2023-11-04 Weekly E-News

Elgin Portland United Church

Remember to turn your clocks back an hour before going to bed Saturday night. If you want to be exact and get up for 2 AM, I think that’s the official time, feel free, but when you retire for Saturday night works too.

Flourishing: Bold Ideas, Daring Connections

November 10 @ 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Is your church contributing to the flourishing of your community? All around the world – from universities to the United Nations, from corporations to community organizations – people are talking about flourishing. Rooted in belonging, flourishing means living with purpose and joy, and bringing bold collaborative solutions to our world’s challenges.

On Friday, November 10, spend a day with the Moderator Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne, engaging in reflection and energizing activities towards dream-oriented actions for our churches and communities.

Crossroads United Church
690 Sir John A. MacDonald Blvd
Kingston ON, K7M 1A2

Tel: 613.542.9305


More Information and Registration

This week we honour our service men and women who volunteered served, fought, sacrificed and died for our freedom. Sunday Nov. 5th are the Remembrance Day services at both PUC and EUC, and Saturday Nov 11th are several Legion ceremonies. Please see below the times and locations below. 

Remembrance Day Service November 11th, 2023

  • 11AM @ Portland Legion on Harlem Road
  • 1:30PM @ Elgin Cenotaph at Heritage Park next to the Red Brick Schoolhouse at 3 Halladay St. Elgin
  • 3:00 PM @ Portland Cenotaph on HWY 15  by the Emmanuel Heritage Centre

All are followed by a light lunch at the branch and all Remembrance Day Poster Poems and Essays from our local schools will be on display.

The Official Board meets Tuesday Nov. 28th 7 pm EUC.

Advance notice of a Gentle Persuasive Approaches (GPA) in Dementia Care education session hosted by Elgin United Pastoral Care Group from 1-4pm Sunday, November 19th at the Elgin Municipal Complex. All are welcome. More information will be shared closer to the event.


The Young at Heart Breakfast Club will meet Thursday Nov. 30th at 9 am at the Junction restaurant.

Both churches are invited and everyone that comes enjoys themselves and we are getting folks from both churches.

In order that the restaurant can accommodate us let Clint 613 217 0054 cell or Ted 613 340 3527 cell know by whatever means you find most comfortable by noon Wednesday. Hope to see you there.

Elgin United Church

Congratulations to Leggett’s Maple Syrup, Carl, Bruce, Kathy, on being judged Reserve World Champion. This is Leggett’s second Reserve Champion award, and the first time it has been awarded twice in the history of the Royal Winter Fair. Well done Carl, Bruce and Kathy.

Belated Happy Anniversary wishes to Elizabeth and John Wright who celebrated 57 years this past week

Belated best wishes to Murray Osborne who celebrated his birthday last week, Happy Birthday Murray.

Best wishes to Todd Gill who celebrates his birthday this week. Happy Birthday Todd.

Plans are underway for EUCs online auction Nov 22 – 29. More details will follow.

Elgin United Church Council

Portland United Church

There is an expected Power Outage on November 5th between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m.  This will not affect our Sunday morning service.

All are Invited to the Portland UC Bible Study Group

When we pray, we speak to God, we express to Him our praise, thanksgiving and concerns. When we read the Bible we complete that conversation by welcoming God into our hearts so that He may teach, guide and encourage us along our journey of faith. Please join us at the Portland UC on Monday evenings at 6:30-7:45pm for a interactive group Bible study. All are welcome, no matter your background or experience reading the Bible. These meetings are sure to enrich your understanding of God’s message. No prior arrangements are required. For additional information please contact: Jim Barton 613-328-4089 ~ ccjimbarton@gmail.com; Liz Church ~ lizchurch1@hotmail.com; Will French ~ William.french@ucdsb.on.ca

This Sunday, being the first Sunday of November is Fundscrip Sunday. This is a wonderful fundraising opportunity for our church! Just fill out an order form located on the community board at PUC and include a cheque or cash for money you already spend at gas, grocery and many other merchants, then place in collection plate.  You can also sign up and support PUC at www.fundscrip.com and receive your selected gift cards in 2-3 business days. It’s a wonderful “silent fundraiser” where the church receives proceeds at varying percentages depending on which gift cards you order. See Norma or Anita for more information.

New hours for Portland Chit Chat on Thursdays – 10:30 to 12:00.  Come and meet your neighbours!

Tourtiere PiesPlace your orders before Nov. 10th please.  There is an order sheet on the bulletin board at PUC or call Sheila at 613-272-3531 or MJ at 613-222-9070.  Pies will be made on November 14 between 9:00 and noon followed by a UCW meeting.  We have some business to attend to, so please plan for a brief meeting. and again on November 17 from 9:00 until noon.  If you would like to help, please call Sheila and let her know.

You may notice some construction activity at PUC.  The solar panels are being installed on the roof!

PUC Council Meeting November 29th  @ 7 p.m.

Portland United Church – Pillowcases for CHEO

Portland UC hosts a group of dedicated women on the 3rd Wednesday  of each month were colorful pillowcases are made for the young patients at CHEO.

The women can be found sewing, cutting, pinning, ironing and matching fabric colors, all while enjoying a time to work and socialize together for a good cause.

Donations are also greatly appreciated to help buy fabric & other supplies.

New volunteers are most welcome.  Drop by at 9 a.m.!

Portland United Church Council

Devotional Thought, November 4th , 2023

MOVING DAY! The excitement around my first time moving was a secret and not something I would want anyone to do to their mother. I was moving from Cape Breton to Halifax. But my family didn’t know. The plan was to visit a friend for the week-end. I found a job, called my mother and said I would be home on the first long week-end! The baggage I carried was very little. A suitcase with a change of clothes.

Fast forward a few years later. I moved from Halifax to the big city of Toronto, via Cochrane, Ontario and Mascouche, Quebec. By now I have two small children. You can imagine what packing then was like. Wow! Just thinking about it sends those shivery chills through my body. At 23 years old everything was still an exciting adventure.

Two years at Seminary, another move back to Nova Scotia, another baby, and another move back to Toronto. I was happy to finally stay put for the next 14 years. The only packing I did was for holidays!

Fast forward to this week. My son, and grandson moved. Not far, but packing up still had to be done. Now, at 70 years old, the adventure has lost much of the excitement. If I had energy left, I would have come home and made sure that my next move would be only a suitcase with a change of clothes! Don’t worry, tiredness prevailed and I still have everything I need in my apartment!

I tell you this story to illustrate what it is like for many people. They carry baggage from one place to the next, never ridding themselves of the things that hinder them. The accumulation of hurts, insults, losses of many varieties. The pain of past failures, negative lifestyles, fear, anger, insecurities. The list could extend for pages. Weighed down, they struggle. Instead of easing their burden, they get a bigger container. And continue.

So now I must ask? How large is the suitcase you carry? Are you able to lay it down, empty it out, and move forward. Do you remember those enthusiastic days when your focus was on the journey ahead, the surprise encounters when you really felt enveloped in God’s love? What about that exhilarating walk through God’s world, the smile you gave to a stranger, the sharing of a prayer! Little things that brought tremendous joy!

So much of life presses in on us, and we thrash about in pain and grief. As many verses of scripture and song tell us – bring it all to Jesus. And He will turn your sorrow into joy!


And make sure that next suitcase has rotating wheels!

Be blessed and refreshed this day.


Liz Church

Director of Pastoral Care

Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge