Elgin Portland United Church
WHITE GIFT SUNDAY – December 3rd.
Build a Mountain of Food – Food Drive Blitz
In support of the Portland Food Bank
December 9, 2023 – 9 a.m. to Noon
Portland RBC and LCBO
Your local Food Bank needs your help! Currently the Portland Food Bank assists 27 families (approximately 49 adults and 20 children) on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month. Our numbers are higher than previous years and compared to last year we have an increase of 30% in the number of families we support (27 instead of 21) and no matter how frugal we try to be, the increased food prices and the higher number of families we now support have caused our monthly costs to be approximately 60% more than last year.
Once again, the Portland Food Bank is asking for your support and generosity to make this campaign a huge success: spread the word, come and visit us in front of the Portland Royal Bank and LCBO, and donate non-perishable food or money (tax receipt for donations of $20 or over). Also, we have heard that Santa will be joining us with his helpers. Enjoy a cup of hot chocolate or a candy cane with us and witness the generosity of this community as it supports their local Food Bank. If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact Norma Cummings (613-359-0151) or Louise Martin (613-267-5612).We will see you on December 9th, 2023.
Twelve persons, including two newbies, joined together for the Young at Heart Breakfast Club Breakfast at the Junction Restaurant, Thursday November 30th. A fun start to a Thursday morning with good food and the sharing of stories, some even true, amongst friends old and new. Plan to attend the next get together, Thursday December 28th. See you there.
In order that the restaurant can accommodate us let Clint 613 217 0054 cell or Ted 613 340 3527 cell know by whatever means you find most comfortable by noon Wednesday. Hope to see you there.
Elgin United Church
The Elgin United’s on-line auction was a great success. A huge shout out to all who donated the wealth of items for the auction and to those who bid so freely in support of Mumma’s Here Now Neonatal Animal Rescue, the Aiding Rural Community Health fund and Elgin United. BLESSINGS
Sharing the Light of Christ will take place in Elgin on December 3rd. We start at Bethel Tabernacle at 6:30 pm, then EUC 7, and the Red Brick School at 7:30. Then to the Elgin Municipal Complex for hot chocolate, cookies and carols. Bethel Tabernacle, Elgin United Church and St. Luke’s Leeds are participating.
SOLD OUT: Canadian Women in Song Reboot concert on Saturday, December 9th at 7 PM. Proceeds to support St. Luke’s Leeds Coalition of Angels Fund and Elgin United’s Building Our Future Campaign. Thank you all for supporting these very talented, local entertainers and these two wonderful causes.
Elgin United Church Council
Portland United Church
Welcome Everyone to the Monday evening Bible Study group.
While we go about our busy lives, it’s always important to make time for the Lord. All are invited to share some quality fellowship as we interactively explore the Bible teachings of Jesus Christ together. No matter your current level of Bible knowledge, this is an excellent opportunity to enrich your relationship with the Lord and His disciples. Monday evenings at 6:30 at the Portland United Church. Contact: Jim Barton 613-328-4089 ~ ccjimbarton@gmail.com; Liz Church ~ lizchurch1@hotmail.com; Will French ~ William.french@ucdsb.on.ca
We are preparing for the excitement of the Second Annual Christmas in Portland. Bring your children and grandchildren for a fun day. Wagon rides with caroling begins at 2:00 from the church parking lot and will circle around the village, picking up riders along the way. Around 3:00 it will return to the church for cookie decorating and juice or hot chocolate. Coffee and tea will also be available for parents and grandparents. Santa will join us for visits with the children, photo opportunities and will give out candy. Come and join the fun!
UCW members and workers (ladies and gentlemen) are encouraged to join us for our Christmas lunch at The Junction on Tuesday, December 12 at 12:30. Car pools will meet at the church at 12:00 so you don’t have to drive! Please let Connie know by December 10 if you will be there. 613-220-7914
This is the final week to sign up for your copy of Broadview magazine. Annual subscriptions are $30. Please contact Connie at portlandparadise55@gmail.com or 613-220-7914.
Mark Thursday mornings on your calendar to come out and enjoy the company of friends and new community members at Chit Chat. 10:30 to 12:00 downstairs at the Church.
PUC Council Meeting CHANGED TO December 5th @ 7 p.m.
PUC Choir Practice is on December 6th only changed for this week
Portland United Church Council
Devotional Reflection
December 2, 2023
I have heard words expressed that reminded me of a deep truth: Peace is not the highest goal in life. It is a most fundamental requirement. With this being said I have to wonder how many times over the next few weeks I will have to think about this.
So, then I need to ask myself – My peace, where does it come from? For example. I just spent a week in Mississauga. Now, for many of us, this may not seem peaceful. And I had my moments! But in the midst of the chaos of the big city I found peace. After all, I had my trusted GPS. And she talked to me at every corner, every stop sign, every straight road I had to travel (and there were many).
So, this sense of peace came from a gadget. As long as it was working, I was great! Easy going! Not many hiccups!
If we go back to that first statement, we are reminded that peace is absolutely necessary for each of us.
But I’m about to remind you that the peace we have, a peace that passes understanding, comes from a deeper knowledge of the Giver of Peace, the Prince of Peace.
This Christmas will be difficult for so many and for various reasons. I am going to use my imagination for a moment and let you in on a secret I have. It is brewing in my mind, even as I write to you. Shhh… I have a plan!
I am going to discover ways to give gifts to everyone I meet. And it will come at a cost of 0 dollars! And this is how I will start:
- Show kindness
- Treat all people with dignity
- Volunteer
- Encourage others
- Drive with courtesy
- Offer to person-sit so a care-giver can go shopping
- Take a senior for groceries
- Pray for others and with others
- Be patient with others
Of course, this is just the beginning. I’m sure Holy Spirit will give me a few more ideas for my list. I will love to hear how you shared God’s Peace with others.
Be blessed and refreshed this day.
Liz Church, Director of Pastoral Care
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge