2024-06-22 Weekly E-News

Elgin Portland United Church

Get ready for Elgin Days Saturday July 13th. Bake table, raffle table, smoked meat sandwiches and live music on the Elgin United Church Lawn. Something for everyone throughout the village including the Firepersons’ famous chicken BBQ at the Lions Hall.

An Ecumenical Worship Service will be at Elgin United, 1 pm Sunday July 14th. All four communities of faith are participating.  See you there.

The Lyndhurst Turkey Fair celebrates its 30th Anniversary  on Saturday September 21st between 10 am and 4:30 pm. They are looking for volunteers for the day of the fair. Call Diane Joliffe at 519-389-7797 if you are interested. The fair lottery funds this year will be going to the Sweet’s Corners Elementary School Playground equipment Fundraiser

Bible Discussion Groups

Reason to read the Bible #6: The Bible teaches us why and how to pray so we can build a stronger bond with our creator. Matthew 6:9 ‘Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name…”There are two meetings each week: Portland UC on Monday at 6:30 ; Elgin UC on Tuesday 10am meeting at the Elgin Community room next to the post office. Please join us. For info contact Jim at ccjimbarton@gmail.com or 613-328-4089.

Summertime is just around the corner, and that means summer fun for kids!  Christian summer camps are one way for kids to be kids during the summer as they immerse themselves in an atmosphere of adventure and the teachings of Jesus. That said, going to summer camp brings about large costs for families. For example, one week at a local camp is approximately $800. People wishing to donate money towards sending kids to camp are invited to make a donation marked “Summer Camp” anytime in the coming weeks. All donations will go directly to families to help offset costs. Please reach out to Pauline French (613-331-6876) with any questions.

June 30:  Forfar Strawberry Social. Dinner includes ham, scalloped potatoes, salad, corn, and roll with berries and ice cream for dessert. Advanced ticket sales for pre-arranged seatings at 4 pm and 5 pm by calling Tammy or Doris Day at 613-272-2474. Tickets are available by chance at the door after the 5 pm seating. $20 for adults, $10 for children 5-12, Under 5 Free. Take outs are available. Please call in advance to arrange a pick up time. Hope to see you there!

Rideau Sewers Lap Quilts

Our quilters have been very busy!!  Since the beginning of the year, 26 beautiful lap quilts have been delivered to the Perth & Smiths Falls hospitals to the palliative care unit as well as to patients on dialysis or undergoing cancer treatments.  A few quilts have also been given to individuals in our local communities.

Donations are always appreciated to help cover the cost of fabric.  These can be made through the church office or by contacting myself.  The sewers come from many communities- Perth, Westport, Rideau Ferry, Lyndhurst, Portland to name a few.  We are happy to welcome new members – a great social time as we share sewing techniques & ideas to create quilts for those in need.

Jane Pickard


 Elgin United Church

Joanne McLean has relocated to Smith Falls hospital. Please keep both she and John in your prayers.

Volunteers urgently needed  for Elgin Community Garden program. If you are able to give a few hours of your time to help feed your community with fresh and healthy food, please contact Geri Baker at 613-583-7509. Thank you! Pat

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Christina Halladay, Monday June 24th. May she enjoy an awesome day.

    Portland United Church

We wish Yvonne Caldwell good health and happiness in her new home in Cobden.  We will miss her smiling face.  God bless Yvonne!  Her new number is 613-647-1578.

As always, you are invited to drop in weekly on Thursdays to Chit Chat, downstairs between 10:30 and 12:00 noon.

UCW Annual Spring Pie Sale

Blueberry, Cherry, Strawberry/Rhubarb.  Frozen, ready-to-bake.  $20.00 each

Limited supply available.  Please pickup your orders.

Sheila @ 613-272-3531 or Connie @ 613-220-7914


Let’s hear from every PUC family as we look towards celebrating the 100th anniversary of UCC.

Why did you decide to call PUC ‘home’?  When did you 1st come to PUC?  How long has it been your church -does the connection go back a generation or more in your family?  Were you baptized, confirmed or married at PUC?  If not, where, when, how did you begin your affiliation with UCC in other areas of the country?

Please take a few moments to write your personal and/or your family’s story in order for us to include it in a book and hear it one day in church.  By signing the sheet on the bulletin board, we will know how often to schedule each family’s story over the coming months. If you are close to or know of a family that in recent past is no longer with us, please feel free to share their story also.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Details/questions – contact Jane or Duncan

An advance planning event:

This is a notice of the second annual ecumenical worship service and potluck event held at Bethel United Church.  Last year, we had a lovely time with about 45 people with 7 different churches represented.  The sentiment “we should do this more often” was heard many times.

So, we are!

Bethel United Church would like to invite you to be part of this on July 7 beginning at 4:30 PM.  We will have an informal worship service, that I hope all of you can participate in, and it will be followed by a ‘true’ potluck supper.  Last year the tables were groaning with food!!!  I’m considering using Matthew 18:30 “Where 2 or 3 are gathered….” and that we can specifically address rural and small church issues.

Shine On, Shine On

AS OF June 15th 


Portland United Church Council

Devotional Reflection

June 22, 2024

 As I sat in the living room of a friend last week, we were visited by a gorgeous Goldfinch at the Birdfeeder. Immediately, it is like joy entered into my heart at the beauty of this little creature.

I began to realize the beauty around me, in the area I live, often goes unnoticed. I have mentioned before about the amazing photography of one of our own Church members, as she captures the flight of many birds and animals in our area.

We are captivated as we watch a heron fly by, hear the sound of a pileated woodpecker nearby, see a cardinal land in a tree, a hummingbird fluttering in mid-air. I was so excited a few years ago when the Orioles visited my balcony and I discovered they loved oranges and grape jelly. They return every year searching for their sustenance.

My curiosity had me turning to Doctor Google to see if I could find spiritual meaning behind these visitations. I wanted to exalt in these transcendent moments of sacredness given to me, by my Creator, to enrich my day.

Here is some of what I discovered. As you gaze at this brilliant-coloured bird, the Goldfinch, we are reminded to stay joyful on our journey. Change is inevitable. Each day comes with challenges. Face them with irrepressible joy as you meander through your day.

If you are blessed to see a heron fly by, you are blessed indeed. As the Goldfinch represents joy, even in the midst of strife, the heron suggests determination. It also signifies energy coming your way.



Cardinals have long been a part of my spiritual journey. Many times, when I have sat with people going through grief, they have talked about seeing a cardinal and feeling a strong presence of God at that time. And I have experienced this same spiritual visitation. What I really relate to is the importance of staying connected to our faith, especially during those fragile times of loss, grief, heartache and other such occurrences that would cause us to stumble.



I cannot finish this devotional without mentioning the hummingbird. Is there any other phenomenon so awesome than being visited by a hummingbird; a bird so delicate that it can extract nectar without damaging a flower. Is it any wonder that we look at this tiny creature and see a spiritual meaning of healing and care; that which is needed in those fragile moments of our own lives. It feels like, with each rapid beating of its wings, this tiny hummingbird offers soothing, restorative energy to us. An excellent connection to rekindle your relationship with nature and with God.

The drumming of the pileated woodpecker reaches into us as if our own heartbeat is beating with the rhythm of God’s goodness.

As you sit this week, absorbed in the beauty of God’s creation, whether it be the birds, the trees, the lakes, another person, take those moments to recognize God’s Voice as you gain strength, courage, faith, hope and love.

Be blessed. Know that you are loved.


Liz Church, Director of Pastoral Care

Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge