church on Mondays beginning September 18, 25; Oct 2, 16 and 23 from 6:30-8:00p.m.

The Community Clothing Co-op will be closed from Monday Sept 25 to Friday Sept 29, reopening on Saturday Sept 30 to facilitate the change of season clothing from summer to winter season.  In storage at Kin Park we have about 25 bins of winter clothing to be moved to our present location at CRCHC and then summer bins back to Kin Park.  If you would be able to help us sort clothing or transport bins, please contact Joan Kelly at 6132723134.ThanksJoan

Portland United Church Council

Devotional Thought, September 2, 2023

As children we often played a game called ‘telephone’. A person would whisper in your ear and then you would repeat what you heard to the next person, continuing around the circle. Of course, one of the rules was that you could only whisper it once so you had to listen carefully. The last person would then tell everyone what was said. There was always much laughter because the final message was nothing like the one you started with.

I got to thinking about God and how He speaks to us. Can you imagine what this world would be like if we only heard the Message once? I’m ecstatic that my Creator never gave up on giving me the message over and over until I got it right. It is obvious that my ears were sometimes closed to hearing the full message or the correct message. Or there were even times when I avoided listening at all.

Throughout Scripture the ‘still small voice’ was at work. The phrase “still small voice” is found in 1 Kings 19:11-13. Modern translations use phrases like “the sound of a low whisper”, “a gentle whisper”, “a soft whisper”. All of those phrases bring comfort to me. It makes me feel like they are always there, giving guidance.

Even as I write to you, my friends, I can hear: ‘Elizabeth, Elizabeth, I want you know how close I Am to you. Can you feel me? Relax. Know that I Am with you. Go about your day knowing I Am right here!’

As you read this reflection, stop and hear those sounds blowing through your mind, into your heart and be refreshed in the Presence of God. Hearing the Holy Spirit’s Whispers will make you feel alive, prepared for the day and you can walk with a lighter step this day as you walk in the Presence of Your God.

Be blessed and refreshed this day.

Liz Church

Director of Pastoral Care