Elgin Portland United Church
Christmas Blessings to all from Elgin Portland Pastoral Charge.
Our prayer list is extensive. There are names that needed to be added to your daily prayers.
I am sure there are others we should be praying for. Please keep the Pastoral Care Director, Liz Church or Clint Halladay updated.
December 24th Combined Christmas Eve. service at Elgin United Church 10 am, Portland United Church 4 pm, Elgin United Church 7 pm. December 31st Portland 9:15 am, Elgin 11 am.
This year donations made at the 4 p.m. Christmas Eve service, which are not designated to specific Church activities, will be directed to the Country Roads Community Flex Fund (CFF). This fund is dedicated to helping the well-being of all community members.
Annual Report dates and AGMS
It was decided at the last Official Board meeting after much discussion that the annual reports should be in to Annette by the 17th of January with the treasurers reports by the 24th of January.
All AGMs will be held on Sunday the 18th of February. Both churches right after their regular services and the O.B. probably about 3 pm.
Ted A/Chair Official Board.
Elgin United Church
EUC council meeting Tues Jan 16 @ 7 pm
Young at Heart Breakfast Club
The last meeting for the YAHBC for 2023 will be held on Thursday the 28th of December at the Junction restaurant at 9 a.m. All are welcome and invited. If you are coming let Clint 613 217 0054 or Ted 613 340 3527 know by Wednesday, the 27th at noon by what ever means you are comfortable with so the restaurant knows how many to expect. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Bradley Edwards – We share the sad news of Sonny and Becky Edwards’ 16-year-old son Bradley. Bradley has suffered multiple strokes and has undergone 2 major brain surgeries after a ***vertebral arterial dissection in his neck that caused strokes in his entire left cerebellum, right cerebellum and top of brain***. Although he is young and strong, his outcome is tenuous. Bradley attends RDHS and works summers and weekends at Gordaniers. Sonny and Becky are staying at a hotel near CHEO, which, with both being self-employed, is a significant financial impact. Please hold the Edwards family in your prayers and consider a donation to help offset their costs. You can donate directly, through the church or through GoFundMe at https://gofund.me/ff20a414.
Elgin United Church Council
Portland United Church
Sheila Campbell – health concerns,
Kay Seward – pending eye surgery and other health concerns.
We are so happy that Cam is back to feeling himself again. Thank God for answering prayer.
PUC council meeting Tues Jan 30 @ 7 pm
Monday evening Bible Study group – 6:30 – Portland United Church
The best New Year’s resolution is to enrich your relationship with the Lord. Please join come share in the New Testament Bible study and discussion group. Meetings resume on January 8th. All are welcome, no matter your current level of Bible knowledge. Contact Jim Barton at 613-328-4089 or at ccjimbarton@gmail.com; Liz Church at lizchurch1@hotmail.com
Portland United Church Council
Devotional Reflection
December 23, 2023
I left home 53 years ago. Exciting as that sounded, the reality was that I never really left home. The parts of my childhood that came with me were the traditions my family made together.
There were no fancy Christmas stockings back then. We used the long stockings that my sisters and I wore ( and since I had 7 sisters, there were lots to go around). Our names were pinned on the top with a piece of paper and a straight pin. The excitement of Christmas morning centered around these stockings – a quarter at the bottom of the stocking, then an orange, an apple, a bag of ribbon candy and barley toy candy, exuberant whoops of joy if we got the shape and colour we wanted, and then some bartering to exchange my Santa for a Reindeer ( the reindeer was more intricate so it appeared to be bigger). This was followed by a bag of hard Christmas candy (including humbugs and chicken bones). Next would be a mixture of chocolate candy. This was topped with a bag of grapes.
Basically, every stocking was the same and every child loved it.
Alas, the simplicity surrounding this tradition has been lost over the years. Filling a stocking now costs more than a…. well, you know what I mean!
Expectations have changed. The joy of simply sharing, lost to our generations of children. And I have discovered that it is not easy, or even possible to go back to this. I miss it!
But it is far more than traditions that have been lost. Somewhere, the true meaning of Christmas must vie for a spot on the list.
Yet, I believe we can rejoice, for people are still generous. They have no issue with giving to a Food Bank, taking a name from a Christmas Tree and providing gifts for a family in need. Many wonderful opportunities present themselves to share in the Spirit of Giving. And this is wonderful.
In the hustle and bustle surrounding us, the distractions can lead to new traditions – the joy of providing to a person in need, a neighbourhood wagon ride, looking beyond the tinsel and decorations to recognize opportunities of caring and sharing.
What better way to understand that the first Christmas was a time of ultimate giving. As we continue the tradition of giving, we are blessed and God is glorified.
Love is the greatest gift of all! Love was born at Christmas! In a simple cow shed, the Saviour of the World arrived. And gave us a lasting legacy – Eternal Life!
As you share this Christmas, keep up this tradition of giving and lead another to find true Hope, Peace, Joy and Love.
Be blessed and refreshed this day.
Liz Church, Director of Pastoral Care
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge