Elgin Portland United Church
Advance notice JAN 25, 2025 our Canadian Women in Song troupe plays the Joshua Bates Centre, Athens. Get your tickets early. joshuabatescentre.com
Bible Discussion Groups
Reason to read the Bible #21: The Bible helps save us from wrong teachings that might jeopardize our hope. Matthew 24:4 Jesus said: “See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray.” Two meetings each week: Portland UC on Monday at 6:30; Elgin meeting this week will be at Myrian Cooper’s home (1555 Chaffey’s Lock Road), Tuesday 10am. Please join us. For info contact Jim at ccjimbarton@gmail.com or 613-328-4089.
Don’t be left out, get your tickets for Jeff Rogers, Small Halls concert at Elgin United this Saturday, October 5 @ 7 pm.
Y@HBC will meet next on Thursday the 17th of October at 9 am at the Junction restaurant. Everyone welcome. More information the week before. Ted
Mark your calendars for the “You Can Call Me 80’s – Epic Hits Vol. 1” concert at Elgin United, on October 25th and 26th @ 7 pm. Tickets are on sale.
Elgin Portland United Church Council
Elgin United Church
Happy Birthday to Jim Campbell, may he have an extraordinarily enjoyable day.
This is a gentle reminder that the need at the Elgin Food Bank is continuing to increase. You can donate in different ways. You can donate via e-transfer to United Church Of Canada-Elgin <treasurer-euc@eppc-ucc.ca> You can also make a donation in your envelope under “other” or by PAR.
Elgin United Church
Portland United Church
Celebration of Sacrament of Baptism for Nina Diana Daber @ Portland United United at 9:15 a.m.
PUC Council meeting October 8th at 7 p.m.
UCW Meeting October 15th at 1:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome.
Portland UCW Apple Pie Sale. Thank you to all the UCW helpers and those who purchased apple pies. We are sold out. Watch for the Tourtiere sign-up list in November.
UCW Fall Rally at Portland United Church on October 8th, 2024. Registration @ 9:30, starting @ 10: $15.00 for Lunch. Guest Speaker: Rev. Lynne Gardiner
Portland United Church
Devotional Reflection
October 5, 2024
This summer a friend of mine made a spiritual pilgrimage to the northern part of Spain. I received a text from him when he returned. He talked about some days he walked 40 km. and other days, only 10km. Differences in weather, terrain, stamina. Here’s the thing. Each day of his pilgrimage he prayed for a person, a community of faith, friends, family. I was one of those he prayed for. As he walked, he was spiritually renewed.
I realize that I may never make this kind of spiritual pilgrimage but I want to understand that deep, deep feeling of caring and love for others. I want to share the amazing experience of living a life for God and sharing His love to the world.
I began thinking about my community. What makes it tick? Do you know your neighbour? What about the new mother down the street? Or the young family whose father is very ill? What about the businesses within your community? Do you pray for them? For their success? And the children? You see them boarding school buses each morning. Have you prayed for them, for their teachers, for their families?
My mind begins to wander.
I think about my community as a labyrinth. As I walk each path, I feel that desire to pray for the person across the street. The yellow house on the corner, what needs do they have? Is that house, near the water’s edge, with children in it, doing ok in this financial unstable time? Is there something I can do, something I can offer to help carry their burden?
As I continue my neighbourhood walk, I sense my soul being stirred. I am made aware of who is my neighbour. I continue. And momentarily I am lost in the thoughts and feelings of those around me.
I hear God whispering to me – ‘Continue my child, there is more I have to teach you.’
My path zig-zags a little. I meander through a park. I take a short cut through a backyard. My path is different than I expected. Why did I come this way? Was I being led? I become aware that an hour has passed, I have prayed for a dozen families in my community. But there are more, so many more. Another day, another walk, another prayer.
I slowly turn toward home. I have more questions as I look about me. Some people in my community come close as I walk this community labyrinth. Some become farther away.
I begin to see a spiritual parallel to this journey I am on. Some lives hide behind erected walls. Can I scale them and bring those people a message of hope? There are others who seem to draw you in. They want to hear the message of God’s love. Is your heart open to this challenge?
I realize many people are trapped within their own labyrinth of life – looking for a way of escape, or trying to find a way to the center of peace.
When you become engaged in the walking of a path, somewhere in the labyrinth, I am certain your soul’s longing will begin to break forth. You will be a new person, filled with endless possibilities of renewed strength, a transformed mind and a joy that flows out to the world.
You are loved. You are blessed.
Liz Church, Director of Pastoral Care
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge
Labyrinth communities where will your roads lead?