Elgin Portland United Church
The Lyndhurst Turkey Fair celebrates its 30th Anniversary on Saturday September 21st between 10 am and 4:30 pm. They are looking for volunteers for the day of the fair. Call Diane Joliffe at 519-389-7797 if you are interested. The fair lottery funds this year will be going to the Sweet’s Corners Elementary School Playground equipment Fundraiser
Bible Discussion Groups
Reason to read the Bible #3: Jesus taught that not everyone who hears the Gospel Call will be in His Kingdom. Matthew 22:14 “Many are called, few are chosen.” Learning God’s word helps us to build a strong, meaningful relationship with Him, so we can feel assured we too will be welcomed to eternal life. Please join us. There are two meetings each week: Portland UC on Monday at 6:30; Elgin UC on Tuesday 10am at the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Room. Please join us. For info contact Jim at ccjimbarton@gmail.com or 613-328-4089.
Summertime is just around the corner, and that means summer fun for kids! Christian summer camps are one way for kids to be kids during the summer as they immerse themselves in an atmosphere of adventure and the teachings of Jesus. That said, going to summer camp brings about large costs for families. For example, one week at a local camp is approximately $800. People wishing to donate money towards sending kids to camp are invited to make a donation marked “Summer Camp” anytime in the coming weeks. All donations will go directly to families to help offset costs. Please reach out to Pauline French (613-331-6876) with any questions.
Young at Heart Breakfast Club
The next meeting of the YaHBC will be held on Thursday the 20th of June at 9 at the Junction restaurant.
More information to come the week before. Ted
Elgin United Church
Joanne McLean has relocated to Smith Falls hospital. Please keep both she and John in your prayers.
Volunteers urgently needed for Elgin Community Garden program. If you are able to give a few hours of your time to help feed your community with fresh and healthy food, please contact Geri Baker at 613-583-7509. Thank you! Pat
Annual Memorial Service
Sunday, June 2, 2024 @ 2:00 P.M.
Elgin United Church
donations towards upkeep welcomed
A resounding thank you to Jane Campbell and Mary Lynne Alderdice for planning and organizing a wonderful worship service, followed by cupcakes and ice tea, for Elgin United’s 130th anniversary. What a pleasure to catch up with old friends and even make a couple of new ones.
Sunday, June 2nd, is the last performance of the RLPLs play “Murder by the Book”, starring our own Graham Lowe, at the Old Delta Mill. Showtime is 2 pm, I hope you have a ticket!
A hearty Elgin United Happy Birthday to Maureen Bee, June 6th and Alex Price, June 7th. May your special day be even more than you could ever imagine. Blessings.
Wishing Happy Anniversary to Jessica and Mike Gordanier on June 1st, and Karen and Ron Pyne on June 4th. Maybe our special day be filled joy. Blessings.
To all who attended and participated in E.O.O.R.C AGM this week, thank you for your attention to, and involvement in, the work of the United Church if Canada.
Portland United Church
Our condolences to Carolyn Bresee on the death of her husband Del on May 26th. Visitation is on Friday May 31st from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. at Scotland Funeral Home in Elgin. A service will be held on Saturday June 1st at 1:00 p.m. at Knox Presbyterian Church in Westport, Ontario.
Kathleen Seward
The family of Kathleen Seward announce the celebration of life for Kay will take place at the Harlem Road Cemetery on Sunday, June 2, 2024 at 3:00 p.m.
All are welcome to attend.
As always, you are invited to drop in weekly on Thursdays to Chit Chat, downstairs between 10:30 and 12:00 noon.
UCW Annual Spring Pie Sale
Preorder by June 14, 2024
Pickup schedule will be arranged later. Please have exact change.
Blueberry, Cherry, Strawberry/Rhubarb. Frozen, ready-to-bake. $20.00 each
To pre-order call Sheila @ 613-272-3531 or Connie @ 613-220-7914
An advance planning event:
This is a notice of the second annual ecumenical worship service and potluck event held at Bethel United Church. Last year, we had a lovely time with about 45 people with 7 different churches represented. The sentiment “we should do this more often” was heard many times.
So, we are!
Bethel United Church would like to invite you to be part of this on July 7 beginning at 4:30 PM. We will have an informal worship service, that I hope all of you can participate in, and it will be followed by a ‘true’ potluck supper. Last year the tables were groaning with food!!! I’m considering using Matthew 18:30 “Where 2 or 3 are gathered….” and that we can specifically address rural and small church issues.
Volunteer Appreciation Event
Shine On, Shine On
Portland United Church Council
Devotional Reflection
June 1, 2024
Lately, whenever I take the opportunity to watch TV, I find myself viewing a show named: Doctor Oakley, Yukon Vet. I have watched season after season – pulled in to the drama of critical vet care being performed in less–than-ideal situations.
Michelle (the vet) treats each animal with love and care, never judging their response to her, knowing they are in pain.
But here is what I want to point out about this. She offers her expertise in order to improve the quality of life for these animals. Many times, I hear her say: “I know it really hurts, but you will feel better soon.”
I got to thinking about my life. There have been moments when I relate to the hurt, the pain, the confusion. I want no one talking to me, just to hide in my room, be left alone. Sometimes, even wallowing in self-pity.
What a strange lot we are. There is something about going through tough times and not wanting to experience it – knowing that we are never alone, but still struggling. Human nature can be very deceptive. We look at these moments of defeat, or hardship, illness, job loss, as failures in us.
How difficult we find it to look at them as periods of growth, or strengthening our faith.
And then, after moving on, allowing healing to take place, the scars are still there. And instead of seeing these as marks of resilience, we fall back into the precipice of despair, wanting them to be gone, like they never happened.
The catastrophe that happened recently on a lake near us is testament again to the fragility of life. For everyone affected by this tragedy, the healing process will be long, arduous and perhaps for some, there will be no coming back from the pain, suffering or loss that has been experienced.
But here is what I know. The young lives, taken too soon from us, had made an impact on so many lives. Parents and friends alike, spoke of the gift these lives had been. As I listened to some friends talking about these young people, my heart felt overwhelmed with emotion.
And I began to ponder my own fragile life. Do I know that my footprints on this earth are leaving an imprint for good? Are my days being given for the betterment of those around me? Do I faithfully serve the Lord, speaking of His love and care to all? Am I able to offer comfort to those who are hurting?
Over and over this week I prayed to the Lord – for all the families who lost a loved one, for the family who live with the devastation of having taken a life, for all who hurt in so many ways we do not see or hear about.
Take a look around you as you walk in your neighbourhood, or go to the store, or drive through the countryside. Pray for those behind the closed doors, for the children in school, for members in your church, throughout your community. Never underestimate the power of your prayers. Seek out those who could use a listening ear; make a cup of tea for a friend; visit a shut-in; hem a pair of pants for a friend; volunteer.
There are so many ways to ‘love your neighbour’. It is time for each of us, to take stock of our lives. Don’t let another day pass without telling someone, and showing someone, that God loves them!
Be blessed. Know that you are loved.
Liz Church, Director of Pastoral Care
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge