Elgin Portland United Church
Remembrance Day Service November 11th, 2023
- 11AM @ Portland Legion on Harlem Road
- 1:30PM @ Elgin Cenotaph at Heritage Park next to the Red Brick Schoolhouse at 3 Halladay St. Elgin
- 3:00 PM @ Portland Cenotaph on HWY 15 by the Emmanuel Heritage Centre
All are followed by a light lunch at the branch and all Remembrance Day Poster Poems and Essays from our local schools will be on display.
EUC The Official Board meets Tuesday Nov. 28th 7 pm.
Remember to register for the free dementia education session, “supporting loved ones along the dementia journey through understanding, compassion and care”, hosted by Elgin United Church at the Elgin Municipal Complex, from 1:00 – 5:00 pm, Sunday November 19th. Light refreshments available. Register by November 16th: clint.sharon@halladay.ca or text 613-217-0054.
The Young at Heart Breakfast Club will meet Thursday Nov. 30th at 9 am at the Junction restaurant.
Both churches are invited and everyone that comes enjoys themselves and we are getting folks from both churches.
In order that the restaurant can accommodate us let Clint 613 217 0054 cell or Ted 613 340 3527 cell know by whatever means you find most comfortable by noon Wednesday. Hope to see you there.
Elgin United Church
Happy Birthday to Morgan Gordanier, Sunday November 12th. Have a super day Morgan.
Happy Birthday to Brian Blowes, Saturday November 18th. May your day be totally awesome.
Happy Birthday to Rev. Takouhi, Saturday November 18th. May you have an amazing and blessed day.
EUC Council Meeting November 14th @ 7:00 pm.
It is with heavy hearts we share the death of long time Elgin resident and EUC member, Frank Allen. Follow Scotland Funeral Home for information as it becomes available. Our sympathy and prayers are with Frank’s family.
EUCs fourth annual Online Auction takes place November 22 – 29 on our Facebook channel. Many items have already been received with more arriving daily. Stay tuned for reminders and updates, and if you have any specific questions please contact Cindy Carbino or Maureen Bee. Bid often and don’t be shy.
Elgin United Church Council
Portland United Church
All are Invited to the Portland UC Bible Study Group
When we pray, we speak to God, we express to Him our praise, thanksgiving and concerns. When we read the Bible we complete that conversation by welcoming God into our hearts so that He may teach, guide and encourage us along our journey of faith. Please join us at the Portland UC on Monday evenings at 6:30-7:45pm for a interactive group Bible study. All are welcome, no matter your background or experience reading the Bible. These meetings are sure to enrich your understanding of God’s message. No prior arrangements are required. For additional information please contact: Jim Barton 613-328-4089 ~ ccjimbarton@gmail.com; Liz Church ~ lizchurch1@hotmail.com; Will French ~ William.french@ucdsb.on.ca
New hours for Portland Chit Chat on Thursdays – 10:30 to 12:00. Come and meet your neighbours!
It’s time to renew or begin your subscription to Broadview Magazine (formerly the Observer). $30.00 annually. Please let Connie know if you would like your name added. Portlandparadise55@gmail.com
The assembly of the Tourtieres begins on Tuesday, November 14 at 9:00 a.m. by the UCW and friends. Day 2 of the assembly is scheduled for Friday, November 17. Lots of orders received so we will be a busy bunch. Thank you for your orders and we will be in touch to arrange pick-up times. A reminder that we will have a brief UCW meeting after the Tourtiere assembly on the 14th.
PUC Council Meeting November 29th @ 7 p.m.
Devotional Thought, November 11th , 2023
Earlier this week, I was driving down a country road just as the sun was waking up. Looking toward the east, there was a stand of trees, completely bare and pencil thin. The red rays of the sun filtered through the trees, and continued on to reflect on a small body of water. Awestruck, I started singing: ‘We are standing on Holy Ground.’
And I then remember Moses standing in front of the burning bush and I begin to sing again: ‘Take off your shoes, for this is Holy Ground.’ I can barely contain my excitement – the ground is holy – the presence of God is right here with me!
‘But why take off my shoes?’ you may ask. This is my thought. Do remember when you walk on a beach and you want to feel the sand between your toes or the waves washing away the sand under your feet with the ebb and flow of the ocean waves. Or when you sit on the edge of a dock to dangle your feet in the water. Why do we do this? I would suggest that we want to be as close as possible to the water, be one with the elements.
This is the same for God as He communes with us – no barriers! Just you and your Creator. Your readiness to commune, your eagerness to listen, your willingness to accept the challenges, your preparedness to walk with the Lord.
A moment in time, a lifetime of learning. That’s how my life flows each day. Holy ground, even when I am not looking for it! What a mighty God we serve!
Be blessed and refreshed this day.
Liz Church
Director of Pastoral Care
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge