Elgin Portland United Church
EUC The Official Board meets Tuesday Nov. 28th 7 pm.
Reminder of the Dementia Education Session at the Elgin Municipal Complex, Sunday Nov 19th from 1-5. Light refreshments available.
The Young at Heart Breakfast Club will meet Thursday Nov. 30th at 9 am at the Junction restaurant.
Both churches are invited and everyone that comes enjoys themselves and we are getting folks from both churches.
In order that the restaurant can accommodate us let Clint 613 217 0054 cell or Ted 613 340 3527 cell know by whatever means you find most comfortable by noon Wednesday. Hope to see you there.
Invitation to November 23 Discussion of
Faith-based Nonviolent Climate Action
I am writing to invite you to join members of Ottawa faith communities for a discussion on nonviolent direct action as a response to the climate emergency.
The discussion will be held on Thursday, November 23 at 7-8:30 pm at the Ottawa Quaker Meeting House at 91a Fourth Ave (East of Bank St).
People of faith have played a key role in many nonviolent action campaigns to address and overcome injustice, often at great sacrifice to themselves.
With the survival of future generations threatened by the fossil fuel-driven climate emergency, thousands of people – including many people of faith – are rising up and nonviolently resisting the business as usual destruction of creation.
Please join us on November 23rd as we start a discussion, and discern together, whether – and how – we, as people of faith in Ottawa, feel called to respond to the climate emergency.
Please Register/RSVP here – and share this invitation with members of your faith community.
This will be a Hybrid event
For those who wish to attend via Zoom,
please register and we’ll send out a Zoom link closer to the date.
Peace and blessings,
Rev Dr. Jessica Hetherington (United Church of Canada)
Eric Schiller (Quaker)
Michael Polanyi (Unitarian)
Francine Portenier (Last Generation Canada/On2Ottawa)
If you have any questions, please email Jessica at: reverendjessicah@gmail.com. Hope to see you there!
Proposed agenda
- Introductions and opening prayer (10 minutes)
- Theological reflection: Is it time for faith-based nonviolent action on the climate crisis? (10 minutes)
- Recent and upcoming opportunities for faith-based nonviolent climate actions (10 minutes)
- Questions and Discussion – How do we feel called to respond to the climate crisis as people of faith? (40 minutes)
- Next steps and closure (15 minutes)
Elgin United Church
Happy Birthday to Wayne Kerr, Monday Nov 20th. Wishing Wayne the best of days.
Happy Birthday to Georgina Campbell, Tuesday Nov 21st. May Georgina’s be more enjoyable than imagined.
Happy Birthday to Carl Leggett, Tuesday Nov 28th. There is a birthday celebration for Carl at the Forfar Hall, from 1-3 on Sunday, Nov 26th. All are welcome to fete this amazing man and neighbour on this special occasion.
With a heavy heart we share the news of the death of long time Elgin (Chaffeys Lock) resident and EUC member, Irene Martin. Irene’s funeral will be in Elgin United Church at 11 AM, Saturday November 25, 2023. Please hold Irene’s family in your prayers.
EUCs fourth annual Online Auction takes place November 22 – 29 on our Facebook channel. Many items have already been received with more arriving daily. Stay tuned for reminders and updates, and if you have any specific questions please contact Cindy Carbino or Maureen Bee. Bid often and don’t be shy.
Elgin United Church Council
Portland United Church
All are Invited to the Portland UC Bible Study Group
When we pray, we speak to God, we express to Him our praise, thanksgiving and concerns. When we read the Bible we complete that conversation by welcoming God into our hearts so that He may teach, guide and encourage us along our journey of faith. Please join us at the Portland UC on Monday evenings at 6:30-7:45pm for a interactive group Bible study. All are welcome, no matter your background or experience reading the Bible. These meetings are sure to enrich your understanding of God’s message. No prior arrangements are required. For additional information please contact: Jim Barton 613-328-4089 ~ ccjimbarton@gmail.com; Liz Church ~ lizchurch1@hotmail.com; Will French ~ William.french@ucdsb.on.ca
New hours for Portland Chit Chat on Thursdays – 10:30 to 12:00. Come and meet your neighbours!
It’s time to renew or begin your subscription to Broadview Magazine (formerly the Observer). $30.00 annually. Please let Connie know if you would like your name added. Portlandparadise55@gmail.com
Christmas in the Village! Watch for posters announcing this event Sunday, December 10th. Sponsored by the UCW & CEC. Looking for volunteers! Contact Connie at 613-220-7914. Wagon rides from the Church parking lot around the Village starting at 2 p.m., Christmas Carol sing-a-long. Then up to Portland United Church for hot chocolate and cookie decorating after the wagon ride. Santa will visit to give out candy and for photos!
PUC Council Meeting November 29th @ 7 p.m.
Portland United Church Council
Devotional Thought, November 18th , 2023
One, two, three – correct. One, two, three, four -no five in that row. Finally, the count is done. That makes 5 ropes of 60 foot length, 10 ropes of 40 foot length. We are missing 75 foot ropes. On the counting goes.
INVENTORY – it happens every year, like clockwork. An accounting of what has been purchased, what has been sold and what is on hand. Simply put, this is imperative in the business world. Knowing your product, your customers and the amount of inventory, allows you to keep the same trajectory of profits or to better them or to change strategy to improve results.
This is a good practice for us as we look into our spiritual condition. Taking stock of what’s working for us and what is no longer useful in our lives. What I am really focused on is our relationship with Jesus Christ. Has it gone stale? Has it been relying on the fact that it was good last year, so it is still good today?
As I sit here my mind wanders. One of my closest friends passed away this week. She was my Sunday School teacher for 7 years straight. She took me under her wing as a junior member of the choir and taught me how to sing Alto. She allowed me to babysit for her. She combed my hair when I showed up, somewhat disheveled, at church. Her nurturing and love continued far past those young years in my life. They continued right through. A couple of years ago, her health deteriorated and she had been progressively anticipating the day when her Saviour would call her home. And in the end, her spirit was ushered into Heaven with her favorite Southern Gospel music playing, her family surrounding her and her Heavenly Father walking toward her as she approached.
Her spiritual inventory was part of her daily living. She was able to give, and she did – of her wealth, of her joy, and of her faith. Many were led to the Lord through her faithful witness. I once sang a song by Ray Boltz and I dedicated it to her; “Thank you, for giving to the Lord. I am a life that was changed!”
One of the Steps in a recovery program is to make a fearless, moral inventory of ourselves. Lamentations 3:40 states exactly this: “Let us carefully examine our ways, and let us return to the Lord.”
As we approach this new Christmas season there will come opportunities to search for the real meaning of Christmas, what Christmas signifies to the believer. Use these next weeks to thoroughly search your heart, and rejoice as you come away from this inventory with joy in your heart because you are faithful to the promises you made to your Creator. And as you search, find joy in the journey!
Be blessed and refreshed this day.
Liz Church
Director of Pastoral Care
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge