Elgin Portland United Church
Congratulations to Katy Gibson new Church Council Chair Portland United Church and to Clint Halladay re-elected chair of Elgin United Church Council. Clint is also the new chair of the Official Board for 2024. At the AGM, on February 18, 2024, the Official Board approved a governance structure where the council chairs would rotate through the position of OB chair on an annual basis.
Thank you to Duncan Pickard for all of his hard work as the Council Chair for Portland and Ted Brent for stepping in as Acting Chair of the Official Board.
Our prayer list is still growing. Please keep the Pastoral Care Director, Liz Church, or Clint Halladay updated. We keep all who are experiencing trauma, loss, illness, melancholy, or other misfortune, and all caregivers, in our prayers.
Bible Discussions Groups
That’s right, we said “groups”—plural. In addition to the Monday evening Bible discussion group meetings in Portland at 6:30, we are pleased to announce the formation of a second group to meet in Elgin on Tuesday mornings at 10 am in the community room of the municipal complex (next to the post office and library). Like our Portland group, we will follow a short daily (ten-fifteen minute) Bible reading schedule and meet to discuss parts of those readings that we wish to understand better. Those Bible reading schedules are available at the tables near the entrances of both the Elgin and Portland churches. The Bible chapters for this week’s discussion will be 1 Corinthians, chapters 1-11. All interested people are welcome to come share in the warm fellowship, lively discussion, and spiritual growth.
Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”.
The next meeting of the Young at Heart Breakfast Club will be Thursday the 21st of March at 9 am at the Junction restaurant.
More information closer to the date. Ted
Elgin United Church
Broadview Magazine – Elgin United Church
This is the month for EUC members to renew their Broadview subscriptions. To offset rising costs and lower operating grants, the annual group subscription rate is being raised, for the first time in seven years, to $30. I believe that’s still a great price for a year of Broadview reading!
Current EUC subscribers, please see Mark Bee to pay your subscription fee. You can also e-transfer the $30 to mark.bee@rideau.net if you prefer.
If you’re not a subscriber, we’d be pleased to add you to the list! Broadview is a magazine for people of faith and conscience, focused on national and international issues of spirituality, justice and ethical living as well as United Church of Canada news and perspectives. Formerly the United Church Observer, the magazine was rebranded as Broadview in April 2019. Having had various names in its history, the magazine is now in its 194th year. It was awarded the 2022 Best Interest Magazine from the National Magazine Awards and has been frequently awarded First Place for General Excellence from the Canadian Church Press.
Mark Bee
EUC is having a Free-Will (Pay-as-you-Can) Chili Dinner on March 1st at the Elgin Municipal Complex – 4:30-6:00 p.m., or until we run out. Chili, salad, buns, dessert, beverage. Eat-In or Take-Out.
Happy Birthday Mary Carbino, have a super, awesome day.
Happy Anniversary Georgina and Jim Campbell. Congratulations and many more.
Prayer List:
We hold Karen Earl in our prayers. Karen underwent knee surgery Wednesday the 21st. She is recovering at home.
Barb Rowat is progressing positively and is getting around well with a walker. She expects to be discharged in the near future, and some modifications are being made at home to accommodate her.
Joanne McLean came home Wednesday afternoon, a nice Valentine’s Day gift! She is getting around carefully and happy to be home.
June Smith is settling in and enjoying the social interaction at Van Horne Manor in Smiths Falls.
Bradley Edwards – Please keep Bradley and his family in your prayers.
Elgin United Church Council
Portland United Church
Prayer List:
Sheila Campbell, Kay Seward, and Bradley Edwards.
Kathleen Seward has some serious health issues she is dealing with and sure needs our prayers.
As always, you are invited to drop in weekly to Chit Chat, downstairs between 10:30 and 12:00 noon.
Farmers Breakfast was a huge success. Thanks to all who came out to support this fundraiser.
March 12th UCW Meeting at 1:30 p.m.
Several religious books have been donated to the Portland United Church library. Please check them out and borrow as you wish.
Portland United Church Council
Devotional Reflection
February 25, 2024
Everyone knows it was my birthday this past week. So many celebratory wishes came my way, as well as breakfast with my daughter, lunch with friends, and supper with my son. And still more to come throughout the week! Cakes, cookies and gifts were provided, in abundance!
I received a book from a dear friend, titled ‘A Monk’s Alphabet’. But it is the subtitle I will make reference to today – ‘Moments of Stillness in a Turning World.
I could hardly wait to delve into the pages of this book, so intriguing it felt like it was burning into my soul, just to hold it. To delve into the pages would be an exquisite learning experience for me and I believed, more than a lifetime of teachable moments.
I was not disappointed. As I scanned page after page, I was mesmerized by how many teachable moments we miss out on.
I began to ask myself: How many moments of stillness do I miss, as I rush about? Each flip of a page was a reminder of the wonder around us – the profound Creation given to us so that our joy would be overflowing.
As we come into this Lenten Season, I will remind you of the benefit of the stillness. As you sit during this Holy time be reminded of our Lord.
In an exercise of focus, try this: The words that follow next are all associated with your worship, prayer time and communion with your Saviour. As you dwell on these ( and all that will begin to be associated with them, be blest and overjoyed to see how God speaks to us:
Communion Life
Death Adoration
Blood Cross
Listening Suffering
Recovery Grace
Love Sacrifice
Resurrection Lilies
Covenant Lamb
As you move through this week and take time in the Moments of Stilllness, be blessed and refreshed.
Liz Church, Director of Pastoral Care
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge