2024-04-20 Weekly E-News

Elgin Portland United Church

Young at Heart Breakfast Club

The YaHBC meets again on Thursday the 16th of May at the Junction Restaurant at 9 am. If you are going to attend would you let Clint or Ted know by  whatever means you are comfortable with so we have a spot reserved and someone to look after us. Everyone from both churches is invited and the normal group is about 12 to 16.
Looking forward to seeing you there………………Ted

Bible Discussion Groups

Learn how to read and understand you Bible in our weekly Bible discussion groups. Enjoy the relaxed atmosphere warm fellowship and lively discussions. The Portland meeting is 6:30 at the church on Monday Evening and the Elgin meeting for this week will be at the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Room at 10am. For info contact Jim at ccjimbarton@gmail.com or 613-328-4089.Galatians 4:9 “But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God…,”

April 22nd is Earth Day. In celebration and recognition, all are invited to join St. Luke’s Leeds, Elgin United, and Country Roads at the Elgin Municipal Complex at 11 AM on Sunday, April 21st for worship followed by lunch, a presentation by CRCHC and viewing of the movie “Kiss the Ground”. Come for the service, stay for social and those contributing food, please come early so we can set up for lunch. See everyone there.

       There is NO SERVICE at Elgin United on the 21st.

 Elgin United Church

Happy Birthday Lauren Halladay, Sunday April 21st. May you enjoy an exceptional day.

Portland United Church

As always, you are invited to drop in weekly on Thursdays to Chit Chat, downstairs between 10:30 and 12:00 noon.

Sylvia French is currently receiving naturopathic treatments for recently diagnosed liver cancer. Please remember her in your prayers.

Several religious books and children videos’ have been donated to the Portland United Church library.  Please check them out and borrow them as you wish.

Looking for a pleasant activity for a Sunday afternoon?  The Bells of St. Paul’s, and guests Don McLean, Brad Mills, and High Octane are pleased to invite you to Perth on Sunday, April 21st for this lovely afternoon filled with wonderful music.  This community bell choir welcomes ringers from the wider community, including Jane Pickard and Jan Haskin of Portland. We do hope you will join us!

An advance planning event:

This is a notice of the second annual ecumenical worship service and potluck event held at Bethel United Church.  Last year, we had a lovely time with about 45 people with 7 different churches represented.  The sentiment “we should do this more often” was heard many times.

So, we are!

Bethel United Church would like to invite you to be part of this on July 7 beginning at 4:30 PM.  We will have an informal worship service, that I hope all of you can participate in, and it will be followed by a ‘true’ potluck supper.  Last year the tables were groaning with food!!!  I’m considering using Matthew 18:30 “Where 2 or 3 are gathered….” and that we can specifically address rural and small church issues.

Volunteer Appreciation Event

Portland United Church Council


Devotional Reflection

April  20, 2024

Throughout many years of teaching and learning I have had the privilege to partake in various teachings from many different cultures.

More than 50 years ago I attended a youth retreat that required silence for most of the day. That experience was life-changing. Communing with nature, with God, with others, through silence. Imagine yourself, sitting and facing another person, feeling only their presence, as they too sat with you, eyes closed, in silent communion; that occasional reaching out to hold hands and gain strength and understanding. The touch of healing.

I recently had the opportunity to participate in an indigenous ‘Blanket’ ceremony. Even now, as I write this reflection, tears flow. Broken promises, broken families, broken communities – forced annihilation of a culture, a language, a way of life. This learning was painful for me, as the Session Guide took us through an exercise of understanding. The touch of empathetic identification.

This is ‘Earth Week’ coming up. The Internet is filled with images of a planet that is being destroyed – unnecessary destruction in the name of progress; habitats of animals, birds, plants, and humans alike are being wiped out. Those who would stand against this are labelled as ‘tree-huggers, eco-zealots, climate hysterics’. News media outlets continue to undermine those who would bring attention to the destruction happening throughout this world.

My reflection states the obvious and barely scratches the surface of the depravity of humankind.

This Sunday, churches all over the world will sing the beautiful anthem ‘This is God’s Wondrous World’. Two lines of this song bring enormous hope and promised healing:

This is God’s wondrous world so let me ne’re forget, that though the wrong seems oft so strong,

God is the Ruler yet.’

As you spend time reflecting on your world; your way of life; the lives of others; nature and all things given to us – take time and thank your Creator for every blessing you have – food, shelter, clean water, employment, family. Pray for those who struggle, those who are without these life-giving necessities. Figure out ways that you can heal God’s earth.

Know that you are loved.

Liz Church, Director of Pastoral Care

Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge