Elgin Portland United Church
Dear Lord, we continue to lift up to you all those who are ill, on their journey to recovery, are troubled or in despair. Hold them close we pray and comfort them with your grace.
An Easter prayer:
Father, we are living in times unlike anything we have ever seen before. Chaos, confusion, and turmoil is in the hearts of so many people.
We pray that your grace will lead to our hearts transformed and lives changed.
Jesus, thank You for Your mercy given to those who call upon Your name and trust in You for forgiveness and new life.
Strengthen our faith and our trust in You when we are tempted to only look at problems. We ask that You give us the courage and understanding to see the hope for the world is Your Grace. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.
March 24th – Palm Sunday Rev. Nancy Clarke
March 28th – Maundy Thursday Rev. Nancy Clarke @ Portland at 7 p.m.
March 29th – Good Friday Liz Church @ Elgin at 7 p.m.
March 31st – Easter Sunday Rev. Nancy Clarke
Exciting news – We are having a Sunrise Service for Easter Sunday Morning, March 31st. Sunrise is at 6:45. The service will commence at 6:30. It will be held at the top of the hill at Carl Leggett’s farm. Following the service, we will return to Portland United Church and there will be provided a Continental Breakfast and hot drinks. Resurrection Morning – HE IS RISEN, HE IS RISEN INDEED!
Bible Discussions Groups
Jesus said: “One who lays up treasure for himself is not rich toward God….Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” [Luke 12:21,34] Come share in a weekly Bible Discussion group and build up your treasure with God. Two meetings each week: Monday night 6:30 at Portland UC—or– Tuesday mornings at 10am, this Elgin week’s venue is the Elgin Municipal Complex Community room. Come for the lively discussions and stay for warm fellowship. For info contact Jim at ccjimbarton@gmail.com or 613-328-4089.
Elgin United Church
We pray for the continued improvement of Marg, Barb, Joanne, Karen, Bradley and Adriaan. May their recovery be speedy and complete.
Elgin United Church Council
Portland United Church
As always, you are invited to drop in weekly on Thursdays to Chit Chat, downstairs between 10:30 and 12:00 noon.
We keep Kathleen Seward and family in our prayers. She is in palliative care in Smiths Falls Hospital.
Cheryl Stoddard is now residing at Hilltop Manor in Merrickville. Please remember Cliff and Cheryl in your prayers.
Thursday, April 11th is the UCW AGM in Carleton Place at Zion United Church beginning at 9:30 a.m. Rev. Rodney (former minister at Elgin/Portland United) is the guest speaker. If you would like to join us at this meeting, please contact Connie Cochran at 613-220-7914 to participate in a carpool. Cost is $20.00 for lunch and snacks. A donation to the Food Bank would be appreciated.
The Portland Pealers will be performing in Newboro United on Palm Sunday at 10 a.m..
Several religious books have been donated to the Portland United Church library. Please check them out and borrow them as you wish.
Looking for a pleasant activity for a Sunday afternoon? The Bells of St. Paul’s, and guests Don McLean, Brad Mills, and High Octane are pleased to invite you to Perth on Sunday, April 21st for this lovely afternoon filled with wonderful music. This community bell choir welcomes ringers from the wider community, including Jane Pickard and Jan Haskin of Portland. We do hope you will join us!
An advance planning event:
This is a notice of the second annual ecumenical worship service and potluck event held at Bethel United Church. Last year, we had a lovely time with about 45 people with 7 different churches represented. The sentiment “we should do this more often” was heard many times.
So, we are!
Bethel United Church would like to invite you to be part of this on July 7 beginning at 4:30 PM. We will have an informal worship service, that I hope all of you can participate in, and it will be followed by a ‘true’ potluck supper. Last year the tables were groaning with food!!! I’m considering using Matthew 18:30 “Where 2 or 3 are gathered….” and that we can specifically address rural and small church issues.
Portland United Church Council
Devotional Reflection
March 23, 2024
I have spent a few hours this week trying to find the perfect blueberry pie recipe. It may surprise you but I have never made a blueberry pie before. For those who attended the Turkey Dinner this week at Portland United, you may have sampled one that I made. I trust you enjoyed it!
The Internet was filled with suggested pie recipes. ‘The Best Ever!’ ; ‘You Will Never Need another Recipe once you’ve tried this!’; ‘Simple Pie Recipe for the Amateur Baker’; ‘Never Fail Blueberry Pie Recipe’; as usual, there are many more descriptions I could use, but this is enough to tell you that many people feel they have the best recipe.
Here is the dilemma that presents itself – it can only be perfect if: ingredients are the best; the pie dough is made with the right ingredients; the baker understands the measurements and follows the method given; the pie is baked at the correct temperature. Again, the endless possibilities of possible failure could rattle your nerve to even make an attempt at baking.
All of this preamble is to remind us of this special week we are entering – Holy Week. After 40 days of the Lenten season, we now move into a time where we remember the impact of Christ on the world – the Sacrifice made for us!
My head is whirling with where this devotional is leading us – Passion Week – the perfect Sacrifice!
Long before God sent Christ into the world there were many who professed to be the Messiah. People followed blindly, only to be disappointed. They were filled with disappointment and false promises.
Then Christ came! Many saw Him for who He truly was – the Saviour of the World! But obviously, not all! That Friday evening in the courtyard, even those who knew He was the Messiah turned away, or hid, or lied. Fear made them doubt. His own people shouted ‘Crucify Him’.
Perhaps, my dear friends, you too are afraid; or questioning ‘Is this the Perfect One! The Messiah!’ Allow me to reassure you – many will try and tell you to find another path, a different way into the Kingdom, an easier way. This path we travel can be treacherous, filled with danger. We too can doubt what the outcome will be, even though we are certain the Messiah has come.
I tell you this day, trust in the Lord. He gave His all. Can I give less? May your prayer be: Jesus, keep me near the Cross. Let me walk from day to day with its shadow o’er me.
May this Easter be for you the one where you are able to confess with your mouth to all around you: ‘Hallelujah! What a Saviour!’
Know that you are loved.
Liz Church, Director of Pastoral Care
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge