Elgin United Church
Reminder to mark your calendar for a busy October with Elgin United:
- Small Hallas Concert October 13th, featuring Mikhail Laxton at Elgin United. Tickets at ontariosmallhalls.com
- Crafters & Vendors Market October 14th at 300 Hartsgravel Rd, Elgin
- Canadian Women in Song concert October 21st at Elgin United.
Advance notice of a Gentle Persuasive Approaches (GPA) in Dementia Care education session hosted by Elgin United Pastoral Care Group from 1-4pm Sunday, November 19th at the Elgin Municipal Complex. All are welcome. More information will be shared closer to the event.
Most of you are probably wondering what happened to the O.B. Jim has taken a leave of absence because of family matters so we don’t have a chair. Clint and Duncan are away but we have decided to get together the 3 of us, me included, when everyone is back and discuss the future and maybe even brainstorm about a replacement chair for now. I will chair the next meeting. When that is done, we will also decide when to have an O.B. meeting. With the roof on the manse almost done I may even be able to present a budget for 2023 which hasn’t been done yet. All this to say we are working on it, but life is getting in the way at the moment. Ted
Elgin United Church Council
Portland United Church
We will be making our apple pies September 27 and 29 from 9:00 to noon. Please let us know if you are able to help peel or roll. Be sure to get your order in. Call Connie @ 613-220-7914 or MJ @ 613-222-9070 to order before September 19. Order forms are also on the bulletin board.
Chit Chat is open on Thursday mornings from 10:00 until noon downstairs. Come and enjoy a coffee or tea and visit with your neighbours.
The Community Clothing Co-op will be closed from Monday Sept 25 to Friday Sept 29, reopening on Saturday Sept 30 to facilitate the change of season clothing from summer to winter season. In storage at Kin Park we have about 25 bins of winter clothing to be moved to our present location at CRCHC and then summer bins back to Kin Park. If you would be able to help us sort clothing or transport bins, please contact Joan Kelly at 6132723134.
Thanks JoanPortland United Church Council
Devotional Thought, September 16, 2023
The good-bye theme continues.
My granddaughter left today for Halifax. The courts of Nova Scotia have said she must return there. Proper paper work must be completed before the transition can happen for her to live here in Ontario. While disappointing, even downright depressing, it will happen, hopefully very soon. So, keep praying. I appreciate all your support for my family.
In going through such an experience this week, I was reminded of those times in the life of Jesus when the Law of the land seemed to supersede the Laws of God. And I remember a verse: “Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s; and to God the things that are God’s” (Matthew 22:21 NASB).
So many of this world’s institutions have focused on the first part of this verse. But Jesus did not. As He so often did, He turned the discussion to the real intent of the quote and the deep-seated issues behind it. Give to God what is God’s. You have been made in His image. You have a relationship with Him. Everything you are, or have, you give back to the Lord. Trust with all your being.
I have often written to you to remind you of how loved you are. Those times when you are afraid, frustrated, depressed, longing for the world to stop spinning – those are the times when your faith must stay strong, when your commitment to the Lord is strengthened because you rest on Holy Spirt who comes in and walks with you.
I don’t know what each of you are facing right now. But I say with assurance, you are not alone. Be brave, be courageous. Know the Lord God walks with you, carries you, and loves you more than you will ever know.
Be blessed and refreshed this day.
Liz Church, Director of Pastoral Care
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge