Elgin Portland Pastoral Charge
We have heard of the sudden passing of our great friend, super father and precious companion, Larry Cochran.
Opportunity to celebrate his life will take place on
Friday, September 29th, 11:00 am
at the Portland United Church.
Refreshments to follow
Your story starts again, my friend!
Elgin United Church
Our heartfelt condolences to Donna Bennett, whose father passed away suddenly in August. Donna, we will hold you in our hearts and our prayers, and know that your friends at EUC care deeply for you always.
Reminder to mark your calendar for a busy October with Elgin United:
- Small Halls Concert October 13th,@7 p.m. featuring Mikhail Laxton at Elgin United. Tickets at ontariosmallhalls.com
- Crafters & Vendors Market October 14th @ 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 300 Hartsgravel Rd, Elgin. 23 vendors to choose from.
- Canadian Women in Song concert October 21st @ 7.p.m. at the Elgin United. For tickets on line go to eventbrite.ca Then go to search and type in Canadian Women in Song and it will come up. You can even pay for your tickets and print them out.
Advance notice of a Gentle Persuasive Approaches (GPA) in Dementia Care education session hosted by Elgin United Pastoral Care Group from 1-4pm Sunday, November 19th at the Elgin Municipal Complex. All are welcome. More information will be shared closer to the event.
The YAHBC (Young at Heart Breakfast Club) will meet at the Junction Restaurant on the 28th of September at 9 am.
To ensure they have room for us let either Clint or Ted know by what ever means you are comfortable with, phone, email or text no later than noon on Wednesday the 27th. Folks from both churches are welcome.
For text, Clint 613 217 0054, Ted 613 340 3527. Hope to see you there. Ted
Elgin United Church Council
Portland United Church
Pies Never Tasted So Good
You will have to wait for an extra week.
Pie making has been moved to
October 3 – Making Dough
October 4 – Making Pies
October 5 – Making Dough
October 6 – Making Pies
Chit Chat is open on Thursday mornings from 10:00 until noon downstairs. Come and enjoy a coffee or tea and visit with your neighbours.
The Community Clothing Co-op will be closed from Monday Sept 25 to Friday Sept 29, reopening on Saturday Sept 30 to facilitate the change of season clothing from summer to winter season. In storage at Kin Park we have about 25 bins of winter clothing to be moved to our present location at CRCHC and then summer bins back to Kin Park. If you would be able to help us sort clothing or transport bins, please contact Joan Kelly at 6132723134.
Thanks JoanPortland United Church Council
Devotional Thought, September 23, 2023
Time, time, time! Never enough time, too much time, wasted time, hard times, good times, time with God, time management, quiet time.
If you look closely at this word ‘time’ you can see the lines blurring as you try and focus on it. It seems like our whole lives center around this. We have set ourselves into this box and try as we might, we cannot break through or break out of it.
So, I ask the question – ‘Do I need to break out of this? Maybe, I should realize the gift I have received and decide how to use it?’ As Christians, we know that God made the days. God gives us 24 hours—1,440 minutes—each day. We can choose how to use this time.
I did a little breakdown of what my day MIGHT look like:
Sleeping – 6 hours – 360 minutes
Eating – 3 hours – 180 minutes
Working – 6 hours – 360 minutes
Entertainment – 3 hours – 180 minutes
Visitation – 3 hours – 180 minutes
Family – 2 hours – 120 minutes
Devotions – 1 hour – 60 minutes
As I did this exercise in time management, I saw many flaws in it. There is really no time allotted for how often I pray, or chance encounters, those serendipitous moments in our lives, or just sitting and singing with the Christian artists that I ask ‘Alexa’ to play for me! There is no time slot for preparation for upcoming special holidays, or church activities.
And as you take time to look at your day, you too would recognize those moments that are added to your day.
Realistically, I only sleep 4-5 hours a night; prep for meals is sometimes grabbing a bite in between laundry or ‘Nana’ taxi; family time is done on the telephone as my daughter or son are driving to work; exercise time is someone twisting my arm to go with them to exercise class.
While I love the platitude we often say: ‘Live each day as if it is your last day!”, this is a somewhat impossible task. I don’t have that much energy or willpower. But the message is obvious. Your time has value. Once it is wasted, it cannot be gotten back.
Ephesians 5: 16, 17 from the New Living Translation states clearly: “Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do.”
Our time will run out. And on the glorious day you arrive at your final destination, I am sure you will want to hear how well you have used your time and all the resources you have been given by God, your Creator.
Be blessed and refreshed this day.
Liz Church
Director of Pastoral Care
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge