Elgin Portland United Church
Happy Canada Day
On this Canada Day, and every day, let us collectively pray that Canada be an exemplary nation of righteousness, justice, compassion, and generosity. May we recognize and atone for the harm we have inflicted and may the Holy Spirit be our guide.
The Rideau Lakes Studio Tour is June 29 & 30 from 10 am to 5 pm. 13 studios and 21 artisans. Info at rideaulakesstudiotour.ca
The Elgin and Area Heritage Society presents: Clifford Pennock: A New Lens on South Crosby. This display of 100+ remastered photographs by iconic early 1900s photographer and Elgin resident, Clifford Pennock is on display at the Red Brick School weekends from 10am-3pm June 29th through Sept 1st. The official opening is 2pm, June 29. Not to be missed.
ELGIN DAYS is almost here. July 13 & 14 will be the highlight of the summer. Elgin United will feature a bake table, raffle table, smoked meat sandwiches and live music on the lawn, Saturday July 13.
Join us for praise and worship at the Four Pillars Ecumenical Worship Service, led by Elgin United Church, Bethel Tabernacle, St. Luke’s (Leeds) Anglican and St. Columbanus R.C. Parishes at Elgin United Church, Sunday, July 14 at 1 pm.
YaHBC will meet in July on the 18th at 9 am at the Junction restaurant. More information to follow the week before the breakfast………….Ted
The Lyndhurst Turkey Fair celebrates its 30th Anniversary on Saturday September 21st between 10 am and 4:30 pm. They are looking for volunteers for the day of the fair. Call Diane Joliffe at 519-389-7797 if you are interested. The fair lottery funds this year will be going to the Sweet’s Corners Elementary School Playground equipment Fundraiser
Bible Discussion Groups – Reason to read the Bible #7: The Bible equips us to share the Gospel hope with those around us so they can share in it too. Matthew 28:19 Jesus said: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” There are two meetings each week: Portland UC on Monday at 6:30 (Portland is canceled this week due to Canada Day); Elgin UC on Tuesday 10 a.m. at the Elgin Community room next to the post office. Please join us. For info contact Jim at ccjimbarton@gmail.com or 613-328-4089.
Summertime is just around the corner, and that means summer fun for kids! Christian summer camps are one way for kids to be kids during the summer as they immerse themselves in an atmosphere of adventure and the teachings of Jesus. That said, going to summer camp brings about large costs for families. For example, one week at a local camp is approximately $800. People wishing to donate money towards sending kids to camp are invited to make a donation marked “Summer Camp” anytime in the coming weeks. All donations will go directly to families to help offset costs. Please reach out to Pauline French (613-331-6876) with any questions.
June 30: Forfar Strawberry Social. Dinner includes ham, scalloped potatoes, salad, corn, and roll with berries and ice cream for dessert. Hope to see you there!
County Road 44 Bluegrass Band is returning to Portland United Church on July 19,2024 at 7:30 pm. Please keep the date and join us for a great evening of music.
Rideau Sewers Lap Quilts
Our quilters have been very busy!! Since the beginning of the year, 26 beautiful lap quilts have been delivered to the Perth & Smiths Falls hospitals to the palliative care unit as well as to patients on dialysis or undergoing cancer treatments. A few quilts have also been given to individuals in our local communities.
Donations are always appreciated to help cover the cost of fabric. These can be made through the church office or by contacting myself. The sewers come from many communities- Perth, Westport, Rideau Ferry, Lyndhurst, Portland to name a few. We are happy to welcome new members – a great social time as we share sewing techniques & ideas to create quilts for those in need.
Jane Pickard
Elgin United Church
Joanne McLean has relocated to Smith Falls hospital. Please keep both she and John in your prayers.
Volunteers urgently needed for Elgin Community Garden program. If you are able to give a few hours of your time to help feed your community with fresh and healthy food, please contact Geri Baker at 613-583-7509. Thank you! Pat
Happy Birthday to Shannon Montgomery. May your day be truly special.
June Smith celebrated her birthday on Thursday. We pray she enjoyed a wonderful day with family and friends and the ever-comforting blessings of God. Happy Belated Birthday June.
Portland United Church
The UCW will be having their summer lunch for members and friends on Wednesday July 10 at 1:00 at The Hawks Nest at Lombardy Golf Club on Hwy 15. All are welcome and we can car pool from the church. Please confirm your attendance with Connie by phone 613-220-7914 or email portlandparadise55@gmail.com by July 6.
As always, you are invited to drop in weekly on Thursdays to Chit Chat, downstairs between 10:30 and 12:00 noon.
UCW Annual Spring Pie Sale
Blueberry, Cherry, Strawberry/Rhubarb. Frozen, ready-to-bake. $20.00 each
Limited supply available. Please pickup your orders.
Sheila @ 613-272-3531 or Connie @ 613-220-7914
Let’s hear from every PUC family as we look towards celebrating the 100th anniversary of UCC.
Why did you decide to call PUC ‘home’? When did you 1st come to PUC? How long has it been your church -does the connection go back a generation or more in your family? Were you baptized, confirmed or married at PUC? If not, where, when, how did you begin your affiliation with UCC in other areas of the country?
Please take a few moments to write your personal and/or your family’s story in order for us to include it in a book and hear it one day in church. By signing the sheet on the bulletin board, we will know how often to schedule each family’s story over the coming months. If you are close to or know of a family that in recent past is no longer with us, please feel free to share their story also.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Details/questions – contact Jane or Duncan
An advance planning event:
This is a notice of the second annual ecumenical worship service and potluck event held at Bethel United Church. Last year, we had a lovely time with about 45 people with 7 different churches represented. The sentiment “we should do this more often” was heard many times.
So, we are!
Bethel United Church would like to invite you to be part of this on July 7 beginning at 4:30 PM. We will have an informal worship service, that I hope all of you can participate in, and it will be followed by a ‘true’ potluck supper. Last year the tables were groaning with food!!! I’m considering using Matthew 18:30 “Where 2 or 3 are gathered….” and that we can specifically address rural and small church issues.
Shine On, Shine On
AS OF June 29th
Portland United Church Council
Devotional Reflection
June 29, 2024
Never a day goes by when I do not think of many incidents to thank God for. But I have to say, last Wednesday started out rough. My usual ‘cheery’ self was almost left behind. Jumping out of bed, the hassock, next to my bed, must have moved itself into my path! I stubbed my toe hard enough to rip off my toenail!
Add to that the blood spurting out, trying to find a bandage and get ready for work in time.
Without too much pondering, you know that took a little extra singing and praying and giving thanks. It’s not easy to thank God for the blessing of pain!
But it got me to thinking – What does Romans 8: 28 really mean? Does it play a part in those daily occurrences that happen to us.
You see, we sometimes use this verse, but only the beginning of it – All things work together for good.
If we were to study this verse in context with other Scriptures, we would soon realize what ‘our good’ actually is. It is not our comfort, or even worldly success. It is really those times when we see God at work, growing His purposes in us.
Isn’t that an amazing revelation – God working in the midst of our hardships, doubts, challenges, our good times – all this for our good as we strive to live a life of faith and trust, fulfilling our calling at the same time – working for God’s Kingdom to be increased.
I wonder if you can recall such a moment in your life when you began to doubt and suddenly you are able to see the exact purpose of the journey you are on.
I remember a line from a hymn I used to sing: ‘When I cannot see the way, I will trust and still obey.’
All jest aside, as we live out our ordinary lives, there are moments of extraordinary events that will change us, will renew our faith, will cause our trust to grow. When you have those moments, take the time to thank God for being part of His Kingdom-building team!
You are blessed. You are loved.
Liz Church, Director of Pastoral Care
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge