Elgin Portland United Church
Our prayer list is still growing. Please keep the Pastoral Care Director, Liz Church, or Clint Halladay updated.
Annual Report dates and AGMS
It was decided at the last Official Board meeting after much discussion that the annual reports should be in to Annette by the 17th of January with the treasurer’s reports by the 24th of January.
All AGMs will be held on Sunday the 18th of February. Both churches right after their regular services and the O.B. probably about 3 pm.
Ted A/Chair Official Board.
Elgin United Church
EUC council meeting Tues Jan 16 @ 7 pm
Bradley Edwards – Bradley has had a very difficult week, having had another surgery this week. The good news is as off Wednesday he is awake and staple and the doctors feel encouraged that improvement will continue. Please keep the Bradley and his family in our prayers. Sonny and Becky are staying at a hotel near CHEO, which, with both being self-employed, is a significant financial impact. Please consider a donation to help offset their costs. You can donate directly, through the church or through GoFundMe at https://gofund.me/ff20a414.
Elgin United Church Council
Portland United Church
The following names are still on our prayer list.
Sheila Campbell, Kay Seward, and Bradley Edwards is still in the hospital.
PUC council meeting Tues Jan 30 @ 7 pm
Monday evening Bible Study group – 6:30 – Portland United Church
The best New Year’s resolution is to enrich your relationship with the Lord. Please join come share in the New Testament Bible study and discussion group. Meetings resume on January 8th. All are welcome, no matter your current level of Bible knowledge. Contact Jim Barton at 613-328-4089 or at ccjimbarton@gmail.com; Liz Church at lizchurch1@hotmail.com
Portland United Church Council
Devotional Reflection
January 6, 2024
Just checking in. How is it going? You have had one week to celebrate the “Best Version of You”. Has it been a challenge? Has this New Year started off as expected? What are you going to do to make it the best year ever? Are you rejoicing in knowing this challenge is really working out for you?
When I was younger, I often sang a little chorus that I still rely on to this day: ‘I want to live right, that God can use me, at anytime and anywhere! I want to live right, that God can use me, at anytime and anywhere!’ These simple words repeated a few times each day give me the incentive to be that ‘Best Version of Me”.
I foresee a number of challenges ahead of me. I feel a bit anxious not knowing the outcome. So, I must pray more often to look for that best version of me. I don’t want to drag my feet in getting ahead of the challenges I might face. I refuse to second guess what God has in store for me. I will totally rely on the promises given to me, especially the one: ‘Lo, I am with you always!”
As I sit here writing to you, my eyes are drawn to the scene outside my window. The lake has finally started to freeze, a flock of birds are resting on the thin layer of ice. There are swans out further on the open water; the sun is shining. All is calm, all is bright!
But I must ready myself to leave this haven and venture into the unknown day ahead of me. I will put into practise my faith in God, knowing He will guide me. My faith will grow.
Now I’m ready. I’m getting excited. What will this day hold? Whether I leave the safety of my apartment, or call friends; meet a stranger in the grocery store or sit having coffee with others; if I’m talking with family or strangers – how will I show the best version of me?
I am eager to hear your story of how you celebrate the best version of you. As you share this you will be enriched and encouraged to continue to grow in your faith, in your love for others, and for God.
Be blessed and refreshed this day.
Liz Church, Director of Pastoral Care
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge